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Chapter 9. Learning resources on the Red Hat Hybrid Cloud Console

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There are several ways to learn about using services in the Red Hat Hybrid Cloud Console:

  • The Learning resources link on the left menu of most pages in the console can contain the following resources:

    • In-depth documentation
    • Interactive quick starts to help you complete specific tasks
    • Learning paths to help you get a better understanding of the service or product set
  • The Resource Center, accessed from the light bulb icon at the bottom right of the console, can contain the following resources:

    • Updates and announcements about new features
    • Webinars and blogs
    • Service alerts
    • Product tours
    • Videos

Resources in Learning Resources and the Resource Center change based on the collection of services that you are viewing. Resources are frequently added and removed to keep the content as relevant as possible.

9.1. Bookmarking learning resources

Bookmark Hybrid Cloud Console learning resources that you might want to refer to later.


  1. On the Hybrid Cloud Console home page, click Add widgets and then drag the Bookmarked learning resources widget onto the page. Your changes are saved automatically.
  2. In the Bookmarked learning resources widget, click View all learning resources.
  3. Click the bookmark icon in any learning resource.
  4. On the Hybrid Cloud Console home page, scroll down to Bookmarked learning resources. Your bookmarked learning resources are listed.

Additional resources

9.2. Using Hybrid Cloud Console API documentation

You can use Hybrid Cloud Console API documentation to help you develop Red Hat services that are part of the Hybrid Cloud Console. You can easily find API code for the Hybrid Cloud Console services that you use. The documentation provides examples of each API in different coding languages.

The API documentation is available in two places:

  • The API Catalog and Documentation page on the Red Hat Developer web site: This is a new location for the API documentation that you can access without a Red Hat account.
  • The API documentation page on the Red Hat Hybrid Cloud Console: The documentation available through this page has some useful features such as versioning that are not yet available on the Red Hat Developer web site.


  1. Use one of the following methods to view the Hybrid Cloud Console API documentation:

  2. Perform any of the following tasks:

    • To view the API documentation for an service, click the service name link.
    • To download the API documentation for a specific service, click the Download icon on the service row (console only).
    • To download the API documentation for more than one service, select the services then click Download selected (console only).
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