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Chapter 9. Scaling storage of IBM Z or IBM LinuxONE OpenShift Data Foundation cluster

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9.1. Scaling up storage by adding capacity to your OpenShift Data Foundation nodes on IBM Z or IBM LinuxONE infrastructure

You can add storage capacity and performance to your configured Red Hat OpenShift Data Foundation worker nodes.


Flexible scaling features get enabled at the time of deployment and can not be enabled or disabled later on.


  • A running OpenShift Data Foundation Platform.
  • Administrative privileges on the OpenShift Web Console.
  • To scale using a storage class other than the one provisioned during deployment, first define an additional storage class. See Creating storage classes and pools for details.


  1. Add additional hardware resources with zFCP disks.

    1. List all the disks.

      $ lszdev

      Example output:

      TYPE         ID                                              ON   PERS  NAMES
      zfcp-host    0.0.8204                                        yes  yes
      zfcp-lun     0.0.8204:0x102107630b1b5060:0x4001402900000000  yes  no    sda sg0
      zfcp-lun     0.0.8204:0x500407630c0b50a4:0x3002b03000000000  yes  yes   sdb sg1
      qeth         0.0.bdd0:0.0.bdd1:0.0.bdd2                      yes  no    encbdd0
      generic-ccw  0.0.0009                                        yes  no

      A SCSI disk is represented as a zfcp-lun with the structure <device-id>:<wwpn>:<lun-id> in the ID section. The first disk is used for the operating system. The device id for the new disk can be the same.

    2. Append a new SCSI disk.

      $ chzdev -e 0.0.8204:0x400506630b1b50a4:0x3001301a00000000

      The device ID for the new disk must be the same as the disk to be replaced. The new disk is identified with its WWPN and LUN ID.

    3. List all the FCP devices to verify the new disk is configured.

      $ lszdev zfcp-lun
      TYPE         ID                                              ON   PERS  NAMES
      zfcp-lun     0.0.8204:0x102107630b1b5060:0x4001402900000000 yes  no    sda sg0
      zfcp-lun     0.0.8204:0x500507630b1b50a4:0x4001302a00000000  yes  yes   sdb sg1
      zfcp-lun     0.0.8204:0x400506630b1b50a4:0x3001301a00000000  yes  yes   sdc sg2
  2. Navigate to the OpenShift Web Console.
  3. Click Operators on the left navigation bar.
  4. Select Installed Operators.
  5. In the window, click OpenShift Data Foundation Operator.
  6. In the top navigation bar, scroll right and click Storage Systems tab.

    1. Click the Action menu (⋮) next to the visible list to extend the options menu.
    2. Select Add Capacity from the options menu.

      The Raw Capacity field shows the size set during storage class creation. The total amount of storage consumed is three times this amount, because OpenShift Data Foundation uses a replica count of 3.

    3. Click Add.
  7. To check the status, navigate to Storage Data Foundation and verify that Storage System in the Status card has a green tick.

Verification steps

  • Verify the Raw Capacity card.

    1. In the OpenShift Web Console, click Storage Data Foundation.
    2. In the Status card of the Overview tab, click Storage System and then click the storage system link from the pop up that appears.
    3. In the Block and File tab, check the Raw Capacity card.

      Note that the capacity increases based on your selections.


      The raw capacity does not take replication into account and shows the full capacity.

  • Verify that the new OSDs and their corresponding new Persistent Volume Claims (PVCs) are created.

    • To view the state of the newly created OSDs:

      1. Click Workloads Pods from the OpenShift Web Console.
      2. Select openshift-storage from the Project drop-down list.


        If the Show default projects option is disabled, use the toggle button to list all the default projects.

    • To view the state of the PVCs:

      1. Click Storage Persistent Volume Claims from the OpenShift Web Console.
      2. Select openshift-storage from the Project drop-down list.


        If the Show default projects option is disabled, use the toggle button to list all the default projects.

  • Optional: If cluster-wide encryption is enabled on the cluster, verify that the new OSD devices are encrypted.

    1. Identify the nodes where the new OSD pods are running.

      $ oc get -n openshift-storage -o=custom-columns=NODE:.spec.nodeName pod/<OSD-pod-name>

      Is the name of the OSD pod.

      For example:

      $ oc get -n openshift-storage -o=custom-columns=NODE:.spec.nodeName pod/rook-ceph-osd-0-544db49d7f-qrgqm

      Example output:

    2. For each of the nodes identified in the previous step, do the following:

      1. Create a debug pod and open a chroot environment for the selected host(s).

        $ oc debug node/<node-name>

        Is the name of the node.

        $ chroot /host
      2. Check for the crypt keyword beside the ocs-deviceset names.

        $ lsblk

Cluster reduction is supported only with the Red Hat Support Team’s assistance.

9.2. Scaling out storage capacity on a IBM Z or IBM LinuxONE cluster

9.2.1. Adding a node using a local storage device

You can add nodes to increase the storage capacity when existing worker nodes are already running at their maximum supported OSDs or when there are not enough resources to add new OSDs on the existing nodes.

Add nodes in the multiple of 3, each of them in different failure domains. Though it is recommended to add nodes in multiples of 3 nodes, you have the flexibility to add one node at a time in flexible scaling deployment. See Knowledgebase article Verify if flexible scaling is enabled


OpenShift Data Foundation does not support heterogeneous disk size and types. The new nodes to be added should have the disk of the same type and size which was used during initial OpenShift Data Foundation deployment.


  • You have administrative privilege to the OpenShift Container Platform Console.
  • You have a running OpenShift Data Foundation Storage Cluster.


  1. Depending on the type of infrastructure, perform the following steps:

    1. Get a new machine with the required infrastructure. See Platform requirements.
    2. Create a new OpenShift Container Platform worker node using the new machine.
  2. Check for certificate signing requests (CSRs) that are in Pending state.

    $ oc get csr
  3. Approve all the required CSRs for the new node.

    $ oc adm certificate approve <Certificate_Name>
    Is the name of the CSR.
  4. Click Compute Nodes, confirm if the new node is in Ready state.
  5. Apply the OpenShift Data Foundation label to the new node using any one of the following:

    From User interface
    1. For the new node, click Action Menu (⋮) Edit Labels.
    2. Add, and click Save.
    From Command line interface
    • Apply the OpenShift Data Foundation label to the new node.

      $ oc label node <new_node_name>""
      Is the name of the new node.
  6. Click Operators Installed Operators from the OpenShift Web Console.

    From the Project drop-down list, make sure to select the project where the Local Storage Operator is installed.

  7. Click Local Storage.
  8. Click the Local Volume Discovery tab.

    1. Beside the LocalVolumeDiscovery, click Action menu (⋮) Edit Local Volume Discovery.
    2. In the YAML, add the hostname of the new node in the values field under the node selector.
    3. Click Save.
  9. Click the Local Volume Sets tab.

    1. Beside the LocalVolumeSet, click Action menu (⋮) Edit Local Volume Set.
    2. In the YAML, add the hostname of the new node in the values field under the node selector.

      Screenshot of YAML showing the addition of new hostnames.
    3. Click Save.

It is recommended to add 3 nodes, one each in different zones. You must add 3 nodes and perform this procedure for all of them.

Verification steps

  1. Execute the following command the terminal and verify that the new node is present in the output:

    $ oc get nodes --show-labels | grep |cut -d' ' -f1
  2. On the OpenShift web console, click Workloads Pods, confirm that at least the following pods on the new node are in Running state:

    • csi-cephfsplugin-*
    • csi-rbdplugin-*

9.2.2. Scaling up storage capacity

To scale up storage capacity, see Scaling up storage capacity on a cluster.

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