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Chapter 3. Updating Red Hat OpenShift Data Foundation 4.14 to 4.15

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This chapter helps you to upgrade between the minor releases for all Red Hat OpenShift Data Foundation deployments (Internal, Internal-Attached and External). The upgrade process remains the same for all deployments. The Only difference is what gets upgraded and what’s not.

  • For Internal and Internal-attached deployments, upgrading OpenShift Data Foundation upgrades all OpenShift Data Foundation services including the backend Red Hat Ceph Storage (RHCS) cluster.
  • For External mode deployments, upgrading OpenShift Data Foundation only upgrades the OpenShift Data Foundation service while the backend Ceph storage cluster remains untouched and needs to be upgraded separately.

    We recommend upgrading RHCS along with OpenShift Data Foundation in order to get new feature support, security fixes, and other bug fixes. Since we do not have a strong dependency on RHCS upgrade, you can upgrade the OpenShift Data Foundation operator first followed by RHCS upgrade or vice-versa. See solution to know more about RHCS releases.


Upgrading to 4.15 directly from any version older than 4.14 is unsupported.


  • Ensure that the OpenShift Container Platform cluster has been updated to the latest stable release of version 4.15.X, see Updating Clusters.
  • Ensure that the OpenShift Data Foundation cluster is healthy and data is resilient.

    • Navigate to Storage Data Foundation Storage Systems tab and then click on the storage system name.
    • Check for the green tick on the status card of both Overview - Block and File and Object tabs. Green tick indicates that the storage cluster, object service and data resiliency are all healthy.
  • Ensure that all OpenShift Data Foundation Pods, including the operator pods, are in Running state in the openshift-storage namespace.

    To view the state of the pods, on the OpenShift Web Console, click Workloads Pods. Select openshift-storage from the Project drop-down list.


    If the Show default projects option is disabled, use the toggle button to list all the default projects.

  • Ensure that you have sufficient time to complete the OpenShift Data Foundation update process, as the update time varies depending on the number of OSDs that run in the cluster.


  1. On the OpenShift Web Console, navigate to Operators Installed Operators.
  2. Select openshift-storage project.
  3. Click the OpenShift Data Foundation operator name.
  4. Click the Subscription tab and click the link under Update Channel.
  5. Select the stable-4.15 update channel and Save it.
  6. If the Upgrade status shows requires approval, click on requires approval.

    1. On the Install Plan Details page, click Preview Install Plan.
    2. Review the install plan and click Approve.

      Wait for the Status to change from Unknown to Created.

  7. Navigate to Operators Installed Operators.
  8. Select the openshift-storage project.

    Wait for the OpenShift Data Foundation Operator Status to change to Up to date.

  9. After the operator is successfully upgraded, a pop-up with a message, Web console update is available appears on the user interface. Click Refresh web console from this pop-up for the console changes to reflect.

After upgrading, if your cluster has five or more nodes, racks, or rooms, and when there are five or more number of failure domains present in the deployment, you can configure Ceph monitor counts based on the number of racks or zones. An alert is displayed in the notification panel or Alert Center of the OpenShift Web Console to indicate the option to increase the number of Ceph monitor counts. You can use the Configure option in the alert to configure the Ceph monitor counts. For more information, see Resolving low Ceph monitor count alert.

Verification steps

  • Check the Version below the OpenShift Data Foundation name and check the operator status.

    • Navigate to Operators Installed Operators and select the openshift-storage project.
    • When the upgrade completes, the version updates to a new version number for OpenShift Data Foundation and status changes to Succeeded with a green tick.
  • Verify that the OpenShift Data Foundation cluster is healthy and data is resilient.

    • Navigate to Storage Data Foundation Storage Systems tab and then click on the storage system name.
    • Check for the green tick on the status card of Overview- Block and File and Object tabs. Green tick indicates that the storage cluster, object service and data resiliency is healthy.
  • If verification steps fail, contact Red Hat Support.

After updating external mode deployments, you must also update the external secret. For instructions, see Updating the OpenShift Data Foundation external secret.

Additional Resources

If you face any issues while updating OpenShift Data Foundation, see the Commonly required logs for troubleshooting section in the Troubleshooting guide.

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