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Chapter 2. Accessing the Fuse Console

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Follow these steps to access the Fuse Console for Red Hat JBoss Enterprise Application Platform.


You must install Fuse on the JBoss EAP container. For step-by-step instructions, see Installing on JBoss EAP.


To access the Fuse Console for a standalone JBoss EAP distribution:

  1. Start Red Hat Fuse standalone with the following command:

    On Linux/Mac OS: ./bin/

    On Windows: ./bin/standalone.bat

  2. In a web browser, enter the URL to connect to the Fuse Console. For example: http://localhost:8080/hawtio
  3. In the login page, enter your user name and password and then click Log In.

By default, the Fuse Console shows the Home page. The left navigation tabs indicate the running plugins.


If the main Fuse Console page takes a long time to display in the browser, you might need to reduce the number and the size of the log files. You can use the periodic-size-rotating-file-handler to rotate the file when it reaches a maximum size (rotate-size) and maintains a number of files (max-backup-index). For details on how to use this handler, see the Red Hat JBoss Enterprise Application Platform product documentation.

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