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Chapter 2. Working with ML2/OVN

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Red Hat OpenStack Platform (RHOSP) networks are managed by the Networking service (neutron). The core of the Networking service is the Modular Layer 2 (ML2) plug-in, and the default mechanism driver for RHOSP ML2 plug-in is the Open Virtual Networking (OVN) mechanism driver.

Earlier RHOSP versions used the Open vSwitch (OVS) mechanism driver by default, but Red Hat recommends the ML2/OVN mechanism driver for most deployments.

2.1. List of components in the RHOSP OVN architecture

The RHOSP OVN architecture replaces the OVS Modular Layer 2 (ML2) mechanism driver with the OVN ML2 mechanism driver to support the Networking API. OVN provides networking services for the Red Hat OpenStack platform.

As illustrated in Figure 2.1, the OVN architecture consists of the following components and services:

ML2 plug-in with OVN mechanism driver
The ML2 plug-in translates the OpenStack-specific networking configuration into the platform-neutral OVN logical networking configuration. It typically runs on the Controller node.
OVN northbound (NB) database (ovn-nb)
This database stores the logical OVN networking configuration from the OVN ML2 plugin. It typically runs on the Controller node and listens on TCP port 6641.
OVN northbound service (ovn-northd)
This service converts the logical networking configuration from the OVN NB database to the logical data path flows and populates these on the OVN Southbound database. It typically runs on the Controller node.
OVN southbound (SB) database (ovn-sb)
This database stores the converted logical data path flows. It typically runs on the Controller node and listens on TCP port 6642.
OVN controller (ovn-controller)
This controller connects to the OVN SB database and acts as the open vSwitch controller to control and monitor network traffic. It runs on all Compute and gateway nodes where OS::Tripleo::Services::OVNController is defined.
OVN metadata agent (ovn-metadata-agent)
This agent creates the haproxy instances for managing the OVS interfaces, network namespaces and HAProxy processes used to proxy metadata API requests. The agent runs on all Compute and gateway nodes where OS::TripleO::Services::OVNMetadataAgent is defined.
OVS database server (OVSDB)
Hosts the OVN Northbound and Southbound databases. Also interacts with ovs-vswitchd to host the OVS database conf.db.

The schema file for the NB database is located in /usr/share/ovn/ovn-nb.ovsschema, and the SB database schema file is in /usr/share/ovn/ovn-sb.ovsschema.

Figure 2.1. OVN architecture in a RHOSP environment

329 OpenStack OVN Architecture 0923 1

2.2. ML2/OVN databases

In Red Hat OpenStack Platform ML2/OVN deployments, network configuration information passes between processes through shared distributed databases. You can inspect these databases to verify the status of the network and identify issues.

OVN northbound database

The northbound database (OVN_Northbound) serves as the interface between OVN and a cloud management system such as Red Hat OpenStack Platform (RHOSP). RHOSP produces the contents of the northbound database.

The northbound database contains the current desired state of the network, presented as a collection of logical ports, logical switches, logical routers, and more. Every RHOSP Networking service (neutron) object is represented in a table in the northbound database.

OVN southbound database
The southbound database (OVN_Southbound) holds the logical and physical configuration state for OVN system to support virtual network abstraction. The ovn-controller uses the information in this database to configure OVS to satisfy Networking service (neutron) requirements.

2.3. The ovn-controller service on Compute nodes

The ovn-controller service runs on each Compute node and connects to the OVN southbound (SB) database server to retrieve the logical flows. The ovn-controller translates these logical flows into physical OpenFlow flows and adds the flows to the OVS bridge (br-int).

To communicate with ovs-vswitchd and install the OpenFlow flows, the ovn-controller connects to one of the active ovsdb-server servers (which host conf.db) using the UNIX socket path that was passed when ovn-controller was started (for example unix:/var/run/openvswitch/db.sock).

The ovn-controller service expects certain key-value pairs in the external_ids column of the Open_vSwitch table; puppet-ovn uses puppet-vswitch to populate these fields. The following example shows the key-value pairs that puppet-vswitch configures in the external_ids column:

hostname=<HOST NAME>
ovn-encap-ip=<IP OF THE NODE>

2.4. OVN metadata agent on Compute nodes

The OVN metadata agent is configured in the tripleo-heat-templates/deployment/ovn/ovn-metadata-container-puppet.yaml file and included in the default Compute role through OS::TripleO::Services::OVNMetadataAgent. As such, the OVN metadata agent with default parameters is deployed as part of the OVN deployment.

OpenStack guest instances access the Networking metadata service available at the link-local IP address: The neutron-ovn-metadata-agent has access to the host networks where the Compute metadata API exists. Each HAProxy is in a network namespace that is not able to reach the appropriate host network. HaProxy adds the necessary headers to the metadata API request and then forwards the request to the neutron-ovn-metadata-agent over a UNIX domain socket.

