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Chapter 6. Administrative tasks

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6.1. Starting monitoring

Red Hat OpenShift Local disables cluster monitoring by default to ensure that Red Hat OpenShift Local can run on a typical notebook. Monitoring is responsible for listing your cluster in the Red Hat Hybrid Cloud Console. Follow this procedure to enable monitoring for your cluster.


  • You must assign additional memory to the Red Hat OpenShift Local instance. At least 14 GiB of memory, a value of 14336, is recommended for core functionality. Increased workloads will require more memory. For more information, see Configuring the instance.


  1. Set the enable-cluster-monitoring configurable property to true:

    $ crc config set enable-cluster-monitoring true
  2. Start the instance:

    $ crc start

    Cluster monitoring cannot be disabled. To remove monitoring, set the enable-cluster-monitoring configurable property to false and delete the existing Red Hat OpenShift Local instance.

6.2. Enabling override Operators

To verify Red Hat OpenShift Local can run on a typical notebook, some resource-heavy services get disabled by default. These services can be enabled by manually removing the desired Operator from the Operator override list.



  1. List unmanaged Operators and note the numeric index for the desired Operator:

    • On Linux or macOS:

      $ oc get clusterversion version -ojsonpath='{range .spec.overrides[*]}{.name}{"\n"}{end}' | nl -v 0
    • On Microsoft Windows using PowerShell:

      PS> oc get clusterversion version -ojsonpath='{range .spec.overrides[*]}{.name}{"\n"}{end}' | % {$nl++;"`t$($nl-1) `t $_"};$nl=0
  2. Start the desired Operator using the identified numeric index:

    $ oc patch clusterversion/version --type='json' -p '[{"op":"remove", "path":"/spec/overrides/<unmanaged-operator-index>"}]' patched
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