
3.5. Creating an LVM-VDO volume

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This procedure creates an VDO logical volume (LV) on a VDO pool LV.

Conditions préalables

  • Install the VDO software. For more information, see Installing VDO.
  • An LVM volume group with free storage capacity exists on your system.


  1. Pick a name for your VDO LV, such as vdo1. You must use a different name and device for each VDO LV on the system.

    In all the following steps, replace vdo-name with the name.

  2. Create the VDO LV:

    # lvcreate --type vdo \
               --name vdo-name
               --size physical-size
               --virtualsize logical-size \
    • Replace vg-name with the name of an existing LVM volume group where you want to place the VDO LV.
    • Replace logical-size with the amount of logical storage that the VDO LV will present.
    • If the physical size is larger than 16TiB, add the following option to increase the slab size on the volume to 32GiB:

      --config 'allocation/vdo_slab_size_mb=32768'

      If you use the default slab size of 2GiB on a physical size larger than 16TiB, the lvcreate command fails with the following error:

      ERROR - vdoformat: formatVDO failed on '/dev/device': VDO Status: Exceeds maximum number of slabs supported

      Exemple 3.1. Creating a VDO LV for container storage

      For example, to create a VDO LV for container storage on a 1TB VDO pool LV, you can use:

      # lvcreate --type vdo \
                 --name vdo1
                 --size 1T
                 --virtualsize 10T \

      If a failure occurs when creating the VDO volume, remove the volume to clean up.

  3. Create a file system on the VDO LV:

    • For the XFS file system:

      # mkfs.xfs -K /dev/vg-name/vdo-name
    • For the ext4 file system:

      # mkfs.ext4 -E nodiscard /dev/vg-name/vdo-name

Ressources supplémentaires

  • lvmvdo(7) man page
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