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9.35. fabric:mq-create

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create a new broker profile


fabric:mq-create [ --help ] [ --group groupName ] [ --network brokerGroup ] [ --networks-username user ] [ --networks-password password ] [ --create-container containerID, ... ] [ --assign-container containerID, ... ] [ --config configFile ] [ --data dataDir ] [ --kind brokerKind ] [ --replicas num ] [ --port port ] [ --profile profile ] [ --parent-profile parentProfile ] [ --client-profile clientProfile ] [ --client-parent-profile clientParentProfile ] [ --minimum-instances num ] [[ --property ] | [ -D ]prop] [ --jmx-user jmxUser ] [ --jmx-password jmxPassword ] [ --jvm-opts jvmOpts ] [ --version version ] { name }


Table 9.35, “fabric:mq-create Arguments” describes the command's arguments.
Table 9.35. fabric:mq-create Arguments
--helpDisplays the online help for this command.
--group groupNameSpecifies the name of the group to which brokers using this profile are assigned. By default brokers are assigned to the default group.
--network brokerGroupSpecifies a broker group to which brokers using this profile will establish network connections to form a network of brokers. To specify multiple broker groups, specify this flag multiple times on the command line—for example, --network GroupA --network GroupB.
--networks brokerGroupDeprecated.
--networks-usernameSpecifies the username part of the credentials that are used to connect to the broker networks specified by the --network option.
--networks-passwordSpecifies the password part of the credentials that are used to connect to the broker networks specified by the --network option.
--create-container containerID,...Specifies a comma separated list of child containers to create using the new profile. The new containers will be children of the container from which the command is executed.
--assign-container containerID,...Specifies a comma separated list of containers to which the new profile will be deployed.
--config configFileSpecifies the ensemble path of the XML configuration template used by the profile. The path will have the syntax /fabric/configs/versions/version/profiles/profile/config.xml.
--data dataDirSpecifies the path, relative to the container, for storing the persistence data for a broker using the profile.
--kind brokerKindSpecifies the kind of broker which determines to the number of broker instances to be created. Possible values are: StandAlone (one instance); MasterSlave (two instances); Replicated (three instances). The default value is MasterSlave.
--replicas numNumber of replicas required for replicated brokers (which typically use a parent-profile of mq-replicated profile).
--port portPort number for a transport connector, specified using the syntax --port transportConnectorName=port, where transportConnectorName is the value of the name attribute from a transportConnector element in the configuration template. To specify multiple ports, specify this flag multiple times on the command line—for example, --port openwire=11111 --port mqtt-ssl=4321.
--ports portDeprecated.
--no-sslDisables support for SSL/TLS protocol.
--profile profileThe profile name to create or update, if defining N+1 broker groups. Defaults to mq-broker-$GROUP.$NAME.
--parent-profile parentProfileThe parent profile to extend.
--client-profile clientProfileThe profile name for clients to use to connect to the broker group. Defaults to mq-client-$GROUP.
--client-parent-profile clientParentProfileThe parent profile used for the client-profile for clients connecting to the broker group. Defaults to default.
--minimum-instances numMinimum number of containers required of this broker's profile.
--property, -DAdditional properties to define in the profile. To specify multiple properties, specify this flag multiple times on the command line—for example, --property keyA=valA --property keyB=valB.
--jmx-userThe JMX username for logging on to the parent's JMX port.
--jmx-passwordThe JMX password for logging on to the parent's JMX port.
--jvm-optsSpecify options to pass to the container's JVM.
--version versionSpecifies the version into which the profile is stored. Defaults to the current default version.
nameSpecifies the name of the new broker profile.


To create a new broker profile with the name myBrokerProfile that uses the XML template file myConfigTemplate.xml use the command:
fabric:mq-create --config /fabric/configs/versions/1.0/profiles/mq-base/myConfigTemplate.xml myBrokerProfile
To create a new broker profile and create a new container using the new profile use the command:
fabric:mq-create --config /fabric/configs/versions/1.0/profiles/mq-base/myConfigTemplate.xml --create-container broker1 myBrokerProfile
To create a new broker profile and associate it with an existing container use the command:
fabric:mq-create --config /fabric/configs/versions/1.0/profiles/mq-base/myConfigTemplate.xml --assign-container container1 myBrokerProfile

SSL/TLS support

For SSL/TLS support, the Java command-line utility, keytool, must be available on your PATH. To disable SSL/TLS support, specify the --no-ssl option.
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