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Chapter 1. Red Hat JBoss Web Server for OpenShift

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The Apache Tomcat 10 component of Red Hat JBoss Web Server (JWS) 6.0 is available as a containerized image that is designed for Red Hat OpenShift. You can use this image to build, scale, and test Java web applications for deployment across hybrid cloud environments.

1.1. Differences between Red Hat JBoss Web Server and JWS for OpenShift

JWS for OpenShift images are different from a regular release of Red Hat JBoss Web Server.

Consider the following differences between the JWS for OpenShift images and a standard JBoss Web Server deployment:

  • In a JWS for OpenShift image, the /opt/jws-6.0/ directory is the location of JWS_HOME.
  • In a JWS for OpenShift deployment, all load balancing is handled by the OpenShift router rather than the JBoss Core Services mod_cluster connector or mod_jk connector.

1.2. OpenShift image version compatibility and support

OpenShift images are tested with different operating system versions, configurations and interface points that represent the most common combination of technologies that Red Hat OpenShift Container Platform customers are using.

1.3. Supported architectures for JBoss Web Server

JBoss Web Server supports the following architectures:

  • AMD64 (x86_64)
  • IBM Z (s390x) in the OpenShift environment
  • IBM Power (ppc64le) in the OpenShift environment
  • ARM64 (aarch64) in the OpenShift environment

You can use the JBoss Web Server image for OpenJDK 17 with all supported architectures. For more information about images, see the Red Hat Container Catalog.

Additional resources

1.4. Health checks for Red Hat container images

All OpenShift Container Platform images have a health rating associated with them. You can find the health rating for Red Hat JBoss Web Server by navigating to the Certfied container images page, and then search for JBoss Web Server and select the 6.0 version.

You can also perform health checks on an OpenShift container to test the container for liveliness and readiness.

1.5. Additional resources (or Next steps)

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