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Chapter 4. Known Issues

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4.1. Reboot requirement detection

The reboot requirement detection is not reliable on RHEL 8.5 and later on platform ppc64le.

A failed reboot requirement detection can lead to unnecessary reboots at the end of a playbook which calls the preconfiguration roles. Role parameters are available for avoiding reboots, and playbooks can be extended to unconditionally reboot a system. See bug 2166444 for more information.

4.2. Extended check (Assert) function

Be careful when using the extended check (=assert) function of the preconfigure roles.

The preconfigure roles can run in an assert mode, in which case they do not modify managed nodes but report the compliance of a node with the applicable SAP notes. When using the same control node also for modifying the system configuration, by running the preconfigure roles in normal mode, extra caution needs to be applied to ensure that a "normal" playbook is not accidentally used for checking the system configuration. It is strongly recommended to only run the roles on production systems after testing them on test and QA systems first.

4.3. DNS name resolution

Role sap_general_preconfigure fails if the DNS domain is not set on the managed node.

In case there is no DNS domain set on the managed node, which is typically the case on cloud systems, the role sap_general_preconfigure will fail in task Verify that the DNS domain is set. To avoid this, set the role variable sap_domain in the vars section of your playbook, in an inventory file for the managed node or run the ansible-playbook command with parameter -e "" (replace by your own DNS domain name).

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