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Chapter 2. Managing users

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As a cloud administrator, you can add, modify, and delete users in the dashboard. Users can be members of one or more projects. You can manage projects and users independently from each other.

2.1. Creating users with the dashboard

You can assign a primary project and role to the user. Users that you create with OpenStack Dashboard (horizon) are Identity service users by default. You can integrate Active Directory users by configuring the LDAP provider included with the Identity service.


  1. Log in to the Dashboard as an admin user.
  2. Select Identity > Users.
  3. Click Create User.
  4. Enter a user name, email, and preliminary password for the user.
  5. Select a project from the Primary Project list.
  6. Select a role for the user from the Role list. The default role is member.
  7. Click Create User.

2.2. Editing users with the dashboard

You can update user details, including the primary project.


  1. Log in to the dashboard as an admin user.
  2. Select Identity > Users.
  3. In the Actions column, click Edit.
  4. In the Update User window, you can update the User Name, Email, and Primary Project.
  5. Click Update User.

2.3. Enabling or disabling users with the dashboard

You can disable a user with the dashboard. This action is reversible, unlike deleting a user.


  • You cannot disable or enable more than one user at a time.
  • You cannot set the primary project of a user to active.

The result is that the user you have disabled cannot:

  • Log in to the dashboard.
  • Get access to RHOSP services.
  • Do any user-project action in the dashboard.


  1. As an admin user in the dashboard, select Identity > Users.
  2. In the Actions column, click the arrow, and select Enable User or Disable User. In the Enabled column, the value then updates to either True or False.

2.4. Deleting a user with the dashboard

You must be a user with an administrative role to delete other users. This action cannot be reversed.


  1. As an admin user in the dashboard, select Identity > Users.
  2. Select the users you want to delete.
  3. Click Delete Users. The Confirm Delete Users window is displayed.
  4. Click Delete Users to confirm the action.
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