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Chapter 7. Configuring an SR-IOV deployment

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In your Red Hat OpenStack Platform NFV deployment, you can achieve higher performance with single root I/O virtualization (SR-IOV), when you configure direct access from your instances to a shared PCIe resource through virtual resources.


This section includes examples that you must modify for your topology and use case. For more information, see Hardware requirements for NFV.


  • A RHOSP undercloud.

    You must install and configure the undercloud before you can deploy the overcloud. For more information, see Installing and managing Red Hat OpenStack Platform with director.


    RHOSP director modifies SR-IOV configuration files through the key-value pairs that you specify in templates and custom environment files. You must not modify the SR-IOV files directly.

  • Access to the undercloud host and credentials for the stack user.
  • Access to the hosts that contain the NICs.
  • Ensure that you keep the NIC firmware updated.

    Yum or dnf updates might not complete the firmware update. For more information, see your vendor documentation.


Use Red Hat OpenStack Platform (RHOSP) director to install and configure RHOSP in an SR-IOV environment. The high-level steps are:

  1. Create a network configuration file, network_data.yaml, to configure the physical network for your overcloud, by following the instructions in Configuring overcloud networking in Installing and managing Red Hat OpenStack Platform with director.
  2. Generate roles and image files.
  3. Configure PCI passthrough devices for SR-IOV.
  4. Add role-specific parameters and configuration overrides.
  5. Create a bare metal nodes definition file.
  6. Create a NIC configuration template for SR-IOV.
  7. (Optional) Partition NICs.
  8. Provision overcloud networks and VIPs.

    For more information, see:

  9. Provision overcloud bare metal nodes.

    For more information, see Provisioning bare metal nodes for the overcloud in the Installing and managing Red Hat OpenStack Platform with director guide.

  10. Deploy an SR-IOV overcloud.

7.1. Generating roles and image files for SR-IOV

Red Hat OpenStack Platform (RHOSP) director uses roles to assign services to nodes. When deploying RHOSP in an SR-IOV environment, ComputeSriov is a default role provided with your RHOSP installation that includes the NeutronSriovAgent service, in addition to the default compute services.

The undercloud installation requires an environment file to determine where to obtain container images and how to store them.


  • Access to the undercloud host and credentials for the stack user.


  1. Log in to the undercloud as the stack user.
  2. Source the stackrc file:

    $ source ~/stackrc
  3. Generate a new roles data file named roles_data_compute_sriov.yaml, that includes the Controller and ComputeSriov roles:

    $  openstack overcloud roles \
     generate -o /home/stack/templates/roles_data_compute_sriov.yaml \
     Controller ComputeSriov

    If you are using multiple technologies in your RHOSP environment, OVS-DPDK, SR-IOV, and OVS hardware offload, you generate just one roles data file to include all the roles:

    $ openstack overcloud roles generate -o /home/stack/templates/\
    roles_data.yaml Controller ComputeOvsDpdk ComputeOvsDpdkSriov \
  4. To generate an images file, you run the openstack tripleo container image prepare command. The following inputs are needed:

    • The roles data file that you generated in an earlier step, for example, roles_data_compute_sriov.yaml.
    • The SR-IOV environment file appropriate for your Networking service mechanism driver:

      • ML2/OVN environments


      • ML2/OVS environments



        In this example, the overcloud_images.yaml file is being generated for an ML2/OVN environment:

        $ sudo openstack tripleo container image prepare \
          --roles-file ~/templates/roles_data_compute_sriov.yaml \
          -e /usr/share/openstack-tripleo-heat-templates/environments/services/neutron-ovn-sriov.yaml \
          -e ~/containers-prepare-parameter.yaml \
  5. Note the path and file name of the roles data file and the images file that you have created. You use these files later when you deploy your overcloud.

Additional resources

7.2. Configuring PCI passthrough devices for SR-IOV

When deploying Red Hat OpenStack Platform for an SR-IOV environment, you must configure the PCI passthrough devices for the SR-IOV compute nodes in a custom environment file.


  • Access to the one or more physical servers that contains the PCI cards.
  • Access to the undercloud host and credentials for the stack user.


