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Chapter 3. New features and enhancements

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JBoss EAP 8.0 introduces the following new features and enhancements.

3.1. Jakarta EE 10 support

JBoss EAP 8 provides support for Jakarta EE 10 and implements the Jakarta EE 10 Core Profile, Web Profile and Full Platform standards, including:

  • Jakarta Activation 2.1
  • Jakarta Annotations 2.1
  • Jakarta Authentication 3.0
  • Jakarta Authorization 2.1
  • Jakarta Batch 2.1
  • Jakarta Bean Validation 3.0
  • Jakarta Concurrency 3.0
  • Jakarta Connectors 2.1
  • Jakarta Contexts and Dependency Injection 4.0
  • Jakarta Debugging Support for Other Languages 2.0
  • Jakarta Dependency Injection 2.0
  • Jakarta Enterprise Beans 4.0
  • Jakarta Enterprise Web Services 2.0
  • Jakarta Expression Language 5.0
  • Jakarta Interceptors 2.1
  • Jakarta JSON Binding 3.0
  • Jakarta JSON Processing 2.1
  • Jakarta Mail 2.1
  • Jakarta Messaging 3.1
  • Jakarta Persistence 3.1
  • Jakarta RESTful Web Services 3.1
  • Jakarta Security 3.0
  • Jakarta Server Faces 4.0
  • Jakarta Server Pages 3.1
  • Jakarta Servlet 6.0
  • Jakarta SOAP with Attachments 1.3
  • Jakarta Standard Tag Library 3.0
  • Jakarta Transactions 2.0
  • Jakarta WebSocket 2.1
  • Jakarta XML Binding 4.0
  • Jakarta XML Web Services 4.0

Jakarta EE 10 has many changes when compared to Jakarta EE 8. For more information, see How to migrate your JBoss EAP applications from Jakarta EE 8 to Jakarta EE 10.

Package Namespace Change

The packages used for all EE APIs have changed from javax to jakarta. This follows the move of Java EE to the Eclipse Foundation and the establishment of Jakarta EE.


This change does not affect javax packages that are part of Java SE.

Additional resources

3.2. Red Hat Insights Java client

JBoss EAP 8.0 version onward contains the Red Hat Insights Java client. The Red Hat Insights Java client is enabled for JBoss EAP only if JBoss EAP is installed on Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL), and the RHEL system has Red Hat Insights client installed, configured, and registered. For more information, see the Client Configuration Guide for Red Hat Insights.

The Red Hat Insights dashboard for Runtimes will be available in a future release on Red Hat Hybrid Cloud Console. Similar to the RHEL dashboard which is available on the Red Hat Hybrid Cloud Console, the Runtimes dashboard will show the inventory of the Runtimes installations, CVE details, and help you select the JVM options.

You can opt-out of the Red Hat Insights client by setting the environment variable RHT_INSIGHTS_JAVA_OPT_OUT to true. For more information, see the knowledge base article Red Hat Insights for Runtimes.

3.3. Management console

Inclusive language, label changes

Toward Red Hat’s commitment to replacing problematic language in our code, documentation, and web properties, beginning with 8.0, the JBoss EAP management console will display more inclusive wording and labels. Specifically, you will notice the following changes to the management console resource addresses and user interface elements:

New termPrevious term









Adding, editing, and removing constant HTTP headers to response messages

In the JBoss EAP 8.0 management console, you can now add, edit, or remove constant HTTP response headers. To add a new path and header, from the Server page, select Constant Headers, then click Add. To edit or remove an existing path header, select the path whose header you want to modify, then click either Edit or Remove.

Displaying Java Message Service bridge statistics for processed messages

A message bridge consumes messages from a source queue or topic, then sends them on to a target queue or topic, usually on a different server. A bridge can also send messages from one cluster to another. The Java Message Service (JMS) bridge provides statistics about messages that the bridge processed. Specifically, it collects the following data:

  • number of messages successfully committed (message count)
  • number of messages aborted (messages aborted)

With this update, the JBoss EAP 8.0 management console includes a new JMS Bridge column to display these statistics in the Runtime section. Note that this new feature affects the /subsystem=messaging-activemq/jms-bridge=* resource.

