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Chapter 9. Ceph Storage Parameters

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You can modify your Ceph Storage cluster with Ceph Storage parameters.



Disks configuration settings. The default value is {'devices': [], 'osd_scenario': 'lvm', 'osd_objectstore': 'bluestore'}.


Mapping of Ansible environment variables to override defaults.


Extra vars for the ceph-ansible playbook.


List of paths to the ceph-ansible playbooks to execute. If not specified, the playbook will be determined automatically depending on type of operation being performed (deploy/update/upgrade). The default value is ['default'].


The number of -v, -vv, etc. passed to ansible-playbook command. The default value is 1.


The repository that should be used to install the right ceph-ansible package. This value can be used by tripleo-validations to double check the right ceph-ansible version is installed. The default value is centos-ceph-nautilus.


This boolean (when true) prevents the ceph-ansible client role execution by adding the ceph-ansible tag ceph_client to the --skip-tags list. The default value is true.


List of ceph-ansible tags to skip. The default value is package-install,with_pkg.


In particular scenarios we want this validation to show the warning but don’t fail because the package is installed on the system but repos are disabled. The default value is true.


Override the private key size used when creating the certificate for this service.


The Ceph client key. Currently only used for external Ceph deployments to create the openstack user keyring. Can be created with: ceph-authtool --gen-print-key


The Ceph cluster FSID. Must be a UUID.


The Ceph cluster name. The default value is ceph.


Extra configuration settings to dump into ceph.conf.


The path where the Ceph Cluster configuration files are stored on the host. The default value is /var/lib/tripleo-config/ceph.


Admin password for the dashboard component.


Parameter used to set a read-only admin user. The default value is true.


Admin user for the dashboard component. The default value is admin.


Parameter that defines the ceph dashboard port. The default value is 8444.


Parameter used to trigger the dashboard deployment. The default value is false.


List of externally managed Ceph Mon Host IPs. Only used for external Ceph deployments.


List of maps describing extra overrides which will be applied when configuring extra external Ceph clusters. If this list is non-empty, ceph-ansible will run an extra count(list) times using the same parameters as the first run except each parameter within each map will override the defaults. If the following were used, the second run would configure the overcloud to also use the ceph2 cluster with all the previous parameters except /etc/ceph/ceph2.conf would have a mon_host entry containing the value of external_cluster_mon_ips below, and not the default CephExternalMonHost. Subsequent ceph-ansible runs are restricted to just ceph clients. CephExternalMultiConfig may not be used to deploy additional internal Ceph clusters within one OpenStack Orchestration (heat) stack. The map for each list should contain not tripleo-heat-template parameters but ceph-ansible parameters. - cluster: ceph2 fsid: e2cba068-5f14-4b0f-b047-acf375c0004a external_cluster_mon_ips:,, keys: - name: "client.openstack" caps: mgr: "allow *" mon: "profile rbd" osd: "osd: profile rbd pool=volumes, profile rbd pool=backups, profile rbd pool=vms, profile rbd pool=images" key: "AQCwmeRcAAAAABAA6SQU/bGqFjlfLro5KxrB1Q==" mode: "0600" dashboard_enabled: false.


List of maps describing extra keys which will be created on the deployed Ceph cluster. Uses ceph-ansible/library/ ansible module. Each item in the list must be in the following example format - name: "client.glance" caps: mgr: "allow *" mon: "profile rbd" osd: "profile rbd pool=images" key: "AQBRgQ9eAAAAABAAv84zEilJYZPNuJ0Iwn9Ndg==" mode: "0600".


Admin password for grafana component.


Enables Ceph daemons to bind to IPv6 addresses. The default value is False.


The Ceph client key. Can be created with: ceph-authtool --gen-print-key


Enable Ceph msgr2 secure mode to enable on-wire encryption between Ceph daemons and also between Ceph clients and daemons. The default value is false.


