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Businesses increasingly need to access data residing in multiple disparate data sources. Therefore, you need to consider ways of making this information readily available for them to use.

Red Hat JBoss Data Virtualization is a data integration solution used to integrate data from sources such as relational databases, text files, web services, and ERP/CRM mainframe systems, as well as "big data" datasources such as Apache Hadoop (Hive) and MongoDB.

Red Hat JBoss Data Virtualization provides a unified virtualized view of information combined from multiple disparate sources. It hides details from the end user about the physical data sources, such as location, structure, API, access language and storage technology. This allows for more effort to be spent on data analysis and manipulation rather than on technical issues regarding the physical separation of the data. A virtual database (VDB) is used to map physical data sources to integrated views. At runtime, queries submitted against these views are coordinated among the dependent physical data sources, according to query criteria and the mappings defined by the VDB.

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