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Chapter 7. Monitoring Debezium
You can use the JMX metrics provided by Zookeeper and Kafka to monitor Debezium. To use these metrics, you must enable them when you start the Zookeeper, Kafka, and Kafka Connect services. Enabling JMX involves setting the correct environment variables.
If you are running multiple services on the same machine, be sure to use distinct JMX ports for each service.
7.1. Monitoring Debezium on RHEL
7.1.1. Zookeeper JMX environment variables
Zookeeper has built-in support for JMX. When running Zookeeper using a local installation, the zkServer.sh
script recognizes the following environment variables:
Enables JMX and specifies the port number that will be used for JMX. The value is used to specify the JVM parameter
Whether JMX clients must use password authentication when connecting. Must be either
. The default isfalse
. The value is used to specify the JVM parameter-Dcom.sun.management.jmxremote.authenticate=$JMXAUTH
Whether JMX clients connect using SSL/TLS. Must be either
. The default isfalse
. The value is used to specify the JVM parameter-Dcom.sun.management.jmxremote.ssl=$JMXSSL
Whether the Log4J JMX MBeans should be disabled. Must be either
(default) orfalse
. The default istrue
. The value is used to specify the JVM parameter-Dzookeeper.jmx.log4j.disable=$JMXLOG4J
7.1.2. Kafka JMX environment variables
When running Kafka using a local installation, the kafka-server-start.sh
script recognizes the following environment variables:
Enables JMX and specifies the port number that will be used for JMX. The value is used to specify the JVM parameter
The JMX options, which are passed directly to the JVM during startup. The default options are:
7.1.3. Kafka Connect JMX environment variables
When running Kafka using a local installation, the connect-distributed.sh
script recognizes the following environment variables:
Enables JMX and specifies the port number that will be used for JMX. The value is used to specify the JVM parameter
The JMX options, which are passed directly to the JVM during startup. The default options are:
7.2. Monitoring Debezium on OpenShift
If you are using Debezium on OpenShift, you can obtain JMX metrics by opening a JMX port on 9999
. For more information, see JMX Options.
In addition, you can use Prometheus and Grafana to monitor the JMX metrics. For more information, see Introducing Metrics.