Configuring enhanced audit logging

In the JBoss EAP 8.0 management console, you can configure the following two additional audit logging attributes in your /subsystem=elytron/syslog-audit-log=* resource:

  • syslog-format

    Define the format for your audit log messages. Supported values are RFC3164 and RFC5424. ("RFC" stands for "request for comments.")

  • reconnect-attempts

    Define the maximum number of failed attempts JBoss EAP should make to connect to the syslog server before closing the endpoint.

/deployment subresources require include-runtime=true

With Red Hat JBoss Enterprise Application Platform 8.0, the submodel of /deployment has changed to runtime. For management operations that use /deployment subresources you must add include-runtime=true.

Starting servers in suspended mode

You can now use the JBoss EAP 8.0 management console to start servers in suspended mode. Select the new Start in suspended mode option, available in the following drop-down menus:

  • Runtime > Topology
  • Runtime > Server Groups
  • Runtime > Server Groups > Server
  • Runtime > Host > Server

Configuring the certificate-authority attribute for the certificate-authority-account resource

With JBoss EAP 8.0, you can use any certificate authority for your certificate-authority-account Elytron resource. Previously, JBoss EAP supported only the Let’s Encrypt certificate authority, and the certificate-authority attribute was not configurable.

With this update, you can add, configure, or remove any certificate authority by opening the JBoss EAP management console and clicking Configuration > Subsystems > Security > Other Settings > Other Settings > Certificate Authority. From there, click Add to add a new certificate authority. To modify one you already have, select it, then click Edit. To remove a certificate authority, select it, then click Remove.

Configuring the OCSP as an Elytron trust manager

With JBoss EAP 8.0, you can configure the Online Certificate Status Protocol (OCSP) as the trust manager for the Elytron undertow subsystem. Previously, JBoss EAP supported only a certificate revocation list (CRL) as trust manager.

With this update, you can configure the OCSP as your trust manager by opening the JBoss EAP management console and clicking Configuration > Subsystems > Elytron > Other Settings > SSL > Trust Manager. Next, either select or create a trust manager and then, from the Trust Manager window, select the OCSP tab and click Add.

Pausing Java Message Service topics

From the JBoss EAP 8.0 management console, you can now navigate to Runtime > Messaging > Server > Server Name > Destination to select and then pause a Java Message Service (JMS) topic. After you address the related messaging issue, you can also resume the paused topic. JMS previously sent messages to all active subscribers without any way to interrupt them.

Non-heap memory usage added to server status preview

With JBoss EAP 8.0, you can see more information in the server status preview about the memory consumption of your server. Previously, the preview displayed only heap memory usage: Used and Committed. With this update, it also displays the same information for non-heap memory usage.

Automatically add or update credential store passwords when you add or update a datasource

Beginning with JBoss EAP 8.0, when you create a datasource from the management console, you can automatically add a password for that datasource to your credential store. From the management console, select Configuration > Subsystems > Datasources, then click Add to add a new datasource. Next, enter the credential store name where you want to save the password for the new datasource, an alias for the credential, and the plain text password you want to use. To modify an existing datasource, select it, then click Edit.

Create, read, update, and delete Elytron resources

From the JBoss EAP 8.0 management console, you can now create, read, update, or delete any of the following four evidence decoders:

  • Aggregate Evidence Decoders
  • Custom Evidence Decoders
  • X500 Subject Evidence Decoders
  • X509 Subject Alt Name Evidence Decoder

To take one of these actions, navigate to Configuration > Subsystems > Security > Mappers & Decoders > Evidence Decoder.

Viewing the deployment hash value

The JBoss EAP 8.0 management console can now display your deployment hash value in the deployment preview. This means that you can determine at a glance whether your deployment was valid and successful.

Adding and configuring interceptors in the EJB 3 subsystem

From the JBoss EAP 8.0 management console, you can now add and configure system-wide, server-side interceptors in the ejb3 subsystem. From the console, select Configuration > EJB > Container to make your additions or changes.

Configuring Infinispan distributed web session affinity

With JBoss EAP 8.0, in the distributable-web subsystem, you now have more control over the affinity, or load balancer "stickiness", of a distributed web session. To change your session affinity to something other than the Primary-owner default, in the management console, click Configuration > Distributable Web > View > Infinispan Session. Next, choose a session and select Affinity to make your changes. Affinity options now include the following:

  • Local
  • None
  • Primary-owner
  • Ranked

Previously, the only available affinity was Primary-owner.