  1. Use one of the following commands on the physical server that has the PCI cards:

    • If your overcloud is deployed:

      $ lspci -nn -s  <pci_device_address>

      Sample output

      3b:00.0 Ethernet controller [0200]: Intel Corporation Ethernet
      Controller X710 for 10GbE SFP+ [<vendor_id>: <product_id>] (rev 02)

    • If your overcloud has not been deployed:

      $ openstack baremetal introspection data save <baremetal_node_name> | jq '.inventory.interfaces[] | .name, .vendor, .product'
  2. Retain the vendor and product IDs for PCI passthrough devices on the SR-IOV compute nodes. You will need these IDs in a later step.
  3. Log in to the undercloud as the stack user.
  4. Source the stackrc file:

    $ source ~/stackrc
  5. Create a custom environment YAML file, for example, sriov-overrides.yaml. Configure the PCI passthrough devices for the SR-IOV compute nodes by adding the following content to the file:

          - vendor_id: "<vendor_id>"
            product_id: "<product_id>"
            address: <NIC_address>
            physical_network: "<physical_network>"
    • Replace <vendor_id> with the vendor ID of the PCI device.
    • Replace <product_id> with the product ID of the PCI device.
    • Replace <NIC_address> with the address of the PCI device.
    • Replace <physical_network> with the name of the physical network the PCI device is located on.


      Do not use the devname parameter when you configure PCI passthrough because the device name of a NIC can change. To create a Networking service (neutron) port on a PF, specify the vendor_id, the product_id, and the PCI device address in NovaPCIPassthrough, and create the port with the --vnic-type direct-physical option. To create a Networking service port on a virtual function (VF), specify the vendor_id and product_id in NovaPCIPassthrough, and create the port with the --vnic-type direct option. The values of the vendor_id and product_id parameters might be different between physical function (PF) and VF contexts.

  6. Also in the custom environment file, ensure that PciPassthroughFilter and AggregateInstanceExtraSpecsFilter are in the list of filters for the NovaSchedulerEnabledFilters parameter, that the Compute service (nova) uses to filter a node:

          - vendor_id: "<vendor_id>"
            product_id: "<product_id>"
            address: <NIC_address>
            physical_network: "<physical_network>"
        - AvailabilityZoneFilter
        - ComputeFilter
        - ComputeCapabilitiesFilter
        - ImagePropertiesFilter
        - ServerGroupAntiAffinityFilter
        - ServerGroupAffinityFilter
        - PciPassthroughFilter
        - AggregateInstanceExtraSpecsFilter
  7. Note the path and file name of the custom environment file that you have created. You use this file later when you deploy your overcloud.

Additional resources

7.3. Adding role-specific parameters and configuration overrides

You can add role-specific parameters for the SR-IOV Compute nodes and override default configuration values in a custom environment YAML file that Red Hat OpenStack Platform (RHOSP) director uses when deploying your SR-IOV environment.


  • Access to the undercloud host and credentials for the stack user.


  1. Log in to the undercloud as the stack user.
  2. Source the stackrc file:

    $ source ~/stackrc
  3. Open the custom environment YAML file that you created in Section 7.2, “Configuring PCI passthrough devices for SR-IOV”, or create a new one.
  4. Add role-specific parameters for the SR-IOV Compute nodes to the custom environment file.


        IsolCpusList: 9-63,73-127
        KernelArgs: default_hugepagesz=1GB hugepagesz=1G hugepages=100 amd_iommu=on iommu=pt numa_balancing=disable processor.max_cstate=0 isolcpus=9-63,73-127
        NovaReservedHostMemory: 4096
        NovaComputeCpuSharedSet: 0-8,64-72
        NovaComputeCpuDedicatedSet: 9-63,73-127

  5. Review the configuration defaults that RHOSP director uses to configure SR-IOV. These defaults are provided in the file and they vary based on your mechanism driver:

    • ML2/OVN


    • ML2/OVS


  6. If you need to override any of the configuration defaults, add your overrides to the custom environment file.

    This custom environment file, for example, is where you can add Nova PCI whitelist values or set the network type.


    In this example, the Networking service (neutron) network type is set to VLAN and ranges are added for the tenants:

      NeutronNetworkType: 'vlan'
        - tenant:22:22
        - tenant:25:25
      NeutronTunnelTypes: ''
  7. If you created a new custom environment file, note its path and file name. You use this file later when you deploy your overcloud.

