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Chapter 162. InfluxDB Component

Available as of Camel version 2.18

This component allows you to interact with InfluxDB https://influxdata.com/time-series-platform/influxdb/ a time series database. The native body type for this component is Point (the native influxdb class), but it can also accept Map<String, Object> as message body and it will get converted to Point.class, please note that the map must contain an element with InfluxDbConstants.MEASUREMENT_NAME as key.

Aditionally of course you may register your own Converters to your data type to Point, or use the (un)marshalling tools provided by camel.

From Camel 2.18 onwards Influxdb requires Java 8.

Maven users will need to add the following dependency to their pom.xml for this component:

    <!-- use the same version as your Camel core version -->

162.1. URI format


162.2. URI Options

The producer allows sending messages to a influxdb configured in the registry, using the native java driver.

The InfluxDB component has no options.

The InfluxDB endpoint is configured using URI syntax:


with the following path and query parameters:

162.2.1. Path Parameters (1 parameters):



Required Connection to the influx database, of class InfluxDB.class



162.2.2. Query Parameters (6 parameters):


batch (producer)

Define if this operation is a batch operation or not



databaseName (producer)

The name of the database where the time series will be stored



operation (producer)

Define if this operation is an insert or a query



query (producer)

Define the query in case of operation query



retentionPolicy (producer)

The string that defines the retention policy to the data created by the endpoint



synchronous (advanced)

Sets whether synchronous processing should be strictly used, or Camel is allowed to use asynchronous processing (if supported).



162.3. Message Headers

NameDefault ValueTypeContextDescription

162.4. Example

Below is an example route that stores a point into the db (taking the db name from the URI) specific key:

        .setHeader(InfluxDbConstants.DBNAME_HEADER, constant("myTimeSeriesDB"))

For more information, see these resources…​

162.5. See Also

  • Configuring Camel
  • Component
  • Endpoint
  • Getting Started
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