Configuring global directories in EE subsystem

With the JBoss EAP 8.0 management console, you can now configure a new ee subsystem resource, /subsystem=ee/global-directory=*. You can use a global directory to add content to a deployment class path without listing the contents of the directory. To configure a global directory resource, navigate to Configuration > Subsystems > EE > Globals.

Configuring cipher suites in Elytron

With the JBoss EAP 8.0 management console, you can now enable TLS 1.3 cipher suites using the cipher-suite-names attribute to secure your network connection. Specifically, you can now configure the following elytron subsystem resources:

  • /subsystem=elytron/client-ssl-context=*
  • /subsystem=elytron/server-ssl-context=*

To configure the cipher-suite-names attribute for the /subsystem=elytron/client-ssl-context=* resource from the management console, navigate to Configuration > Subsystems > Security > Other Settings > SSL > Client SSL Context.

To configure the cipher-suite-names attribute for the /subsystem=elytron/server-ssl-context=* resource from the management console, navigate to Configuration > Subsystems > Security > Other Settings > SSL > Server SSL Context.

Securing applications and management console with OIDC

With the JBoss EAP 8.0, you can secure applications deployed to JBoss EAP, and the JBoss EAP management console with OpenID Connect (OIDC) from the management console. JBoss EAP 8.0 provides native support for OpenID Connect (OIDC) with the elytron-oidc-client subsystem.

To configure the elytron-oidc-client subsystem from the management console, navigate to Configuration > Subsystems > Elytron OIDC Client.

To secure applications deployed to JBoss EAP, configure the following resources:

  • provider
  • secure-deployment

For more information, see Securing applications with OIDC in the Using single sign-on with JBoss EAP guide.

To secure the JBoss EAP management interfaces, configure the following resources:

  • provider
  • secure-deployment
  • secure-server

Additionally, you can configure role-based access control (RBAC) for management console when securing it with OIDC by navigating to Access Control and clicking Enable RBAC.

For more information, see Securing the JBoss EAP management console with an OpenID provider in the Using single sign-on with JBoss EAP guide.


You can use the realm resource to configure a Red Hat build of Keycloak realm. This is provided for convenience. You can copy the configuration in the keycloak client adapter and use it in the realm resource configuration. However, using the provider resource is recommended instead.

3.4. Management CLI

Registering web context when deploying an application

You can use the deployment deploy-file command from the management command-line interface (CLI) to deploy applications to a standalone server or in a managed domain.

Deploy an application to a standalone server

deployment deploy-file /path/to/test-application.war

Deploy an application to all server groups in a managed domain

deployment deploy-file /path/to/test-application.war --all-server-groups

Deploy an application to specific server groups in a managed domain

deployment deploy-file /path/to/test-application.war --server-groups=main-server-group,other-server-group

In the preceding examples, the default value for the runtime-name attribute is test-application.war.

When specifying the runtime-name attribute with the --runtime-name option, you must include the .war extension in the name or the web context will not be registered by JBoss EAP. For example:


3.5. Security

JAAS realm in the elytron subsystem

In JBoss EAP 8.0, the legacy security subsystem has been removed. To continue using your custom login modules with the elytron subsystem, use the new Java Authentication and Authorization Service (JAAS) security realm, jaas-realm.


jaas-realm only supports JAAS-compatible login modules. For information about JAAS, see Java Authentication and Authorization Service (JAAS) Reference Guide.

jaas-realm does not support custom login modules that extend or are dependent upon PicketBox APIs.

Although elytron subsystem provides jaas-realm, it is preferable to use other existing security realms that the subsystem provides. These include jdbc-realm, ldap-realm, token-realm, and others. You can also combine different security realms by configuring aggregate-realm, distributed-realm, or failover-realm. If none of these suits your purpose, implement a custom security realm and use it instead of custom login module.

The following are cases where you should use jaas-realm instead of implementing a custom security realm:

  • You are migrating to the elytron subsystem from legacy security and already have custom login modules implemented.
  • You are migrating from other application servers to JBoss EAP and already have the login modules implemented.
  • You require combining multiple login modules with various flags and options provided to those login modules. These flags and options might not be configurable for the provided security realms in the elytron subsystem.