Additional resources

7.4. Creating a bare metal nodes definition file for SR-IOV

Use Red Hat OpenStack Platform (RHOSP) director and a definition file to provision your bare metal nodes for your SR-IOV environment. In the bare metal nodes definition file, define the quantity and attributes of the bare metal nodes that you want to deploy and assign overcloud roles to these nodes. Also define the network layout of the nodes.


  • Access to the undercloud host and credentials for the stack user.


  1. Log in to the undercloud as the stack user.
  2. Source the stackrc file:

    $ source ~/stackrc
  3. Create a bare metal nodes definition file, such as overcloud-baremetal-deploy.yaml, as instructed in Provisioning bare metal nodes for the overcloud in the Installing and managing Red Hat OpenStack Platform with director guide.
  4. In the bare metal nodes definition file, add a declaration to the Ansible playbook, cli-overcloud-node-kernelargs.yaml.

    The playbook contains kernel arguments to use when you provision bare metal nodes.

    - name: ComputeSriov
        - playbook: /usr/share/ansible/tripleo-playbooks/cli-overcloud-node-kernelargs.yaml
  5. If you want to set any extra Ansible variables when running the playbook, use the extra_vars property to set them.


    The variables that you add to extra_vars should be the same role-specific parameters for the SR-IOV Compute nodes that you added to the custom environment file earlier in Section 7.3, “Adding role-specific parameters and configuration overrides”.


    - name: ComputeSriov
        - playbook: /usr/share/ansible/tripleo-playbooks/cli-overcloud-node-kernelargs.yaml
            kernel_args: 'default_hugepagesz=1GB hugepagesz=1G hugepages=100 amd_iommu=on iommu=pt isolcpus=9-63,73-127'
            tuned_isolated_cores: '9-63,73-127'
            tuned_profile: 'cpu-partitioning'
            reboot_wait_timeout: 1800

  6. Note the path and file name of the bare metal nodes definition file that you have created. You use this file later when you configure your NICs and as the input file for the overcloud node provision command when you provision your nodes.

Additional resources

7.5. Creating a NIC configuration template for SR-IOV

Define your NIC configuration templates by modifying copies of the sample Jinja2 templates that ship with Red Hat OpenStack Platform (RHOSP).


  • Access to the undercloud host and credentials for the stack user.


  1. Log in to the undercloud as the stack user.
  2. Source the stackrc file:

    $ source ~/stackrc
  3. Copy a sample network configuration template.

    Copy a NIC configuration Jinja2 template from the examples in the /usr/share/ansible/roles/tripleo_network_config/templates/ directory. Choose the one that most closely matches your NIC requirements. Modify it as needed.

  4. In your NIC configuration template, for example, single_nic_vlans.j2, add your PF and VF interfaces. To create SR-IOV VFs, configure the interfaces as standalone NICs.


    - type: sriov_pf
      name: enp196s0f0np0
      mtu: 9000
      numvfs: 16
      use_dhcp: false
      defroute: false
      nm_controlled: true
      hotplug: true
      promisc: false


    The numvfs parameter replaces the NeutronSriovNumVFs parameter in the network configuration templates. Red Hat does not support modification of the NeutronSriovNumVFs parameter or the numvfs parameter after deployment. If you modify either parameter after deployment, the modification might cause a disruption for the running instances that have an SR-IOV port on that PF. In this case, you must hard reboot these instances to make the SR-IOV PCI device available again.

  5. Add the custom network configuration template to the bare metal nodes definition file that you created in Section 7.4, “Creating a bare metal nodes definition file for SR-IOV”.


    - name: ComputeSriov
      count: 2
      hostname_format: compute-%index%
          - network: internal_api
            subnet: internal_api_subnet
          - network: tenant
            subnet: tenant_subnet
          - network: storage
            subnet: storage_subnet
          template: /home/stack/templates/single_nic_vlans.j2

  6. Note the path and file name of the NIC configuration template that you have created. You use this file later if you want to partition your NICs.

