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Chapter 8. Defining deployment details

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To automate the deployment of Red Hat Hyperconverged Infrastructure for Virtualization using Ansible, you need to define your deployment in the following configuration files.

These files are created on the hyperconverged node and establish SSH public key authentication with itself and other nodes in the cluster.

An inventory file that defines the storage volumes and their layout as Gluster volumes.
An inventory file for single node deployment that defines the storage volumes and their layout as Gluster volumes.
A variable file that defines a number of required values for deployment.


  1. Create backup copies of the example configuration files.

    1. For 3 to 12 nodes deployment, use the following commands to create the backup copies:

      # cd /etc/ansible/roles/gluster.ansible/playbooks/hc-ansible-deployment
      # cp gluster_inventory.yml gluster_inventory.yml.backup
      # cp he_gluster_vars.json he_gluster_vars.json.backup
    2. For single node deployment, use the following commands to create the backup copies:

      #cp single_node_gluster_inventory.yml single_node_gluster_inventory.yml.backup
      # cp he_gluster_vars.json he_gluster_vars.json.backup
  2. Define your deployment in a gluster_inventory.yml for a 3 to 12 nodes deployment or in single_node_gluster_inventory.yml file for a single node deployment.

    Use the example gluster_inventory.yml file to define your deployment. A complete outline of this file is available in Understanding the gluster_inventory.yml file

  3. Define deployment variables in a he_gluster_vars.json file.

    Use the example he_gluster_vars.json file to define the required variables. A complete outline of this file is available in Understanding the he_gluster_vars.json file

  4. Encrypt the he_gluster_vars.json file and specify a password.

    The required variables in he_gluster_vars.json include password values, so it is important to encrypt the file to protect the password values.

    # ansible-vault encrypt he_gluster_vars.json

    Enter and confirm a new vault password when prompted.

    This password is required when you deploy Red Hat Hyperconverged Infrastructure for Virtualization using the process in Executing the deployment playbook.

    See Working with files encrypted using Ansible Vault for more information.

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