For more information, see Creating a JAAS realm in the Securing applications and management interfaces using multiple identity stores guide.

Configure multiple certificate revocation lists in Elytron and Elytron client

You can now configure multiple certificate revocation lists (CRL) in the elytron subsystem and WildFly Elytron client when you use several Certificate Authorities (CA). You can specify the list of CRLs to use in the certificate-revocation-lists attribute in the trust-manager.

For more information, see Configuring certificate revocation checks in Elytron in the Configuring SSL/TLS in JBoss EAP guide.

Keycloak SAML adapter feature pack

The archive distribution of Keycloak SAML adapter is no longer provided with JBoss EAP. Instead, you can use the Keycloak SAML adapter feature pack to install the keycloak-saml subsystem and related configurations.

The Keycloak SAML adapter feature pack provides the following layers that you can install depending on your use case:

  • keycloak-saml
  • keycloak-client-saml
  • keycloak-client-saml-ejb

For more information, see Using single sign-on with JBoss EAP guide.

Native OpenID Connect client

JBoss EAP now provides native support for OpenID Connect (OIDC) with the elytron-oidc-client subsystem. Therefore, Red Hat build of Keycloak Client Adapter is not provided in this release. The elytron-oidc-client subsystem acts as the Relying Party (RP). The elytron-oidc-client subsystem supports bearer-only authentication, and also provides multi-tenancy support. You can use the multi-tenancy support, for example, to authenticate users for an application from multiple Red Hat build of Keycloak realms.


The JBoss EAP native OIDC client does not support RP-Initiated logout.

You can use the elytron-oidc-client subsystem to secure applications deployed to JBoss EAP and the JBoss EAP management console with OIDC.

Additionally, you can propagate the security identity, obtained from an OIDC provider, from a Servlet to Jakarta Enterprise Beans in both of the following cases:

  • The Servlet and the Jakarta Enterprise Beans are in the same deployment.
  • The Servlet and the Jakarta Enterprise Beans are in different deployments.

For more information, see Using single sign-on with JBoss EAP guide.

New hash-encoding and hash-charset attributes for hashed passwords

You can now specify the character set and the string format for the hashed passwords that are stored in elytron subsystem security realms by using the hash-charset and hash-encoding attributes. The default hash-charset value is UTF-8. You can set the hash-encoding value to either base64 or hex; base64 is the default for all realms except the properties-realm where hex is the default.

The new attributes are included in the following security realms:

  • filesystem-realm
  • jdbc-realm
  • ldap-realm
  • properties-realm

For more information, see the Securing applications and management interfaces using an identity store guide.

New encoding attribute for Elytron file-based audit log

You can now specify the encoding for file-based audit logs in Elytron by using the encoding attribute. The default value is UTF-8. The following values are possible:

  • UTF-8
  • UTF-16BE
  • UTF-16LE
  • UTF-16
  • ISO-8859-1

For more information, see Elytron audit logging in the Securing applications and management interfaces using an identity store guide.


Beginning with JBoss EAP 8.0 Beta, you can specify the SSLv2Hello protocol for server-ssl-context and client-ssl-context in the elytron subsystem.

  • You must configure another encryption protocol if you want to configure SSLv2Hello because the purpose of the latter is to determine which encryption protocols the connected server supports.
  • IBM JDK does not support SSLv2Hello in its client, although a server-side connection always accepts this protocol.

Updates to filesystem-realm

You can now encrypt the clear passwords, hashed passwords, and attributes associated with identities in a filesystem-realm for better security. You can do this in two ways:

  • Create an encrypted filesystem-realm by referencing a secret key in the add operation.
  • Encrypt an existing filesystem-realm using the new filesystem-realm-encrypt command in the WildFly Elytron Tool.

You can now also enable integrity checks for a filesystem-realm to ensure that the identities in the filesystem-realm were not tampered with since the last authorized write. You can do this by referencing a key pair when you create the filesystem-realm using the add operation. WildFly Elytron generates a signature for the identity file using the key pair. An integrity check runs whenever an identity file is read.

For more information, see Filesystem realm in Elytron in the Securing applications and management interfaces using an identity store guide.

