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Chapter 4. Deprecated and Removed Features

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4.1. Deprecated

The following features are deprecated in Fuse 7.13 and may be removed in a future release:


Fuse Online is removed in Fuse 7.13

Support for Karaf OSGi runtime and JBoss Enterprise Application Platform (EAP) is deprecated
support for the Karaf OSGi runtime and for JBoss Enterprise Application Platform (EAP) will stop when Fuse 7 moves out of support on June 30, 2024. Camel will no longer be supported on Karaf OSGi or JBoss EAP when Fuse 7 moves out of support.
OpenWire protocol is deprecated
Since Fuse 7.10, use of the OpenWire protocol (which could be used to connect AMQ Broker instances) is deprecated. Note that the OpenWire protocol is also deprecated in AMQ Broker since AMQ Broker version 7.9.0.
wsdl2rest tool is deprecated
Since Fuse 7.10, the wsdl2rest command line tool is deprecated. The WSDL 2 Camel Rest DSL extension for VS Code is also deprecated.
PHP, Python, and Ruby scripting languages are deprecated in Camel applications
The PHP, Python, and Ruby scripting languages are deprecated in Camel applications since Fuse 7.4 and will be removed in a future release. The Camel community has deprecated PHP, Python, and Ruby since Camel 2.19 (see CAMEL-10973). This applies to all Fuse containers types: Apache Karaf, JBoss EAP, and Spring Boot.
HP-UX OS is deprecated
The HP-UX operating system is deprecated since Fuse 7.2 and support for this operating system could be removed in a future release of Fuse. In particular, note that the JBoss EAP 7.2 container has already dropped support for HP-UX and, consequently, any future version of Fuse on JBoss EAP that runs on JBoss EAP 7.2 will not be supported on HP-UX.
Camel MQTT component is deprecated
The Camel MQTT component is deprecated in Fuse 7.0 and will be removed in a future release of Fuse. You can use the Camel Paho component instead, which supports the MQTT messaging protocol using the popular Eclipse Paho library.
Camel LevelDB component is deprecated on all operating systems except for Linux
Since Fuse 6.3, the Camel LevelDB (camel-leveldb) component is deprecated on all operating systems except for Red Hat Enterprise Linux. In the future, the Camel LevelDB component will be supported only on Red Hat Enterprise Linux.
BatchMessage class from the Camel SJMS component is deprecated
The BatchMessage class from the Camel SJMS component is deprecated in Fuse 7 (deprecated in Apache Camel since version 2.17) and may be removed from a future version of Apache Camel and Fuse.

4.2. Removed in Fuse 7.11

Installation of Fuse Online on OCP 3.11
Installing Fuse online environment 7.13 on OCP 3.11 is not supported. The Fuse Online install script is completely removed for installing Fuse Online on OCP 3.11.
RSA/SHA-1 Ciphers Not Supported by Default by camel-ftp and camel-ssh

From Fuse 7.11, the camel-ftp and camel-ssh components will no longer support TLS with RSA/SHA-1 cipher by default. Other Camel components that depend on the JSch library may also be affected.

For more information, see this Red Hat Customer Portal Article.

4.3. Removed in Fuse 7.10

The fabric8-maven-plugin has been completely removed from Fuse 7.10. We recommend that you use the openshift-maven-plugin instead for building and deploying Maven projects in Fuse on OpenShift. The plugin is maintained by Eclipse JKube, which provides extensive documentation for the plugin.

4.4. Removed in Fuse 7.8

Spring Boot 1
Spring Boot 1 is no longer supported in Fuse 7.8. We recommend that you migrate your Spring Boot applications to Spring Boot 2, following the guidance in the Spring Boot 2.0 Migration Guide.
Camel K runtime in Fuse Online
Camel K runtime in Fuse Online (technology preview feature) is no longer supported in Fuse 7.8.
Camel XmlJson component has been removed in 7.8
The Camel XmlJson (camel-xmljson) component has been removed in Fuse 7.8.

4.5. Removed in Fuse 7.5

The following features were removed in Fuse 7.5:

Support for integration with MS SQL Server 2014 has been dropped in 7.5
MS SQL Server 2014 is no longer tested and supported for integrations with Fuse 7.5. We recommend that you use one of the more recent versions of MS SQL Server instead — for example, MS SQL Server 2016 or 2017.
Camel LinkedIn component has been removed in 7.5

The camel-linkedin component has been removed in Fuse 7.5.


Although removed from Fuse 7.5, the camel-linkedin component is likely to be restored in a later release.

4.6. Removed in Fuse 7.3

The following features were removed in Fuse 7.3:

Camel YQL component has been removed in 7.3
The Camel YQL component has been removed in Fuse 7.3.
OpenJPA and OpenJPA3 Karaf features have been removed in 7.3
The openjpa feature and the openjpa3 feature have been removed from the Apache Karaf container in 7.3. For a Java Persistence Architecture (JPA) implementation, use the supported hibernate feature instead.
camel-jetty Karaf feature has been removed in 7.3
The camel-jetty feature has been removed from the Apache Karaf container in 7.3, because it uses Jetty 8. Use the camel-jetty9 feature instead.
pax-jms-oracleaq Karaf feature has been removed in 7.3
The pax-jms-oracleaq feature has been removed from the Apache Karaf container in 7.3, because it requires 3rd party, non-free Oracle AQ libraries.
camel-elasticsearch component has been removed from Fuse on EAP (Wildfly Camel) in 7.3
The camel-elasticsearch component has been removed from Fuse on EAP (Wildfly Camel) in 7.3. Use the newer camel-elasticsearch-rest component instead.

