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9.4. Operation Selectors

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9.4.1. Operation Selector

Use the OperationSelector to determine which service operation should be invoked for the message exchange.

9.4.2. Types of Operation Selectors

SwitchYard provides the following options for Operation Selectors.
Operation selectors are used in combination with a service binding to help SwitchYard determine the target operation for a service invocation. When a service only has a single operation, an operation selector should not be used. If an operation selector is used for a service with a single operation, failure to assign an operation in the operation selector will not result in an error. If an operation selector fails to assign an operation for a service with multiple operations an error is reported.
Static Operation Selector
You can specify an operation name in the configuration. Here is what a Static Operation Selector configuration looks like:
    <swyd:operationSelector operationName="greet" xmlns:swyd="urn:switchyard-config:switchyard:1.0"/>
(... snip ...)
XPath Operation Selector
You can specify an XPath location which contains an operation name to be invoked in the message contents. Here is what an XPath Operation Selector configuration looks like:
    <swyd:operationSelector.xpath expression="//person/language" xmlns:swyd="urn:switchyard-config:switchyard:1.0"/>
(... snip ...)
For this configuration, if you specify the following message content, then the operation spanish() is invoked:
Regex Operation Selector
You can specify a regular expression to find an operation name to be invoked in the message contents. Here is what a Regex Operation Selector configuration looks like:
    <swyd:operationSelector.regex expression="[a-zA-Z]*Operation" xmlns:swyd="urn:switchyard-config:switchyard:1.0"/>
(... snip ...)
For this configuration, if you specify the following message content, then the operation regexOperation() is invoked:
xxx yyy zzz regexOperation aaa bbb ccc
Java Operation Selector
You can specify a Java class which is able to determine the operation to be invoked. Here is what a Java Operation Selector configuration looks like:
    < class="org.switchyard.example.MyOperationSelectorImpl" xmlns:swyd="urn:switchyard-config:switchyard:1.0"/>
(... snip ...)
Here, the org.switchyard.example.MyOperationSelectorImpl has to implement org.switchyard.selector.OperationSelector or be a subclass of concrete OperationSelector classes for each service bindings. You can override the selectOperation() method as you like.
Following are the default OperationSelector implementation for each service bindings:
  • Camel : org.switchyard.component.camel.selector.CamelOperationSelector
  • JCA/JMS : org.switchyard.component.jca.selector.JMSOperationSelector
  • JCA/CCI : org.switchyard.component.jca.selector.CCIOperationSelector
  • HTTP : org.switchyard.component.http.selector.HttpOperationSelector
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