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Chapter 9. Running in Cloud Environments

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9.1. Run Red Hat JBoss Data Virtualization in an Amazon AWS Cloud Instance

Procedure 9.1. Running Red Hat JBoss Data Virtualization in an Amazon Cloud

  1. Open ports by updating the security group. (At a minimum, you will need to open the TCP, HTTP and SSH ports.)
  2. To start the server, add the following parameters to bind the management and host ports: and -b


    -b is a shortcut for -Djboss.bind.address
    Here is an example:
    ./ -b
  3. To access the AWS instance from Teiid Designer, go to the JBDS preferences and select General -> Network Connections SSH2.
    Next, under the Key Management tab, click Load Existing Key to add the key generated by Amazon.
  4. To create a server connection, on the Server Configuration Overview Panel, under Server Behavior, select Remote System Deployment. Also ensure you check Server is externally managed...
    Click the New Host button, select the SSH Only option and click Next.
    Set the Host Name to match the Amazon public IP address and make the connection name the same.
    Click Finish.
  5. Open the Remote Systems tab.
    Right mouse click the new connection and click connect. Fill in the User ID. (You do not need to provide a password if your SSH key is configured.)
  6. Go back to the server configuration overview panel and confirm that the Host drop-down has selected the new host that you have created.
  7. Start the server. (This switches the state of the server you already started.)
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