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Chapter 2. Executive reports

download PDF

You can download a high-level executive report summarizing the security exposure of your infrastructure. Executive reports are two to three-page PDF files, designed for an executive audience, and include the following information:

On page 1

  • Number of RHEL systems analyzed
  • Number of individual CVEs to which your systems are currently exposed
  • Number of security rules in your infrastructure
  • List of CVEs that have advisories

On page 2

  • Percentage of CVEs by severity (CVSS base score) range
  • Number of CVEs published by 7, 30, and 90 day time frame
  • Top three CVEs in your infrastructure, including security rules and known exploits

On page 3

  • Security rule breakdown by severity
  • Top 3 security rules, including severity and number of exposed systems

2.1. Downloading an executive report

Use the following steps to download an executive report:


  1. Navigate to the Security > Vulnerability > Reports tab and log in if necessary.
  2. On the Executive report card, click Download PDF.
  3. Click Save File and click OK.


  1. Verify that the PDF file is in your Downloads folder or other specified location.

2.2. Downloading an executive report using the vulnerability service API

You can download an executive report using the vulnerability service API.

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