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The Red Hat Ansible Certified Content Collection for Red Hat JBoss Web Server is a prepackaged Ansible content collection that Red Hat provides. You can use the Red Hat Ansible Certified Content Collection to automate the installation and configuration of the Red Hat JBoss Web Server product. You can also add customized tasks to your playbook to automate the deployment of JBoss Web Server applications either at the same time as the automated product installation or later.

For general information about the Red Hat Ansible Certified Content Collection, see the Ansible Collection - redhat.jws page in Ansible automation hub. The Ansible Collection - redhat.jws page includes information about the roles that the collection contains. You can click the name of a role to view details about the purpose of this role, any requirements or dependencies, and the list of variables and default settings that the role uses to complete automation tasks.

For more information about Ansible concepts or the benefits of using Ansible, see Ansible concepts and benefits.

The Red Hat Ansible Certified Content Collection for Red Hat JBoss Web Server is released with Production Support. If you have any issues or questions related to this collection, please contact support at Red Hat Customer Experience & Engagement.


The rest of this document refers to the Red Hat Ansible Certified Content Collection for Red Hat JBoss Web Server as the JBoss Web Server collection.

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