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4.2. List of Known Issues

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The following list describes known issues in version 6.3:
[ENTESB-13343] Maven resolution of remote repository artifacts are broken on Oracle JDK7 [and IBM JDK7]
Due to recent changes in the security requirements for connecting to the Maven central repository, Oracle JDK 1.7 and IBM JDK7 is no longer compatible with Maven central and is unable to download Maven artifacts. Specifically, Maven resolution through the internal Fuse Maven proxy from HTTPS secured repositories is broken on Oracle JDK7 and IBM JDK7. We recommend that you upgrade to Oracle JDK 1.8 to avoid this issue.
[ENTESB-11757] [QUICKSTART] camel-linkedin quickstart is not working
In Fuse 6.3, the Camel LinkedIn component is no longer able to communicate with the LinkedIn server, because it is implemented using the LinkedIn Version 1.0 API, which is no longer supported by LinkedIn. The Camel LinkedIn component will be updated to use the Version 2 API in a future patch release of Fuse 6.3.
[SWITCHYARD-2936] Add support for Integration Pack with Kie 6.4.0
For SwitchYard projects in JBoss Fuse 6.3, and in the associated Integration Pack, there is no longer a backward compatibility layer, so we have added support for the Integration Pack BPM & Rules components (Fuse-specific) as well as the SwitchYard ones (more basic components for community releases). When you specify an Integration Pack and Kie version for your SwitchYard project, the appropriate components are selected. There is a known issue, however, if you select both varieties of BPM or Rules components and don't have Integration Pack versions specified. If you accidentally check both of them and are not using the Integration Pack, simply uncheck the (Integration Pack) version on the Capabilities page. Other supported components are not affected.
[ENTESB-6038] Error loading situations when using Postgres
RTGov 6.2.1 and 6.3 configured with Postgres for the OverlordRTGov datasource fails to load situations in the RT-Gov UI. You can work around this problem by modifying the standalone-full.xml configuration file as follows:
   <configuration name="overlord-rtgov">

           <!-- ADD THIS -->
          <property name="hibernate.transaction.factory_class" value="org.hibernate.transaction.JTATransactionFactory"/>
          <property name="hibernate.transaction.manager_lookup_class" value="org.hibernate.transaction.JBossTransactionManagerLookup"/>

          <!-- REMOVE/COMMENT THIS -->
          <!--property name="JpaStore.jtaPlatform" value="org.hibernate.service.jta.platform.internal.JBossAppServerJtaPlatform"/-->

          <!-- ... other properties -->
[ENTESB-6079] The domain-camel.xml in Fuse on EAP doesn't work OOTB
The domain-camel.xml domain configuration file in Fuse on EAP does not work at the earlier patch levels of JBoss EAP 6.4. You need to use JBoss EAP 6.4.7 or later for this configuration file to work.
[ENTESB-4995] Classloader leak in wildfly-camel ContextCreateHandlerRegistryService
JBoss Fuse on JBoss EAP with a small metaspace can lead to OutOfMemoryError. SwitchYard is unaffected by this.
[ENTESB-6033] Qpid jms client hangs when used in camel route
The Camel AMQP component, which is based on the Qpid JMS client, freezes when it is used in a Camel route. This is because the associated camel-amqp Karaf feature depends on the wrong version of the Qpid Proton-J library. This issue will be fixed in an upcoming patch.
[ENTESB-4850] No bean could be found in the registry for: ConnectionFactory of type: javax.jms.ConnectionFactory
In certain circumstances, when deploying multiple Camel JMS endpoints into a JBoss EAP container, the following error can be thrown:
org.apache.camel.NoSuchBeanException: No bean could be found in the registry for: ConnectionFactory of type: javax.jms.ConnectionFactory
This error can occur either in a SwitchYard application or in a Camel on EAP (Wildfly Camel) application. There are two known workarounds for this issue:

Workaround 1: Use the org.jboss.server.bootstrap.maxThreads system property

If you face this issue, you can start JBoss EAP with the org.jboss.server.bootstrap.maxThreads system property with a value less than or equal to 3 to resolve the issue, as follows:

$ ./bin/ -c standalone-full.xml -Dorg.jboss.server.bootstrap.maxThreads=3
Note that the default value of org.jboss.server.bootstrap.maxThreads is (number of processors)*2 and setting it to a value lower than the default may slow the startup time of JBoss EAP.

Workaround 2: Use the org.switchyard.deployment.disableAutoStartup SwitchYard domain property

If the first workaround does not work for you, you can then disable auto start-up of SwitchYard bindings by setting the org.switchyard.deployment.disableAutoStartup domain property to true to resolve the issue.

