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Chapter 1. JBoss EAP 8.0 update methods

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You can update JBoss EAP 8.0 using the following methods:

  • JBoss EAP Installation Manager
  • Management CLI
  • Web console
  • RPM

From JBoss EAP  8.0 onward, the JBoss EAP server can be updated in either online or offline mode. These modes are supported by all the update methods.

  • Online update: You can update JBoss EAP directly from an online repository. You must have access to the Red Hat repositories or their mirrors to use this mode. This option always updates to the latest available JBoss EAP  8.0 update.
  • Offline update: You can update JBoss EAP from a local file-system. Use the offline update mode if you do not have online access to the Red Hat repositories or their mirrors. You will need to download the latest update and distribute it to your systems.

Depending on your requirements, choose one of the listed update methods. The following table provides a brief overview of each type of update method.

Table 1.1. Update Methods

JBoss EAP Installation Manager

  • Use this method if you want to update a local JBoss EAP 8.x server that is not running.

Management CLI

  • Use this method if you want to update a remote JBoss EAP 8.x server.

Web console

  • Use this method if you want to update a 8.x server that is running either in a standalone or managed domain mode using management console GUI.

RPM Installation

  • Use this method if you want to update a JBoss EAP 8.x server installed using the RPM installation method.

You can run JBoss EAP on the following cloud platforms. This documentation does not cover provisioning on other cloud platforms. See the related documentation.

  • JBoss EAP on OpenShift.

Additional resources

JBoss EAP on OpenShift.

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