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Chapter 4. Finding more information

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The following table includes deployment references for Red Hat OpenStack Platform (RHOSP) components.

For additional RHOSP documentation, see Product Documentation for Red Hat OpenStack Platform 17.1.


Red Hat Enterprise Linux

Red Hat OpenStack Platform 17.1 is supported on Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8.4. For information about installing Red Hat Enterprise Linux, see Product Documentation for Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8.

Red Hat OpenStack Platform

To install OpenStack components and their dependencies, use RHOSP director. Director uses a basic OpenStack undercloud to provision and manage the OpenStack nodes in the final overcloud.

Be aware that you need one extra host machine for the installation of the undercloud, in addition to the environment necessary for the deployed overcloud. For more information, see the Installing and managing Red Hat OpenStack Platform with director guide.

High Availability

For the configuration of additional high availability components, for example, HAProxy, see the Managing high availability services guide.

For information about configuring live migration, see Migrating virtual machine instances between Compute nodes in the Configuring the Compute service for instance creation guide.


The OpenStack Load-balancing service (octavia) provides a load balancing implementation for RHOSP director installations. For more information, see the Configuring load balancing as a service guide.


Pacemaker is integrated into Red Hat Enterprise Linux as an add-on. To configure Red Hat Enterprise Linux for high availability, see the Configuring and managing high availability clusters guide.

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