<switchyard xmlns="urn:switchyard-config:switchyard:1.0" xmlns:sca="" [...]>
      <property name="org.switchyard.deployment.disableAutoStartup" value="${org.switchyard.deployment.disableAutoStartup:true}"/>
Note that if you disabled auto start-up of SwitchYard bindings, you need to manually start the bindings after the applications are deployed.
[ENTESB-5653] Profile-import fails on Windows paths (with backslashes)
When using the profile-import Karaf console command with Windows paths (using backslashes), the command fails, because the backslashes are left out. The workaround is to use forward slashes instead. For example:
JBossFuse:karaf@root> profile-import file:C:/jboss-fuse-6.3.0.redhat-xxx/
[ENTESB-5231] PHP script language does not work
The PHP scripting language is not supported in Camel applications on the Apache Karaf container, because there is no OSGi bundle available for PHP.
[ENTESB-5232] Python language does not work
The Python scripting language is not supported in Camel applications on the Apache Karaf container, because there is no OSGi bundle available for Python.
[ENTESB-5911] bpel-jms-binding is not working on solaris11sparc
The bpel-jms-binding example from Apache Karaf quickstarts/switchyard does not work on the Solaris 11 operating system.
[ENTESB-5892] Jetty - Applications: Links in the list are wrong
In the Fuse Management Console (Hawtio console) on the Apache Karaf container, when you navigate to the Jetty menu tab, the URL links for the Jetty applications shown on this page are incorrect.
[ENTESB-5117] [patching] Add patch feature by default to admin:create child containers
By default, child containers created using the admin:create Karaf console command do not support the new JBoss Fuse patching mechanism, because the requisite patch feature is not available. You can work around this limitation by creating a child container using the following command:
admin:create --featureURL mvn:io.fabric8.patch/patch-features/1.2.0.redhat-630xxx/xml/features --feature patch test
Where 1.2.0.redhat-630xxx might need to be replaced by whatever version of fabric8 you are using in your container.
[ENTESB-5911] bpel-jms-binding is not working on solaris11sparc
The bpel-jms-binding quickstart for SwitchYard on Apache Karaf (in the quickstarts/switchyard/bpel-jms-binding directory) does not work on Solaris 11, due to a ClassNotFound error.
[ENTESB-5892] Jetty - Applications: Links in the list are wrong
If you click on the Jetty tab of the Fuse Management Console (Hawtio), the links appearing in the Url column of this page are incorrect.
[ENTESB-4291] Conflict in Saxon implementations (switchyard-bpel, camel-saxon)
In the Apache Karaf container, the switchyard-bpel feature and the camel-saxon feature cannot both be installed at the same time, because they use conflicting versions of the Saxon parsing library. In testing we have seen classpath issues such as the following when both features are installed together:
Caused by: java.lang.NoSuchMethodException: net.sf.saxon.Controller.setMessageEmitter(net.sf.saxon.event.Receiver)
	at java.lang.Class.getMethod(
	at org.apache.camel.builder.xml.XsltBuilder.doStart(
	... 42 more
[ENTESB-5447] Cannot add openjpa, camel-hbase, or camel-hdfs features to featuresBoot
If you add any of the features, openjpa, camel-hbase, or camel-hdfs, to featuresBoot in the etc/org.apache.karaf.features.cfg file, this will result in an OSGi wiring error. All of these features are deprecated in any case.
[CAMEL-10237] Problem setting JMSX JMS properties on OracleAQ
The Camel JMS component is affected by a regression error that can cause problems integrating with Oracle AQ. This issue has already been fixed in the Apache Camel community project and the fix will be made available in a patch for JBoss Fuse 6.3.
[ENTESB-3982] If changing the BPEL data source, you may need to restart EAP
If you install a new data source for BPEL in JBoss EAP, it might be necessary to restart the JBoss EAP container—instead of simply executing :reload—in order for the data source to be recognized.
[ENTESB-4408] Patching functionality in Fuse Management Console (Hawtio) temporarily disabled
The patching functionality in the Fuse Management Console (Hawtio) has been disabled since JBoss Fuse 6.2.1. This is because the Hawtio UI has not been updated to use the new patching mechanism. To install Fabric patches, use the Karaf console instead. This issue will be fixed in a future release.
[ENTESB-3938] JBoss Fuse 6.2.1 takes a long time to start up on OpenStack
When a JBoss Fuse 6.2.1 container is deployed on RHEL Openstack Platform, it can take a long time (several minutes) for the container to start up. A workaround is to add the following option to the JVM that starts the container (for example, by setting the JAVA_OPTS environment variable):
The extra dot in the pathname, as in /./, is required.
The effect of the workaround is to replace the default /dev/random by /dev/urandom. The alternative is faster, but less random than /dev/random. This has an impact on any security packages that depend on this device to generate entropy and random numbers.
[ENTESB-4390] Some quickstarts using SAAJ API fail on IBM JAVA
When using the Apache Karaf container with IBM Java version 1.7.0, the following quickstarts can fail:
  • bean-service
  • soap-attachment
With the following error:
java.lang.IllegalAccessError: Class com/sun/org/apache/xerces/internal/dom/ElementImpl illegally accessing "package private" member of class com/sun/org/apache/xerces/internal/dom/CoreDocumentImpl