Updates to distributed-realm

You can now configure distributed-realm to continue searching the referenced security realms even when the connection to any identity store fails by setting the new attribute ignore-unavailable-realms to true.

By default, in case the connection to any identity store fails before an identity is matched, the authentication fails with an exception RealmUnavailableException as before.

When you set ignore-unavailable-realms to true, a SecurityEvent is emitted in case any of the queried realms are unavailable. You can configure this behavior by setting emit-events to false.

For more information, see the following resources in the Securing applications and management interfaces using multiple identity stores guide:

Elytron support provided for SSLContexts in Artemis

In JBoss EAP 8, Elytron support is provided to instantiate the SSLContext variable in Messaging subsystem. This feature saves you from configuring SSLContext in multiple places as Elytron instantiates this variable. The connectors for the SSLContext must be defined on the elytron subsystem of the client’s JBoss EAP server, which means that you cannot define it from a standalone messaging client application.

New Elytron client java security provider

Elytron client now provides a Java security provider,, that you can use to register a Java virtual machine (JVM)-wide default SSLContext.

When you register the provider in your JVM with high enough priority, then all client libraries that use SSLContext.getDefault() method obtain an instance of the SSL context that is configured to be default in Elytron client configuration. This way you can make use of Elytron client’s SSL context configuration without interacting with Elytron API directly.

For more information, see Using Elytron client default SSLcontext security provider in JBoss EAP clients in the Configuring SSL/TLS in JBoss EAP guide.

Ability to obtain custom principal from Elytron

In JBoss EAP 8.0, you can now obtain a custom principal from Elytron. Previously, Elytron required principal to be an instance of NamePrincipal for authentication. While it was possible to use SecurityIdentity obtained from the current SecurityDomain and utilize SecurityIdentity attributes to obtain information from realms, it required reliance on SecurityDomain and SecurityIdentity instead of more generic and standardized methods like

You can now obtain a custom principal from the getCallerPrincipal() method when using Elytron. If your application code using legacy security relies on getting a custom principal from the getCallerPrincipal() method, you can migrate your application without requiring code changes.

3.6. Clustering

Configuring web session replication using a ProtoStream

You can now configure web session replication using a ProtoStream instead of JBoss Marshalling in JBoss EAP 8.0.

See How to configure web session replication to use ProtoStream instead of JBoss Marshalling in JBoss EAP 8.0.

Stopping batch job execution from a different node

You can now stop batch job execution from a different clustered node in JBoss EAP 8.0. For more information see using Batch Processing JBeret with a clustering of nodes sharing the same job repository in JBoss EAP 8.0.

3.7. Jakarta EE

Jakarta EE Core Profile

Jakarta EE 10 Core Profile is now available in JBoss EAP 8.0. The Core Profile is a small, lightweight profile that provides Jakarta EE specifications suitable for smaller runtimes, such as microservices and cloud services. The Jakarta EE 10 Core Profile is available as a Galleon provisioning layer, ee-core-profile-server.

For more information about the Core Profile Galleon layer, see Capability trimming in JBoss EAP for OpenShift: Base layers.

3.8. Datasource subsystem

Configuring custom exception-sorter or valid-connection-checker for a datasource

You can now configure a custom exception-sorter or valid-connection-checker for a datasource using a JBoss Module.

See How to configure a custom exception-sorter or valid-connection-checker for a datasource in JBoss EAP 8.

Support for eap-datasources-galleon-pack for JBoss EAP 8.0

You can now use the eap-datasources-galleon-pack Galleon feature-pack to provision a JBoss EAP 8.0 server that can connect to your databases.

3.9. Hibernate

Hibernate Search 6 replaces Hibernate Search 5 APIs

Hibernate Search 5 APIs have been removed and are replaced with Hibernate Search 6 APIs in JBoss EAP 8.0.

To view a list of the removed features, see Hibernate Search 5 APIs Deprecated in JBoss EAP 7.4 and removed in EAP 8.0.


Hibernate Search 6 APIs are backwards-incompatible with Hibernate Search 5 APIs. You will need to migrate your applications to Hibernate Search 6.