4.7. Removed in Fuse 7.2

The following features were removed in Fuse 7.2:

Camel XMLRPC component has been removed in 7.2
The Camel XMLRPC component has been removed in Fuse 7.2.
Camel Netty component has been removed in 7.2
The Camel Netty component has been removed in Fuse 7.2. It is recommended that you use the Camel Netty4 component instead.

4.8. Removed in Fuse 7.0

The following features were removed in Fuse 7.0:

Support for Red Hat JBoss Operations Network (JON) has been removed in 7.0
Since Fuse 7.0, Fuse on Karaf no longer supports JON and no longer provides JON plugins for integrating with the JON runtime.
Embedded ActiveMQ broker has been removed in 7.0
Since Fuse 7.0, Fuse on Karaf no longer provides an embedded ActiveMQ Broker. Customers should connect to a supported remote broker directly. For more information on our supported brokers, refer to the "Supported Messaging Providers" section of the Red Hat Fuse Supported Configurations page.
Fuse integration pack has been removed in 7.0
Support for running rules and processes is provided by components shipped with Red Hat JBoss BPM Suite and Red Hat JBoss BRMS.
Karaf console commands for child container administration have been removed in 7.0

Since Fuse 7.0, the Karaf console commands for child container administration are not supported. That is, the console commands prefixed by instance: (Karaf 4.x syntax) and the console commands prefixed by admin: (Karaf 2.x syntax) are not supported.


In the Fuse 7.0 GA release, the instance: commands are not removed. This is a known issue.

SwitchYard has been removed in 7.0
Since Fuse 7.0, SwitchYard has been removed, and you should use Apache Camel directly instead. For more detailed information, see the knowledge base article, SwitchYard Support Plan After Releasing Fuse 7.
Support for Fabric8 1.x has been removed in 7.0

Since Fuse 7.0, Fabric8 v1 has been replaced by Fuse on OpenShift (previously, Fuse Integration Services), which includes components of Fabric8 v2 technology. Fuse on OpenShift provides a set of tools and Docker-formatted images that enable development, deployment, and management of integration microservices within OpenShift.

Although Fuse on OpenShift has a different architecture, it fulfills the same provisioning, automation, central configuration and management requirements that Fabric8 v1 provides. For more information, see Fuse on OpenShift Guide.

Camel components for Google App Engine have been removed in 7.0
The Camel components for Google App Engine (camel-gae) have been removed in Fuse 7.0.
Camel jBPM component has been removed in 7.0
The Camel jBPM component (camel-jbpm) has been removed in Fuse 7.0.
Tanuki based wrapper for installing Fuse as a service has been removed in 7.0
The Tanuki based wrapper scripts — generated using the wrapper:install Karaf console command — for installing Fuse as a service have been removed in Fuse 7.0. To install the Apache Karaf container as a service, it is recommended that you use the new karaf-service-*.sh scripts from the bin/contrib directory instead.
Smooks has been removed in 7.0
Since Fuse 7.0, the Smooks component for SwitchYard has been removed.
BPEL has been removed in 7.0
BPEL (based on the Riftsaw project) has been removed from Fuse 7.0. If you are currently using BPEL, it is recommended that you consider migrating to the Red Hat JBoss BPM Suite.
Design Time Governance has been removed in 7.0
The Design Time Governance component has been removed in 7.0.
Runtime Governance has been removed in 7.0
Since Fuse 7.0, the Runtime Governance (RTGov) component has been removed.
S-RAMP has been removed in 7.0
The SOA Repository Artifact Model and Protocol (S-RAMP) component has been removed in Fuse 7.0.
bin/patch script has been removed in 7.0
The bin/patch script (bin\patch.bat on Windows O/S) has been removed in a Fuse 7.0.
Spring Dynamic Modules (Spring-DM) is not supported in 7.0
Spring-DM (which integrates Spring XML with the OSGi service layer in Apache Karaf) is not supported in Fuse 7.0 and you should use the Blueprint framework instead. Using Blueprint XML does not prevent you from using the Java libraries from the Spring framework: the latest version of Spring is compatible with Blueprint.
Apache OpenJPA is not supported in 7.0
The Apache OpenJPA implementation of the Java Persistence API (JPA) is not supported in Fuse7.0. It is recommended that you use the Hibernate implementation instead.

4.9. Replaced in Fuse 7.0

The following features were replaced in Fuse 7.0:

Geronimo transaction manager has been replaced in 7.0
In Fuse 7.0, the Geronimo transaction manager in the Karaf container has been replaced by Narayana.
Jetty container has been replaced in 7.0
In Fuse 7.0, the Jetty container has been replaced by Undertow. Initially, this change applies only to internal use of the Jetty container (for example, in the Karaf container). Other Jetty components might be removed in a future release.
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