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Chapter 12. Viewing and managing your OSGI environment
For Apache Karaf standalone distributions, you can view and manage the Red Hat Fuse OSGi environment. You can view and manage container bundles, features, and configurations, as well as Java packages and OSGi services.
The OSGi tab contains a series of subtabs with options for each container component:
- Bundles
- List of installed bundles. You can install and uninstall bundles, start and stop bundles, and edit bundle properties. You can also filter the list and toggle between list and grid view.
- Features
- List of available features. You can install and uninstall features or feature repositories, and drill down to view feature details.
- Packages
- List of installed Java packages. You can view package versions and associated bundles.
- Services
- List of running services. You can view service IDs, associated bundles and object classes.
- Declarative Services
- List of declarative OSGi services. You can view the service state and drill down to view service details. You can also activate and deactivate services.
- Server
- Detailed information about the local or remote host in read-only mode.
- Framework
- Configuration options for the container OSGi framework. You can set the framework start level and the initial bundle start level.
- Configuration
- List of configuration objects. You can view the state of each object and drill down to view or edit object details. You can also create a new configuration object.