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4.4. Disconnect Container from Fabric

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For containers that joined a Fabric using fabric:join, the only way to disconnect from the fabric is by using the fabric:leave command.
This command is only available from R13 and later.


If you created a container using the fabric:container-create-child command, use the fabric:delete command as all of the details are stored within Zookeeper. However, for containers that joined a Fabric using fabric:join, the only way to disconnect from the fabric is by using the fabric:leave command.

Use the command

If you specify the container using the fabric:leave command, the specified container leaves the fabric. Otherwise, fabric:leave disconnects the current container from the fabric.
fabric:leave containerName
Container containerName will be disconnected from Fabric. This operation is not reversible.
Do you want to proceed? (yes/no): yes
Container containerName will leave Fabric and restart - cleanup will be done asynchronously.
Once you see the above validation, you can create or join a container with the name (containerName) in the Fabric environment.


There are several reasons you may be unable to disconnect the container from the fabric. The table below helps guide you if you encounter these scenarios.
Table 4.1. fabric:leave Validation
Console ValidationAction
Container is part of the ensemble. It can't be disconnected from fabric.
In this case, you will not be able to disconnect the container.
fabric:leave xyz
Container xyz does not exist.
Check your spelling of the container to be sure you put in the right container name.
fabric:leave child
Container was created using Fabric. Please use fabric:container-delete command instead.
As the container did not join the fabric using the join command, use the suggested method to disconnect the container.
fabric:leave joined
Container joined has dependent containers ([child]). Can't disconnect it. Please remove its child containers first.
Remove the child containers before attempting to disconnect the desired container.
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