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Chapter 6. Reporting RHEL for Real Time bugs

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The preferred method for reporting a RHEL for Real Time bug is to submit a bug report on the Red Hat Bugzilla. Before filing a bug, it is useful to identify the source where the problem occurred, such as the standard kernel or the RHEL for Real Time kernel.

6.1. Diagnosing RHEL for Real Time bugs

Identifying which kernel, the RHEL for Real Time or the standard kernel, is the source of the problem can increase the chances of having your bug fixed faster. By following the procedure steps, you can diagnose the source of the problem before submitting a bug report.


  • The latest version of RHEL for Real Time kernel is installed.


  1. Verify that you have the latest version of the RHEL for Real Time kernel.
  2. Boot into RHEL for Real Time kernel using the GRUB menu.
  3. If the problem occurs, report a bug against RHEL for Real Time.
  4. Try to reproduce the problem with the standard kernel.

    This troubleshooting step assists in identifying the problem location.


If the problem does not occur with the standard kernel, then the bug is probably the result of changes introduced in the RHEL for Real Time specific enhancements, which Red Hat has applied on top of the baseline (4.18.0) kernel.

6.2. Submitting a bug report with Bugzilla

After identifying the bug specific to RHEL for Real Time, use the following procedure steps to submit a bug report with Bugzilla.


  • You have a Red Hat Bugzilla account.


  1. Log into your Bugzilla account.
  2. Click Enter A New Bug Report.
  3. Select Red Hat classification.
  4. Select the Red Hat Enterprise Linux product.
  5. Enter Component.
    For example, use kernel-rt if it is a kernel issue or the name of the affected user space component, such as rteval.
  6. Provide a detailed description of the bug issue for RHEL for Real Time kernel.

    When entering the problem description you can also state if you were able to reproduce the problem on the standard RHEL 8 kernel.

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