The OVN Networking service creates a unique network namespace for each virtual network that enables the metadata service. Each network accessed by the instances on the Compute node has a corresponding metadata namespace (ovnmeta-<network_uuid>).

2.5. The OVN composable service

Red Hat OpenStack Platform usually consists of nodes in pre-defined roles, such as nodes in Controller roles, Compute roles, and different storage role types. Each of these default roles contains a set of services that are defined in the core heat template collection.

In a default Red Hat OpenStack (RHOSP) deployment, the ML2/OVN composable service, ovn-dbs, runs on Controller nodes. Because the service is composable, you can assign it to another role, such as a Networker role. By choosing to assign the ML2/OVN service to another role you can reduce the load on the Controller node, and implement a high-availability strategy by isolating the Networking service on Networker nodes.

2.6. Layer 3 high availability with OVN

OVN supports Layer 3 high availability (L3 HA) without any special configuration.


When you create a router, do not use --ha option because OVN routers are highly available by default. Openstack router create commands that include the --ha option fail.

OVN automatically schedules the router port to all available gateway nodes that can act as an L3 gateway on the specified external network. OVN L3 HA uses the gateway_chassis column in the OVN Logical_Router_Port table. Most functionality is managed by OpenFlow rules with bundled active_passive outputs. The ovn-controller handles the Address Resolution Protocol (ARP) responder and router enablement and disablement. Gratuitous ARPs for FIPs and router external addresses are also periodically sent by the ovn-controller.


L3HA uses OVN to balance the routers back to the original gateway nodes to avoid any nodes becoming a bottleneck.

BFD monitoring

OVN uses the Bidirectional Forwarding Detection (BFD) protocol to monitor the availability of the gateway nodes. This protocol is encapsulated on top of the Geneve tunnels established from node to node.

Each gateway node monitors all the other gateway nodes in a star topology in the deployment. Gateway nodes also monitor the compute nodes to let the gateways enable and disable routing of packets and ARP responses and announcements.

Each compute node uses BFD to monitor each gateway node and automatically steers external traffic, such as source and destination Network Address Translation (SNAT and DNAT), through the active gateway node for a given router. Compute nodes do not need to monitor other compute nodes.


External network failures are not detected as would happen with an ML2-OVS configuration.

L3 HA for OVN supports the following failure modes:

  • The gateway node becomes disconnected from the network (tunneling interface).
  • ovs-vswitchd stops (ovs-switchd is responsible for BFD signaling)
  • ovn-controller stops (ovn-controller removes itself as a registered node).

This BFD monitoring mechanism only works for link failures, not for routing failures.

2.7. Active-active clustered database service model

Red Hat OpenStack Platform (RHOSP) ML2/OVN deployments use a clustered database service model that applies the Raft consensus algorithm to enhance performance of OVS database protocol traffic and provide faster, more reliable failover handling. Starting in RHOSP 17.0, the clustered database service model replaces the pacemaker-based, active/backup model.

A clustered database operates on a cluster of at least three database servers on different hosts. Servers use the Raft consensus algorithm to synchronize writes and share network traffic continuously across the cluster. The cluster elects one server as the leader. All servers in the cluster can handle database read operations, which mitigates potential bottlenecks on the control plane. Write operations are handled by the cluster leader.

If a server fails, a new cluster leader is elected and the traffic is redistributed among the remaining operational servers. The clustered database service model handles failovers more efficiently than the pacemaker-based model did. This mitigates related downtime and complications that can occur with longer failover times.

The leader election process requires a majority, so the fault tolerance capacity is limited by the highest odd number in the cluster. For example, a three-server cluster continues to operate if one server fails. A five-server cluster tolerates up to two failures. Increasing the number of servers to an even number does not increase fault tolerance. For example, a four-server cluster cannot tolerate more failures than a three-server cluster.

Most RHOSP deployments use three servers.

Clusters larger than five servers also work, with every two added servers allowing the cluster to tolerate an additional failure, but write performance decreases.

For information on monitoring the status of the database servers, see Monitoring OVN database status.

2.8. Deploying a custom role with ML2/OVN

In a default Red Hat OpenStack (RHOSP) deployment, the ML2/OVN composable service runs on Controller nodes. You can optionally use supported custom roles like those described in the following examples.

Run the OVN composable services on dedicated networker nodes.
Networker with SR-IOV
Run the OVN composable services on dedicated networker nodes with SR-IOV.
Controller with SR-IOV
Run the OVN composable services on SR-IOV capable controller nodes.

You can also generate your own custom roles.


The following limitations apply to the use of SR-IOV with ML2/OVN and native OVN DHCP in this release.

  • All external ports are scheduled on a single gateway node because there is only one HA Chassis Group for all of the ports.
  • North/south routing on VF(direct) ports on VLAN tenant networks does not work with SR-IOV because the external ports are not colocated with the logical router’s gateway ports. See



  1. Log in to the undercloud host as the stack user and source the stackrc file.

    $ source stackrc
  2. Choose the custom roles file that is appropriate for your deployment. Use it directly in the deploy command if it suits your needs as-is. Or you can generate your own custom roles file that combines other custom roles files.