The latest version of Hibernate Search 6 included in JBoss EAP 8.0 is 6.2. If you are migrating from Hibernate Search 5, you should take into account the migration to version 6.0, 6.1, and 6.2.

See the following migrations guides for more information:


Hibernate Search 6.2 is compatible with Hibernate ORM 6.2. For more information, see the section Hibernate ORM 6 in the Hibernate Search 6.2 Reference documentation.

Hibernate Search 6 supports Elasticsearch

JBoss EAP 8.0 also provides support for using an Elasticsearch backend in Hibernate Search 6 to index data into remote Elasticsearch or OpenSearch clusters.

To see a list of possible Hibernate Search architectures and backends, see Table 2. Comparison of architectures in the Hibernate Search 6.2 reference documentation.

For more information about configuring Hibernate Search 6, see Using Hibernate Search in the WildFly Developer guide.

3.10. Infinispan

Support for Infinispan distributed query, counter, and lock APIs and CDI modules

You can now use the Infinispan APIs for distributed query, counters, and locks in JBoss EAP 8.0.

The Infinispan CDI module is also available in JBoss EAP 8.0 for creating and injecting caches.

For more information, see EAP 8 now supports Infinispan query, counters, locks, and CDI.

3.11. Messaging

Addition of a new Galleon layer

A new Galleon layer is added to provide support for the Jakarta Messaging Service (JMS) integration with an embedded ActiveMQ Artemis broker. For more information, refer to the section Galleon layer for embedded broker messaging in the Migration Guide.

3.12. Web server (Undertow)

You can now configure a separate cookie to store session affinity information for load balancers by using the affinity-cookie resource at the address /subsystem=undertow/servlet-container=default/setting=affinity-cookie.

For more information, see the Red Hat Knowledgebase solution How to configure the affinity-cookie and session-cookie in JBoss EAP 8.

3.13. ejb3 subsystem

JBoss EAP 8.0 server interoperability with JBoss EAP 7 and JBoss EAP 6

In JBoss EAP 8.0 you can enable interoperability between JBoss EAP 8.0 and older versions of your JBoss EAP server. JBoss EAP supports Jakarta EE 10 whose API class uses the jakarta package namespace. However, older versions of JBoss EAP use the javax package namespace.

  • The older versions supported are JBoss EAP 6 and JBoss EAP 7
  • interoperability between JBoss EAP 6 and JBoss EAP 7 is not affected by this issue as both servers support the javax package namespace.

For more information about how to enable interoperability between JBoss EAP 8.0 and older versions of JBoss EAP see, how to enable interoperability.

Infinispan-based distributed timers

In JBoss EAP 8.0, you can now use Infinispan-based distributed timers to schedule persistent Jakarta Enterprise Bean timers within a cluster, which you can scale to large clusters. For more information, see EAP 8 - how to configure Infinispan based distributed timers.

Distributable EJB subsystem

Use the distributable-ejb subsystem to configure clustering abstractions providers required for ejb3 subsystem functionalities, such as:

  • Stateful session beans (SFSB) cache factories
  • Client mappings registries for EJB client applications
  • Distributed EJB timers

You can currently define these providers at a system-wide level. It is planned to develop functionality to enable deployment-specific providers by customizing the ejb3 subsystem. For more information, see What is the distributable-ejb subsystem in EAP 8.

3.14. OpenShift

Red Hat build of Keycloak SAML support for JBoss EAP 8.0

Using Red Hat build of Keycloak SAML adapters with JBoss EAP 8.0 Source-to-Image (S2I) image will be supported when the adapters are released. For more information, see OpenShift, SSO SAML support for EAP 8.

Provisioning a JBoss EAP server using the Maven plug-in

You can now use the JBoss EAP Maven plug-in on OpenShift to:

  • Provision a trimmed server using Galleon.
  • Install your application on the provisioned server.
  • Tune the server configuration using the JBoss EAP management CLI.
  • Package extra files into the server installation, such as a keystore file.
  • Integrate the plug-in into your JBoss EAP 8.0 source-to-image application build.

For more information, see Provisioning a JBoss EAP server using the Maven plug-in.

