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Chapter 4. Installing JBoss Web Server on Microsoft Windows

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You can install JBoss Web Server on Microsoft Windows from a set of archive files that you can download from the Red Hat Customer Portal.

4.1. Installing a JDK on Microsoft Windows

Before you install JBoss Web Server on Microsoft Windows, you must first install a Java Development Kit (JDK).

You can download and install the JDK from a supported vendor website, such as Oracle. For a list of supported JDKs, see Supported operating systems and configurations.


This procedure describes how to install the Oracle JDK.


  1. To access the Oracle website, open a browser window and enter the following URL:

  2. Download the Oracle JDK for your operating system and architecture.
  3. Double-click the downloaded file to start the installation.
  4. Proceed as instructed in the installation window.

4.2. Downloading and extracting archive files for a base release of JBoss Web Server

A base release is the initial release of a specific product version (for example, 6.0.0 is the base release of version 6.0). You can download the JBoss Web Server archive files from the Software Downloads page on the Red Hat Customer Portal.


  1. Open a browser and log in to the Red Hat Customer Portal.
  2. Click the Downloads tab.
  3. From the Product Downloads list, select Red Hat JBoss Web Server.
  4. On the Software Downloads page, from the Version drop-down list, select the appropriate JBoss Web Server version.
  5. Click Download next to the Red Hat JBoss Web Server 6.0.0 Application Server file.

    The downloaded file is named on your local host.

  6. If you also want to download the native JBoss Web Server components for your operating system, click Download next to the Red Hat JBoss Web Server 6.0.0 Optional Native Components for Windows x86_64 file.

    The downloaded file is named

  7. Extract the downloaded archive files to your installation folder.

The top-level folder for JBoss Web Server is created when you extract the archive. This document refers to the top-level folder for JBoss Web Server as JWS_HOME.

4.3. Downloading and extracting archive files for JBoss Web Server patch updates

If product patch updates are available for the appropriate JBoss Web Server version, you can install the archive files for the latest cumulative patches. You can download the JBoss Web Server archive files from the Software Downloads page on the Red Hat Customer Portal.


You cannot use cumulative patch updates to install the base (X.X.0) release of a product version. For example, the installation of a 6.0.2 patch would install the 6.0.1 and 6.0.2 releases but cannot install the base 6.0.0 release.

Service pack releases are cumulative. By downloading the latest service pack release, you also install any previous service pack releases automatically.


  1. Open a browser and log in to the Red Hat Customer Portal.
  2. Click the Downloads tab.
  3. From the Product Downloads list, select Red Hat JBoss Web Server.
  4. On the Software Downloads page, from the Version drop-down list, select the appropriate JBoss Web Server version.
  5. Click the Patches tab.
  6. Click Download next to the latest Red Hat JBoss Web Server 6.0 Update XX Application Server file.

    The downloaded file is named on your local host.

  7. If you also want to download the native JBoss Web Server components for your operating system, click Download next to the latest Red Hat JBoss Web Server 6.0 Update XX Optional Native Components for Windows x86_64 file.

    The downloaded file is named

  8. Extract the downloaded archive files to your installation folder.

4.4. JBoss Web Server configuration on Microsoft Windows

When you install JBoss Web Server on Microsoft Windows, you can manage JBoss Web Server from a command prompt or by using the Computer Management tool.

Before you can run JBoss Web Server on Microsoft Windows, you must perform the following series of configuration tasks:

4.4.1. Setting environment variables for JBoss Web Server on Microsoft Windows

Before you run JBoss Web Server for the first time on Microsoft Windows, you must set the JAVA_HOME, TMP, and TEMP environment variables. You must also update the PATH environment variable.



  1. Log in to an account with local administrator permissions.
  2. Click Control Panel > System.
  3. Click the Advanced tab.
  4. Click the Environment Variables button.
  5. Click the New button for System Variables.
  6. For JAVA_HOME, TMP, and TEMP, enter the appropriate name-value pairs for your system.
  7. To enable the SSL Connector to work successfully, add JWS_HOME\bin to the PATH environment variable of the user that the services will run under.


    The services run under the SYSTEM user by default.

4.4.2. Installing the Tomcat service on Microsoft Windows

Before you run JBoss Web Server for the first time on Microsoft Windows, you must install the Tomcat service.


  1. Open a command prompt with administrator privileges and go to the bin folder for your Tomcat version:

    cd /D "JWS_HOME\tomcat\bin"
  2. Install the Tomcat service:

    call service.bat install

4.4.3. Configuring folder permissions for JBoss Web Server services on Microsoft Windows

Before you run JBoss Web Server for the first time on Microsoft Windows, you must configure folder permissions for JBoss Web Server services. Configuring folder permissions ensures that the account that is used to run the JBoss Web Server services has full control over the JWS_HOME folder and all of its subfolders.


  1. Right-click the JWS_HOME folder and click Properties.
  2. Select the Security tab.
  3. Click the Edit button.
  4. Click the Add button.
  5. In the text box, enter LOCAL SERVICE.
  6. Select the Full Control check box for the LOCAL SERVICE account.
  7. Click OK.
  8. Click the Advanced button.
  9. Inside the Advanced Security Settings dialog, select LOCAL SERVICE and click Change permissions.
  10. Select the check box next to the Replace all child object permission entries with inheritable permission entries from this object option.
  11. Click OK through all the open folder property windows to apply the settings.

4.5. Starting JBoss Web Server on Microsoft Windows

When you install JBoss Web Server on Microsoft Windows, you can start the Tomcat service by using the Command Prompt or the Computer Management tool.



  • Perform either of the following steps:

    • Open the Command Prompt as an administrator and enter the following command:

      net start tomcat10
    • Click Start > Administrative Tools > Services, right-click the Tomcat10 service, and click Start.

Some third-party applications add libraries to the system directory in Windows. These third-party libraries take precedence over Tomcat libraries during lookups. If the third-party libraries have the same name as the Tomcat native libraries, the system loads the third-party libraries rather than the libraries that are distributed with JBoss Web Server. In this situation, Tomcat might not start successfully, and Tomcat does not log any error messages in the Windows Event Log or the Tomcat log files.

If this behavior occurs, you can take the following steps:

  • To see errors, run the catalina.bat run command.
  • Inspect the contents of the C:\windows\System32\ directory and the other PATH directories.
  • Ensure that dynamic link libraries (DLLs) do not conflict with the JBoss Web Server libraries. In particular, look for the libeay32.dll, ssleay32.dll, and libssl32.dll libraries.

4.6. Stopping JBoss Web Server on Microsoft Windows

When you install JBoss Web Server on Microsoft Windows, you can stop the Tomcat service by using the Command Prompt or the Computer Management tool.


  • Perform either of the following steps:

    • Open the Command Prompt as an administrator and enter the following command:

      net stop tomcat10
    • Go to Start > Administrative Tools > Services, right-click the Tomcat10 service, and click Stop.
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