    DeploymentRoleRole File

    Networker role



    Networker role with SR-IOV



    Co-located control and networker with SR-IOV



  3. (Optional) Generate a new custom roles data file that combines one of the custom roles files listed earlier with other custom roles files.

    Follow the instructions in Creating a roles_data file in the Customizing your Red Hat OpenStack Platform deployment guide. Include the appropriate source role files depending on your deployment.

  4. (Optional) To identify specific nodes for the role, you can create a specific hardware flavor and assign the flavor to specific nodes. Then use an environment file to define the flavor for the role, and to specify a node count.

    For more information, see the example in Creating a new role in the Customizing your Red Hat OpenStack Platform deployment guide.

  5. Create an environment file as appropriate for your deployment.

    DeploymentSample Environment File

    Networker role


    Networker role with SR-IOV


  6. Include the following settings as appropriate for your deployment.


    Networker role

        OVNCMSOptions: ""
            OVNCMSOptions: ""
        OVNCMSOptions: "enable-chassis-as-gw"
        OVNCMSOptions: ""

    Networker role with SR-IOV

    OS::TripleO::Services::NeutronDhcpAgent: OS::Heat::None
        OVNCMSOptions: ""
            OVNCMSOptions: ""
        OVNCMSOptions: ""
        OVNCMSOptions: "enable-chassis-as-gw"

    Co-located control and networker with SR-IOV

    OS::TripleO::Services::NeutronDhcpAgent: OS::Heat::None
        OVNCMSOptions: ""
            OVNCMSOptions: "enable-chassis-as-gw"
        OVNCMSOptions: ""
        OVNCMSOptions: ""
  7. Run the deployment command and include the core heat templates, other environment files, and the custom roles data file in your deployment command with the -r option.


    The order of the environment files is important because the parameters and resources defined in subsequent environment files take precedence.


    $ openstack overcloud deploy --templates <core_heat_templates> \
    -e <other_environment_files> \
    -e /home/stack/templates/my-neutron-environment.yaml
    -r mycustom_roles_file.yaml

Verification steps

  1. Log in to the Controller or Networker node as the tripleo-admin user:


    ssh tripleo-admin@controller-0

  2. Ensure that ovn_metadata_agent is running.

    $ sudo podman ps | grep ovn_metadata

    Sample output

    a65125d9588d  undercloud-0.ctlplane.localdomain:8787/rh-osbs ...
    openstack-neutron-metadata-agent-ovn ...
    kolla_start  23 hours ago  Up 21 hours ago  ovn_metadata_agent

  3. Ensure that Controller nodes with OVN services or dedicated Networker nodes have been configured as gateways for OVS.

    $ sudo ovs-vsctl get Open_Vswitch . external_ids:ovn-cms-options

    Sample output


Additional verification steps for SR-IOV deployments

  1. Log in to a Compute node as the tripleo-admin user:


    ssh tripleo-admin@compute-0

  2. Ensure that neutron_sriov_agent is running on Compute nodes.

    sudo podman ps | grep neutron_sriov_agent

    Sample output

    f54cbbf4523a  undercloud-0.ctlplane.localdomain:8787 ...
    openstack-neutron-sriov-agent ...
    kolla_start  23 hours ago  Up 21 hours ago  neutron_sriov_agent

  3. Ensure that network-available SR-IOV NICs have been successfully detected.

    $ sudo podman exec -uroot galera-bundle-podman-0 mysql nova \
    -e 'select hypervisor_hostname,pci_stats from compute_nodes;'

    Sample output

    computesriov-1.localdomain	{... {"dev_type": "type-PF", "physical_network"
    : "datacentre", "trusted": "true"}, "count": 1}, ... {"dev_type": "type-VF",
    "physical_network": "datacentre", "trusted": "true", "parent_ifname":
    "enp7s0f3"}, "count": 5}, ...}
    computesriov-0.localdomain	{... {"dev_type": "type-PF", "physical_network":
    "datacentre", "trusted": "true"}, "count": 1}, ... {"dev_type": "type-VF",
    "physical_network": "datacentre", "trusted": "true", "parent_ifname":
    "enp7s0f3"}, "count": 5}, ...}

Additional resources

2.9. SR-IOV with ML2/OVN and native OVN DHCP

You can deploy a custom role to use SR-IOV in an ML2/OVN deployment with native OVN DHCP. See Section 2.8, “Deploying a custom role with ML2/OVN”.


The following limitations apply to the use of SR-IOV with ML2/OVN and native OVN DHCP in this release.

  • All external ports are scheduled on a single gateway node because there is only one HA Chassis Group for all of the ports.
  • North/south routing on VF(direct) ports on VLAN tenant networks does not work with SR-IOV because the external ports are not colocated with the logical router’s gateway ports. See

Additional resources

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