This appears to be a problem with the IBM JDK. You can work around the problem as follows:
  1. Remove saaj-api from endorsed libraries:
    rm lib/endorsed/org.apache.servicemix.specs.saaj-api-1.3-2.5.0.jar
  2. Before invoking the ./bin/fuse script:, set the JAVA_OPTS environment variable as follows:
[AESH-324] Don't require special chars within arguments to be escaped
The S-RAMP query language currently requires you to escape special characters in a function argument. For example, in the following query you must escape the single quotes around 'submit.*' using the backslash character:
[ENTESB-3980] ERROR: duplicate key value violates unique constraint "pg_type_typname_nsp_index"
After a clean installation of S-RAMP to to JBoss EAP 6.4.0 with a PostgreSQL database and after first navigation to the Artifacts | Dashboard page, the following exception is thrown.
Caused by: org.postgresql.util.PSQLException: ERROR: duplicate key value violates unique constraint "pg_type_typname_nsp_index"
  Detail: Key (typname, typnamespace)=(artificerartifact, 136381) already exists.
	at org.postgresql.core.v3.QueryExecutorImpl.receiveErrorResponse(
This error has no effect on the S-RAMP functionality, however, and can safely be ignored.
[FABRIC-963] Cannot create a fabric on a Windows 7 operating system with Java 7
To connect to the ZooKeeper server, you must change the connectivity type from IPv6 to IPv4. For the detailed solution, see the following Customer Portal article: Cannot create fabric in JBoss Fuse 6.1 Beta on Windows 7
[ENTESB-2443] Google Mail API - Sending of messages and drafts is not synchronous
When you send a message or draft, the response contains a Message object with an ID. It may not be possible to immediately get this message via another call to the API. You may have to wait and retry the call.
[ENTESB-2458] Google Mail Component - Import of message throws sometimes SocketTimeoutException
Importing a message may throw a if the send operation was called before. Workaround: After a send call wait for few moments before calling import.
[ENTESB-2365] Google Drive API bug - Response of permission insert operation mostly does not contain emailAddress property
Response of permission insert operation sometimes does not return emailAddress property even if the value of request property type was set to user. Nevertheless the permission is successfully inserted.
[ENTESB-2332] Google Drive API JSON reponse for changes returns bad count of items for the first page
Google Drive API JSON reponse for changes returns bad count of items for the first page. Setting maxResults for a list operation may not return all the results in the first page. You may have to go through several pages to get the complete list (that is by setting pageToken on new requests).
[ENTESB-3039] [HTTP Gateway] apis mapping rules don't work right after deployment
If the zooKeeperPath property in the is changed, a gateway node restart will be required.
[ENTESB-2929] can't install features camel-avro camel-hbase camel-hdfs2
camel-avro, camel-hbase, camel-hdfs2 are not supported on Solaris / AIX. The camel-hdfs2 feature can only run if you have libsnappyjava.dylib in java.library.path. You must manually setup libsnappyjava.dylib in Red Hat JBoss Fuse before installing these features.
JBossFuse:karaf@root> features:info camel-hdfs2
		Description of camel-hdfs2 2.15.0.redhat-620133 feature
[ENTESB-2924] Insight - Elasticsearch: JsonPretty error: Unable to get property 'toLowerCase' of undefined or null reference (:7999:6)
Insight Elasticsearch page is not supported in IE. The error occurs when clicking rectangles with numbers at Insight - Elasticsearch page.
[ENTESB-2773] [platform AIX HPUX] camel-leveldb missing native library
The camel-leveldb feature is not supported on IBM AIX, HP-UX, and Oracle Solaris operating systems.
[ENTESB-2513] OSE Fuse JVM sometimes dies with SIGABRT
RHEL customers need to upgrade openjdk to java-1.7.0-openjdk- or later which will fix the SIGABRT.
[ENTESB-2069] Container which is created from Hawtio can not start if restarting openshift node
After restarting OpenShift, containers created from Hawtio cannot be started. This happens because the containers started before the ZooKeeper starts running will fail to start. The workaround is to wait for the start and keep restarting until we get connected to ZooKeeper.
[ENTESB-4490] Integration Pack Maven Repository is missing some CXF artifacts
For users intending to use the Integration Pack with Maven, the Integration Pack pom.xml files do not consistently define the versions for the camel-cxf and cxf Maven artifacts. For an explantion of how to set up the Maven dependencies in this case, see chapter "Configuring Maven Dependencies" in "Integration Guide".
[FUSEDOC-1716] The examples/samples projects is missing from apache-camel-2.17.0.redhat-630187/
JBoss Fuse 6.3 does not provide a code sample for how to deploy an Apache CXF web service endpoint. Documentation for an unsupported example has been removed from the end of the JBoss Fuse 6.3 document, "Deploying into a Web Server".
There is an Apache Camel CXF JAX-WS example that is available from the upstream Wildfly Camel project. This example requires the Undertow servlet container, which is not supported in JBoss Fuse 6.3. Red Hat expects to provide a supported sample in a future release.
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