Next steps

  1. If you want to partition your NICs, proceed to Section 7.6, “Configuring NIC partitioning”.
  2. Otherwise, perform these steps:

    1. Configuring and provisioning overcloud network definitions in the Installing and managing Red Hat OpenStack Platform with director guide
    2. Configuring and provisioning network VIPs for the overcloud in the Installing and managing Red Hat OpenStack Platform with director guide
    3. Provisioning bare metal nodes for the overcloud in the Installing and managing Red Hat OpenStack Platform with director guide
    4. Section 7.8, “Deploying an SR-IOV overcloud”

7.6. Configuring NIC partitioning

You can reduce the number of NICs that you need for each host by configuring single root I/O virtualization (SR-IOV) virtual functions (VFs) for Red Hat OpenStack Platform (RHOSP) management networks and provider networks. When you partition a single, high-speed NIC into multiple VFs, you can use the NIC for both control and data plane traffic. This feature has been validated on Intel Fortville NICs, and Mellanox CX-5 NICs.


  • Access to the undercloud host and credentials for the stack user.
  • Ensure that NICs, their applications, the VF guest, and OVS reside on the same NUMA Compute node.

    Doing so helps to prevent performance degradation from cross-NUMA operations.

  • Ensure that you keep the NIC firmware updated.

    Yum or dnf updates might not complete the firmware update. For more information, see your vendor documentation.


  1. Log in to the undercloud as the stack user.
  2. Source the stackrc file:

    $ source ~/stackrc
  3. Open the NIC configuration template, for example single_nic_vlans.j2, that you created earlier in Section 7.5, “Creating a NIC configuration template for SR-IOV”.


    As you complete the steps in this section, you can refer to Section 7.7, “Example configurations for NIC partitions”.

  4. Add an entry for the interface type sriov_pf to configure a physical function that the host can use:

       - type: sriov_pf
         name: <interface_name>
         use_dhcp: false
         numvfs: <number_of_vfs>
         promisc: <true/false>
    • Replace <interface_name> with the name of the interface.
    • Replace <number_of_vfs> with the number of VFs.
    • Optional: Replace <true/false> with true to set promiscuous mode, or false to disable promiscuous mode. The default value is true.

    The numvfs parameter replaces the NeutronSriovNumVFs parameter in the network configuration templates. Red Hat does not support modification of the NeutronSriovNumVFs parameter or the numvfs parameter after deployment. If you modify either parameter after deployment, it might cause a disruption for the running instances that have an SR-IOV port on that physical function (PF). In this case, you must hard reboot these instances to make the SR-IOV PCI device available again.

  5. Add an entry for the interface type sriov_vf to configure virtual functions that the host can use:

     - type: <bond_type>
       name: internal_bond
       bonding_options: mode=<bonding_option>
       use_dhcp: false
       - type: sriov_vf
           device: <pf_device_name>
           vfid: <vf_id>
       - type: sriov_vf
           device:  <pf_device_name>
           vfid: <vf_id>
     - type: vlan
         get_param: InternalApiNetworkVlanID
       spoofcheck: false
       device: internal_bond
       - ip_netmask:
           get_param: InternalApiIpSubnet
         - get_param: InternalApiInterfaceRoutes
    • Replace <bond_type> with the required bond type, for example, linux_bond. You can apply VLAN tags on the bond for other bonds, such as ovs_bond.
    • Replace <bonding_option> with one of the following supported bond modes:

      • active-backup
      • Balance-slb


        LACP bonds are not supported.

    • Specify the sriov_vf as the interface type to bond in the members section.


      If you are using an OVS bridge as the interface type, you can configure only one OVS bridge on the sriov_vf of a sriov_pf device. More than one OVS bridge on a single sriov_pf device can result in packet duplication across VFs, and decreased performance.

    • Replace <pf_device_name> with the name of the PF device.
    • If you use a linux_bond, you must assign VLAN tags. If you set a VLAN tag, ensure that you set a unique tag for each VF associated with a single sriov_pf device. You cannot have two VFs from the same PF on the same VLAN.
    • Replace <vf_id> with the ID of the VF. The applicable VF ID range starts at zero, and ends at the maximum number of VFs minus one.
    • Disable spoof checking.
    • Apply VLAN tags on the sriov_vf for linux_bond over VFs.
  6. To reserve VFs for instances, include the NovaPCIPassthrough parameter in an environment file.


     - address: "0000:19:0e.3"
       trusted: "true"
       physical_network: "sriov1"
     - address: "0000:19:0e.0"
       trusted: "true"
       physical_network: "sriov2"

    RHOSP director identifies the host VFs, and derives the PCI addresses of the VFs that are available to the instance.