OpenID Connect support for JBoss EAP source-to-image

You can now secure applications deployed to JBoss EAP with OpenID Connect (OIDC) using the new elytron-oidc-client subsystem instead of installing the previously required Red Hat build of Keycloak Client Adapter. You can configure an elytron-oidc-client subsystem by using the environment variables to secure the application with OIDC. The Red Hat build of Keycloak Client Adapter is not provided in this release. For more information, see Using OpenID Connect to secure JBoss EAP applications on OpenShift.

Building application images using Source-to-Image

In JBoss EAP 8.0, an installed server has been removed from Source-to-Image (S2I) builder images. Galleon feature-packs and layers are now used to provision the server during the S2I build phase. To provision the server, include and configure the JBoss EAP Maven plug-in in the pom.xml file of your application. For more information, see Building application images using source-to-image in OpenShift.

Override management attributes with environment variables

To more easily adapt your JBoss EAP server configuration to your server environment, you can use an environment variable to override the value of any management attribute, without editing your configuration file. You cannot override management attributes of type LIST, OBJECT, or PROPERTY. In JBoss EAP 8.0 OpenShift runtime image, this feature is enabled by default. For more information, see Overriding management attributes with environment variables.

Environment variable checks for resolving management model expressions

JBoss EAP now supports environment variable checks when resolving management model expressions. In previous versions of JBoss EAP, the JBoss EAP server only checked for Java system properties in the management expression. Now, the server checks for relevant environment variables and system properties. If you use both, JBoss EAP will use the Java system property, rather than the environment variable, to resolve the management model expression. For more information about using environment variables to resolve management model expressions, see Using environment variables and model expression resolution.

Maven compatibility

Maven, versions 3.8.5 or earlier, include a version of the Apache Maven WAR plugin that is earlier than 3.3.2. This causes packaging errors with eap-maven-plugin. To resolve this issue, you must upgrade to Maven version 3.8.6 or later. Alternatively, you can add the maven-war-plugin dependency, version 3.3.2 or later, to your application pom.xml.

Enhancements to node naming

The value of the system property is generated from the pod hostname and can be customized by using the JBOSS_NODE_NAME environment variable. This system property does not serve anymore as a transaction ID and does not have a limit of 23 characters in length, as it used to be in previous versions of JBoss EAP.

However, in JBoss EAP 8.0, a new system property,, is also generated from the pod hostname and can be customized by using the JBOSS_NODE_NAME environment variable. This system property is now limited to 23 characters in length and serves as the transaction ID.

Changes to Java options in JBoss EAP 8.0 images

The JVM automatically tunes the memory and cpu limits and Garbage Collector configuration in JBoss EAP 8.0 images. Instead of computing -Xms and -Xmx options, images use -XX:InitialRAMPercentage and -XX:MaxRAMPercentage options to achieve the same capability dynamically. CONTAINER_CORE_LIMIT and JAVA_CORE_LIMIT have been removed. Additionally, -XX:ParallelGCThreads, -Djava.util.concurrent.ForkJoinPool.common.parallelism, and -XX:CICompilerCount are no longer used.

Deploying a third-party application on OpenShift

With JBoss EAP 8.0, you can create application images for OpenShift deployments by using compiled WAR files or EAR archives. By using a Dockerfile, you can deploy these archives to a JBoss EAP server with the complete runtime stack, including the operating system, Java, and JBoss EAP components. You can create the application image without depending on Source-to-Image (S2I).

Excluded files in the JBoss EAP 8.0 server installation on OpenShift

When installing JBoss EAP 8.0 server on OpenShift, the following files are not required and are intentionally excluded:

  • bin/
  • bin/
  • bin/
  • bin/
  • bin/client

3.15. Operator

Enhanced Health Probe configuration with JBoss EAP 8.0 Operator

The JBoss EAP 8.0 Operator now offers improved configuration options for health probes, focusing on better probe customization and compatibility between JBoss EAP 8.0 and JBoss EAP 7.4 images. This enhancement ensures smooth interoperability between both images, allowing probes to adjust their execution method flexibly.

Key Improvements in your JBoss EAP 8.0 instance:

  • Ability to work with JBoss EAP 8.0 and JBoss EAP 7-based images.
  • Ability to configure LivenessProbe, ReadinessProbe, and StartupProbes.

