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Chapter 16. Uninstalling Fuse on OpenShift

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To uninstall Fuse on OpenShift, remove the imagestreams and templates from, with the oc delete command.

16.1. Uninstalling Fuse imagestreams and templates on the OpenShift 4.x server


+ Find the BASEURL for your version and define it as a variable for use in commands below.


  1. Delete the Spring Boot 2 quickstart templates.

    for template in spring-boot-2-camel-amq-template.json \
     spring-boot-2-camel-config-template.json \
     spring-boot-2-camel-drools-template.json \
     spring-boot-2-camel-infinispan-template.json \
     spring-boot-2-camel-rest-3scale-template.json \
     spring-boot-2-camel-rest-sql-template.json \
     spring-boot-2-camel-template.json \
     spring-boot-2-camel-xa-template.json \
     spring-boot-2-camel-xml-template.json \
     spring-boot-2-cxf-jaxrs-template.json \
     spring-boot-2-cxf-jaxws-template.json \
     spring-boot-2-cxf-jaxrs-xml-template.json \
     spring-boot-2-cxf-jaxws-xml-template.json ;
     do oc delete -n openshift -f \
  2. Delete Fuse on OpenShift quickstart templates.

    for template in eap-camel-amq-template.json \
     eap-camel-cdi-template.json \
     eap-camel-cxf-jaxrs-template.json \
     eap-camel-cxf-jaxws-template.json \
     karaf-camel-amq-template.json \
     karaf-camel-log-template.json \
     karaf-camel-rest-sql-template.json \
     karaf-cxf-rest-template.json ;
     oc delete -n openshift -f \
  3. Delete the imagestreams.

    oc delete -n openshift -f ${BASEURL}/fis-image-streams.json
  4. Remove items in the Samples Operator.

    Edit the configuration of Samples Operator:

    oc edit -n openshift-cluster-samples-operator
  5. Remove the Fuse and Spring Boot 2 templates from the skippedImagestreams and skippedTemplates section.
Built-in imagestreams

Some imagestreams and templates are built-in for common use cases. These are managed by the Sample Operator, so you cannot remove them manually. You can ignore them while uninstalling.

Built-in imagestreams are configured with the "true" label in the manifest, so you can verify if it is managed with the oc get and grep commands.


]$ oc get is fuse7-eap-openshift -n openshift -o yaml | grep '' "true"

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