  7. Enable IOMMU on all nodes that require NIC partitioning.


    For example, if you want NIC partitioning for Compute nodes, enable IOMMU using the KernelArgs parameter for that role:

        KernelArgs: "intel_iommu=on iommu=pt"

    When you first add the KernelArgs parameter to the configuration of a role, the overcloud nodes are automatically rebooted. If required, you can disable the automatic rebooting of nodes and instead perform node reboots manually after each overcloud deployment.

  8. Ensure that you add this NIC configuration template, for example single_nic_vlans.j2, to the bare metal nodes definition file that you created in Section 7.4, “Creating a bare metal nodes definition file for SR-IOV”.

Next steps

  1. Configuring and provisioning overcloud network definitions in the Installing and managing Red Hat OpenStack Platform with director guide
  2. Configuring and provisioning network VIPs for the overcloud in the Installing and managing Red Hat OpenStack Platform with director guide
  3. Provisioning bare metal nodes for the overcloud in the Installing and managing Red Hat OpenStack Platform with director guide
  4. Section 7.8, “Deploying an SR-IOV overcloud”

7.7. Example configurations for NIC partitions

Refer to these example configurations when you want to partition NICs in a Red Hat OpenStack Platform SR-IOV environment.

Linux bond over VFs

The following example configures a Linux bond over VFs, disables spoofcheck, and applies VLAN tags to sriov_vf:

- type: linux_bond
  name: bond_api
  bonding_options: "mode=active-backup"
    - type: sriov_vf
      device: eno2
      vfid: 1
        get_param: InternalApiNetworkVlanID
      spoofcheck: false
    - type: sriov_vf
      device: eno3
      vfid: 1
        get_param: InternalApiNetworkVlanID
      spoofcheck: false
    - ip_netmask:
      get_param: InternalApiIpSubnet
    - get_param: InternalApiInterfaceRoutes

OVS bridge on VFs

The following example configures an OVS bridge on VFs:

- type: ovs_bridge
  name: br-bond
  use_dhcp: true
    - type: vlan
      get_param: TenantNetworkVlanID
  - ip_netmask:
    get_param: TenantIpSubnet
      - get_param: ControlPlaneStaticRoutes
  - type: ovs_bond
    name: bond_vf
    ovs_options: "bond_mode=active-backup"
      - type: sriov_vf
        device: p2p1
        vfid: 2
      - type: sriov_vf
        device: p2p2
        vfid: 2

OVS user bridge on VFs

The following example configures an OVS user bridge on VFs and applies VLAN tags to ovs_user_bridge:

- type: ovs_user_bridge
  name: br-link0
  use_dhcp: false
  mtu: 9000
    - str_replace:
        template: set port br-link0 tag=_VLAN_TAG_
            get_param: TenantNetworkVlanID
    - ip_netmask:
      - get_param: TenantInterfaceRoutes
    - type: ovs_dpdk_bond
      name: dpdkbond0
      mtu: 9000
        - set port dpdkbond0 bond_mode=balance-slb
        - type: ovs_dpdk_port
          name: dpdk0
            - type: sriov_vf
              device: eno2
              vfid: 3
        - type: ovs_dpdk_port
          name: dpdk1
            - type: sriov_vf
              device: eno3
              vfid: 3

7.8. Deploying an SR-IOV overcloud

The last step in configuring your Red Hat OpenStack Platform (RHOSP) overcloud in an SR-IOV environment is to run the openstack overcloud deploy command. Inputs to the command include all of the various overcloud templates and environment files that you constructed.


  • Access to the undercloud host and credentials for the stack user.
  • You have performed all of the steps listed in the earlier procedures in this section and have assembled all of the various heat templates and environment files to use as inputs for the overcloud deploy command.


  1. Log in to the undercloud host as the stack user.
  2. Source the stackrc undercloud credentials file:

    $ source ~/stackrc
  3. Enter the openstack overcloud deploy command.

    It is important to list the inputs to the openstack overcloud deploy command in a particular order. The general rule is to specify the default heat template files first followed by your custom environment files and custom templates that contain custom configurations, such as overrides to the default properties.

    Add your inputs to the openstack overcloud deploy command in the following order:

    1. A custom network definition file that contains the specifications for your SR-IOV network on the overcloud, for example, network-data.yaml.

      For more information, see Network definition file configuration options in the Installing and managing Red Hat OpenStack Platform with director guide.