The minimum percentage of Ceph OSDs which must be running and in the Ceph cluster, according to ceph osd stat, for the deployment not to fail. Used to catch deployment errors early. Set this value to 0 to disable this check. Deprecated in Wallaby because of the move from ceph-ansible to cephadm; the later only brings up OSDs out of band and deployment does not block while waiting for them to come up, thus we cannot do this anymore. The default value is 0.


Default placement group size to use for the RBD pools. The default value is 16.


Default minimum replication for RBD copies. The default value is 3.


Override settings for one of the predefined pools or to create additional ones. Example: { "volumes": { "size": 5, "pg_num": 128, "pgp_num": 128 } }


Perform mirror configuration between local and remote pool. The default value is true.


Copy the admin key to all nodes. The default value is false.


Name of the local pool to mirror to remote cluster.


The name given to the remote Ceph cluster from the local cluster. Keys reside in the /etc/ceph directory. The default value is not-ceph.


The rbd-mirror daemon needs a user to authenticate with the remote cluster. By default, this key should be available under /etc/ceph/<remote_cluster>.client.<remote_user>.keyring.


Override the private key size used when creating the certificate for this service.


The client name for the RADOSGW service." The default value is radosgw.


The cephx key for the RADOSGW client. Can be created with ceph-authtool --gen-print-key.


Interval (in seconds) in between validation checks. The default value is 30.


Number of retry attempts for Ceph validation. The default value is 40.


Specifies the private key size used when creating the certificate. The default value is 2048.


The short name of the OpenStack Block Storage (cinder) Backup backend to use. The default value is swift.


Pool to use if Block Storage (cinder) Backup is enabled. The default value is backups.


Whether to enable or not the Rbd backend for OpenStack Block Storage (cinder). The default value is false.


List of extra Ceph pools for use with RBD backends for OpenStack Block Storage (cinder). An extra OpenStack Block Storage (cinder) RBD backend driver is created for each pool in the list. This is in addition to the standard RBD backend driver associated with the CinderRbdPoolName.


Pool to use for Block Storage (cinder) service. The default value is volumes.


List of server hostnames to blocklist from any triggered deployments.


The short name of the OpenStack Image Storage (glance) backend to use. Set to rbd to use Ceph Storage.` The default value is swift.


Dictionary of settings when configuring additional glance backends. The hash key is the backend ID, and the value is a dictionary of parameter values unique to that backend. Multiple rbd and cinder backends are allowed, but file and swift backends are limited to one each. Example: # Default glance store is rbd. GlanceBackend: rbd GlanceStoreDescription: Default rbd store # GlanceMultistoreConfig specifies a second rbd backend, plus a cinder # backend. GlanceMultistoreConfig: rbd2_store: GlanceBackend: rbd GlanceStoreDescription: Second rbd store CephClusterName: ceph2 # Override CephClientUserName if this cluster uses a different # client name. CephClientUserName: client2 cinder1_store: GlanceBackend: cinder GlanceCinderVolumeType: volume-type-1 GlanceStoreDescription: First cinder store cinder2_store: GlanceBackend: cinder GlanceCinderVolumeType: volume-type-2 GlanceStoreDescription: Seconde cinder store.


Pool to use for Image Storage (glance) service. The default value is images.


The short name of the OpenStack Telemetry Metrics (gnocchi) backend to use. Should be one of swift, rbd, file or s3. The default value is swift.


Pool to use for Telemetry storage. The default value is metrics.


Filesystem path on undercloud to persist a copy of the data from the ceph-ansible fetch directory. Used as an alternative to backing up the fetch_directory in Swift. Path must be writable and readable by the user running ansible from config-download, e.g. the mistral user in the mistral-executor container is able to read/write to /var/lib/mistral/ceph_fetch.


The CephFS user ID for Shared Filesystem Service (manila). The default value is manila.


Pool to use for file share storage. The default value is manila_data.


Pool to use for file share metadata storage. The default value is manila_metadata.


Backend name of the CephFS share for file share storage. The default value is cephfs.


Ceph NodeExporter container image.


Whether to enable the Ceph backend for Compute (nova). The default value is false.


Pool to use for Compute storage. The default value is vms.

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