Startup Probe example configuration:

kind: WildFlyServer
  name: ...
  applicationImage: '...'
      path: /health/live
      port: 9990
      scheme: HTTP
    initialDelaySeconds: 30
      path: /health/ready
      port: 9990
      scheme: HTTP
    initialDelaySeconds: 10
  replicas: 1
      path: /health/started
      port: 9990
      scheme: HTTP
    initialDelaySeconds: 60


By default, JBoss EAP 8.0 applications retain shell probes to ensure backward compatibility for JBoss EAP 7-based applications.

3.16. Quickstarts and BOMs

Supported EAP 8 quickstarts

All supported JBoss EAP 8 quickstarts are located at jboss-eap-quickstarts.

New JBoss EAP BOMs for Maven

JBoss EAP BOMs provide the Maven BOM files that specify the versions of JBoss EAP dependencies that are needed for building or testing your Maven projects. In addition, Jakarta EE 10 BOMs provide dependency management for related frameworks such as Hibernate, RESTasy, and proprietary components like Infinispan and Client BOMs.

3.17. Server Migration Tool

JBoss EAP Server Migration Tool

The Server Migration Tool is now a standalone migration tool and is no longer included with JBoss EAP 8.0. You can download the migration tool separately.

3.18. ActiveMQ Artemis

Failure to add bridge on the ActiveMQ server

In JBoss EAP 7, you could create a Java Message Service (JMS) bridge in the messaging-activemq subsystem before creating the source queue. The bridge remained inactive until the source queue was created.

In JBoss EAP 8, you must create the source queue before creating a JMS bridge with the bridge:add command. If you create the JMS bridge before you create the source queue, the bridge:add command will fail.

Adding a new connector in the messaging-activemq subsystem

In JBoss EAP 8.0, when a new connector is added to a configuration model using the CLI in the messaging-activemq subsystem, you must restart or reload the server so that the connector can be accessed by the other parts of the system. In JBoss EAP 7.4, a connector would be added and referenced by other parts of the system but it cannot be used without restarting or reloading the server.

3.19. Jakarta Faces implementation

Changes in Jakarta Faces implementation for MyFaces

In previous releases, you could replace the Jakarta Faces implementation with an alternative. However, for MyFaces in JBoss EAP 8.0, this functionality has been moved to an external feature pack that requires provisioning by using the Galleon tool. If you want to use a non-default Mojarra version, manual configuration is necessary. For more information, see How to configure the Multi-JSF feature in EAP 8.

3.20. High availability

Updates to the JGroup protocol stack

A new "RED" protocol has been added to the JGroup protocol stack in JBoss EAP 8.0. Additionally, the existing protocols have been upgraded.

The following table lists the protocol updates:

Old protocolUpgraded protocol









While the old protocol stack will still work in JBoss EAP 8.0, use the upgraded stack for optimal results.

3.21. The jboss-eap-installation-manager

You can now install and update JBoss EAP 8.0 using the jboss-eap-installation-manager. You can also perform server management operations, including updating, reverting, and various channel management tasks.

For more information, see The Installation guide.

3.22. Management CLI integration of jboss-eap-installation-manager

In JBoss EAP 8.0, a significant enhancement has been introduced with the integration of the jboss-eap-installation-manger with the Management CLI under the installer command. This enhancement allows you to seamlessly perform a wide range of server management operations such as updating, reverting, and managing channel operations in a standalone or a managed domain mode.

For more information, see The Update guide.

3.23. Web Console integration of jboss-eap-installation-manager

In JBoss EAP 8.0, you can now use the web console to update, revert, and manage channels in your JBoss EAP installation. However, it is recommended to use the jboss-eap-installation-manager.

For more information, see The Update guide.

3.24. JBoss EAP Application Migration

If you have used the galleon/provisioning.xml configuration file, to provision your JBoss EAP 7.4 installation with a valid S2I and you want to convert the file to a valid configuration for JBoss EAP 8 you must take note of the following changes:

  • In your galleon/provisioning.xml configuration file you must use the org.jboss.eap:wildfly-ee-galleon-pack and org.jboss.eap:eap-cloud-galleon-pack feature packs instead of the eap-s2i feature pack.
  • To successfully use these feature packs, you must also enable the use of JBoss EAP 8 channels by either configuring the eap-maven-plugin in the application pom.xml or using the S2I environment variable.
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