    2. A roles file that contains the Controller and ComputeOvsHwOffload roles that RHOSP director uses to deploy your OVS hardware offload environment.

      Example: roles_data_compute_sriov.yaml

      For more information, see Section 7.1, “Generating roles and image files for SR-IOV”.

    3. An output file from provisioning your overcloud networks.

      Example: overcloud-networks-deployed.yaml

      For more information, see Configuring and provisioning overcloud network definitions in the Installing and managing Red Hat OpenStack Platform with director guide.

    4. An output file from provisioning your overcloud VIPs.

      Example: overcloud-vip-deployed.yaml

      For more information, see Configuring and provisioning network VIPs for the overcloud in the Installing and managing Red Hat OpenStack Platform with director guide.

    5. An output file from provisioning bare-metal nodes.

      Example: overcloud-baremetal-deployed.yaml

      For more information, see Provisioning bare metal nodes for the overcloud in the Installing and managing Red Hat OpenStack Platform with director guide.

    6. An images file that director uses to determine where to obtain container images and how to store them.

      Example: overcloud_images.yaml

      For more information, see Section 7.1, “Generating roles and image files for SR-IOV”.

    7. An environment file for the Networking service (neutron) mechanism driver and router scheme that your environment uses:

      • ML2/OVN

        • Distributed virtual routing (DVR): neutron-ovn-dvr-ha.yaml
        • Centralized virtual routing: neutron-ovn-ha.yaml
      • ML2/OVS

        • Distributed virtual routing (DVR): neutron-ovs-dvr.yaml
        • Centralized virtual routing: neutron-ovs.yaml
    8. An environment file for SR-IOV, depending on your mechanism driver:

      • ML2/OVN

        • neutron-ovn-sriov.yaml
      • ML2/OVS

        • neutron-sriov.yaml


          If you also have an OVS-DPDK environment, and want to locate OVS-DPDK and SR-IOV instances on the same node, include the following environment files in your deployment script:

          • ML2/OVN


          • ML2/OVS


    9. One or more custom environment files that contain your configuration for:

      • PCI passthrough devices for the SR-IOV nodes.
      • role-specific parameters for the SR-IOV nodes
      • overrides of default configuration values for the SR-IOV environment.

        Example: sriov-overrides.yaml

        For more information, see:

      • Section 7.2, “Configuring PCI passthrough devices for SR-IOV”.
      • Section 7.3, “Adding role-specific parameters and configuration overrides”.


        This excerpt from a sample openstack overcloud deploy command demonstrates the proper ordering of the command’s inputs for an SR-IOV, ML2/OVN environment that uses DVR:

        $ openstack overcloud deploy \
        --log-file overcloud_deployment.log \
        --templates /usr/share/openstack-tripleo-heat-templates/ \
        --stack overcloud \
        -n /home/stack/templates/network_data.yaml \
        -r /home/stack/templates/roles_data_compute_sriov.yaml \
        -e /home/stack/templates/overcloud-networks-deployed.yaml \
        -e /home/stack/templates/overcloud-vip-deployed.yaml \
        -e /home/stack/templates/overcloud-baremetal-deployed.yaml \
        -e /home/stack/templates/overcloud-images.yaml \
        -e /usr/share/openstack-tripleo-heat-templates/environments/services/\
        -e /usr/share/openstack-tripleo-heat-templates/environments/services/\
        neutron-ovn-sriov.yaml \
        -e /home/stack/templates/sriov-overrides.yaml
  4. Run the openstack overcloud deploy command.

    When the overcloud creation is finished, the RHOSP director provides details to help you access your overcloud.


  1. Perform the steps in Validating your overcloud deployment in the Installing and managing Red Hat OpenStack Platform with director guide.
  2. To verify that your NICs are partitioned properly, do the following:

    1. Log in to the overcloud Compute node as tripleo-admin and check the number of VFs:


      In this example, the number of VFs for both p4p1 and p4p2 is 10:

      $ sudo cat /sys/class/net/p4p1/device/sriov_numvfs
      $ sudo cat /sys/class/net/p4p2/device/sriov_numvfs
    2. Show the OVS connections:

      $ sudo ovs-vsctl show

      Sample output

      You should see output similar to the following:

          Manager "ptcp:6640:"
              is_connected: true
          Bridge br-sriov2
              Controller "tcp:"
                  is_connected: true
              fail_mode: secure
              datapath_type: netdev
              Port phy-br-sriov2
                  Interface phy-br-sriov2
                      type: patch
                      options: {peer=int-br-sriov2}
              Port br-sriov2
                  Interface br-sriov2
                      type: internal
          Bridge br-sriov1
              Controller "tcp:"
                  is_connected: true
              fail_mode: secure
              datapath_type: netdev
              Port phy-br-sriov1
                  Interface phy-br-sriov1
                      type: patch
                      options: {peer=int-br-sriov1}
              Port br-sriov1
                  Interface br-sriov1
                      type: internal
          Bridge br-ex
              Controller "tcp:"
                  is_connected: true
              fail_mode: secure
              datapath_type: netdev
              Port br-ex
                  Interface br-ex
                      type: internal
              Port phy-br-ex
                  Interface phy-br-ex
                      type: patch
                      options: {peer=int-br-ex}
          Bridge br-tenant
              Controller "tcp:"
                  is_connected: true
              fail_mode: secure
              datapath_type: netdev
              Port br-tenant
                  tag: 305
                  Interface br-tenant
                      type: internal
              Port phy-br-tenant
                  Interface phy-br-tenant
                      type: patch
                      options: {peer=int-br-tenant}
              Port dpdkbond0
                  Interface dpdk0
                      type: dpdk
                      options: {dpdk-devargs="0000:18:0e.0"}
                  Interface dpdk1
                      type: dpdk
                      options: {dpdk-devargs="0000:18:0a.0"}
          Bridge br-tun
              Controller "tcp:"
                  is_connected: true
              fail_mode: secure
              datapath_type: netdev
              Port vxlan-98140025
                  Interface vxlan-98140025
                      type: vxlan
                      options: {df_default="true", egress_pkt_mark="0", in_key=flow, local_ip="", out_key=flow, remote_ip=""}
              Port br-tun
                  Interface br-tun
                      type: internal
              Port patch-int
                  Interface patch-int
                      type: patch
                      options: {peer=patch-tun}
              Port vxlan-98140015
                  Interface vxlan-98140015
                      type: vxlan
                      options: {df_default="true", egress_pkt_mark="0", in_key=flow, local_ip="", out_key=flow, remote_ip=""}
              Port vxlan-9814009f
                  Interface vxlan-9814009f
                      type: vxlan
                      options: {df_default="true", egress_pkt_mark="0", in_key=flow, local_ip="", out_key=flow, remote_ip=""}
              Port vxlan-981400cc
                  Interface vxlan-981400cc
                      type: vxlan
                      options: {df_default="true", egress_pkt_mark="0", in_key=flow, local_ip="", out_key=flow, remote_ip=""}
          Bridge br-int
              Controller "tcp:"
                  is_connected: true
              fail_mode: secure
              datapath_type: netdev
              Port int-br-tenant
                  Interface int-br-tenant
                      type: patch
                      options: {peer=phy-br-tenant}
              Port int-br-ex
                  Interface int-br-ex
                      type: patch
                      options: {peer=phy-br-ex}
              Port int-br-sriov1
                  Interface int-br-sriov1
                      type: patch
                      options: {peer=phy-br-sriov1}
              Port patch-tun
                  Interface patch-tun
                      type: patch
                      options: {peer=patch-int}
              Port br-int
                  Interface br-int
                      type: internal
              Port int-br-sriov2
                  Interface int-br-sriov2
                      type: patch
                      options: {peer=phy-br-sriov2}
              Port vhu4142a221-93
                  tag: 1
                  Interface vhu4142a221-93
                      type: dpdkvhostuserclient
                      options: {vhost-server-path="/var/lib/vhost_sockets/vhu4142a221-93"}
          ovs_version: "2.13.2"
    3. Log in to your SR-IOV Compute node as tripleo-admin and check the Linux bonds:

      $ cat /proc/net/bonding/<bond_name>

      Sample output

      You should see output similar to the following:

      Ethernet Channel Bonding Driver: v3.7.1 (April 27, 2011)
      Bonding Mode: fault-tolerance (active-backup)
      Primary Slave: None
      Currently Active Slave: eno3v1
      MII Status: up
      MII Polling Interval (ms): 0
      Up Delay (ms): 0
      Down Delay (ms): 0
      Peer Notification Delay (ms): 0
      Slave Interface: eno3v1
      MII Status: up
      Speed: 10000 Mbps
      Duplex: full
      Link Failure Count: 0
      Permanent HW addr: 4e:77:94:bd:38:d2
      Slave queue ID: 0
      Slave Interface: eno4v1
      MII Status: up
      Speed: 10000 Mbps
      Duplex: full
      Link Failure Count: 0
      Permanent HW addr: 4a:74:52:a7:aa:7c
      Slave queue ID: 0
  3. List the OVS bonds:

    $ sudo ovs-appctl bond/show

    Sample output

    You should see output similar to the following:

    ---- dpdkbond0 ----
    bond_mode: balance-slb
    bond may use recirculation: no, Recirc-ID : -1
    bond-hash-basis: 0
    updelay: 0 ms
    downdelay: 0 ms
    next rebalance: 9491 ms
    lacp_status: off
    lacp_fallback_ab: false
    active slave mac: ce:ee:c7:58:8e:b2(dpdk1)
    slave dpdk0: enabled
      may_enable: true
    slave dpdk1: enabled
      active slave
      may_enable: true
  4. If you used NovaPCIPassthrough to pass VFs to instances, test by deploying an SR-IOV instance.

Additional resources

7.9. Creating host aggregates in an SR-IOV or an OVS TC-flower hardware offload environment

For better performance in your Red Hat OpenStack Platform (RHOSP) SR-IOV or OVS TC-flower hardware offload environment, deploy guests that have CPU pinning and huge pages. You can schedule high performance instances on a subset of hosts by matching aggregate metadata with flavor metadata.



  1. Create an aggregate group, and add relevant hosts.

    Define metadata, for example, sriov=true, that matches defined flavor metadata.

    $ openstack aggregate create sriov_group
    $ openstack aggregate add host sriov_group compute-sriov-0.localdomain
    $ openstack aggregate set --property sriov=true sriov_group
  2. Create a flavor.

    $ openstack flavor create <flavor> --ram <size_mb> --disk <size_gb> \
    --vcpus <number>
  3. Set additional flavor properties.

    Note that the defined metadata, sriov=true, matches the defined metadata on the SR-IOV aggregate.

    $ openstack flavor set --property sriov=true \
    --property hw:cpu_policy=dedicated \
    --property hw:mem_page_size=1GB <flavor>

Additional resources

  • aggregate in the Command line interface reference
  • flavor in the Command line interface reference

7.10. Creating an instance in an SR-IOV or an OVS TC-flower hardware offload environment

You use several commands to create an instance in a Red Hat OpenStack Platform (RHOSP) SR-IOV or an OVS TC-flower hardware offload environment.

Use host aggregates to separate high performance Compute hosts. For more information, see Section 7.9, “Creating host aggregates in an SR-IOV or an OVS TC-flower hardware offload environment”.


Pinned CPU instances can be located on the same Compute node as unpinned instances. For more information, see Configuring CPU pinning on Compute nodes in the Configuring the Compute service for instance creation guide.


  • A RHOSP overcloud configured for an SR-IOV or an OVS hardware offload environment.


  1. Create a flavor.

    $ openstack flavor create <flavor_name> --ram <size_mb> \
    --disk <size_gb> --vcpus <number>

    You can specify the NUMA affinity policy for PCI passthrough devices and SR-IOV interfaces by adding the extra spec hw:pci_numa_affinity_policy to your flavor. For more information, see Flavor metadata in Configuring the Compute service for instance creation.

  2. Create the network and the subnet:

    $ openstack network create <network_name> \
    --provider-physical-network tenant \
    --provider-network-type vlan --provider-segment <vlan_id>
    $ openstack subnet create <name> --network <network_name> \
    --subnet-range <ip_address_cidr> --dhcp
  3. Create a virtual function (VF) port or physical function (PF) port:

    • VF port:

      $ openstack port create --network <network_name> \
      --vnic-type direct <port_name>
    • PF port that is dedicated to a single instance:

      This PF port is a Networking service (neutron) port but is not controlled by the Networking service, and is not visible as a network adapter because it is a PCI device that is passed through to the instance.

      $ openstack port create --network <network_name> \
      --vnic-type direct-physical <port_name>
  4. Create an instance.

    $ openstack server create --flavor <flavor> --image <image_name> \
    --nic port-id=<id> <instance_name>

Additional resources

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