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Chapter 1. Prerequisites

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  • Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) 9

  • An active subscription to Red Hat
  • Two or more virtual CPUs
  • 4 GB or more of RAM
  • Approximately 30 GB of disk space on your test system, which can be broken down as follows:

    • Approximately 10 GB of disk space for the Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) operating system.
    • Approximately 10 GB of disk space for Docker storage for running three containers.
    • Approximately 10 GB of disk space for Red Hat Quay local storage.


      CEPH or other local storage might require more memory.

      More information on sizing can be found at Quay 3.x Sizing Guidelines.

  • The following architectures are supported for Red Hat Quay:

    • amd64/x86_64
    • s390x
    • ppc64le

1.1. Installing Podman

This document uses Podman for creating and deploying containers.

For more information on Podman and related technologies, see Building, running, and managing Linux containers on Red Hat Enterprise Linux 9.


If you do not have Podman installed on your system, the use of equivalent Docker commands might be possible, however this is not recommended. Docker has not been tested with Red Hat Quay 3.11, and will be deprecated in a future release. Podman is recommended for highly available, production quality deployments of Red Hat Quay 3.11.

Use the following procedure to install Podman.


  • Enter the following command to install Podman:

    $ sudo yum install -y podman
  • Alternatively, you can install the container-tools module, which pulls in the full set of container software packages:

    $ sudo yum module install -y container-tools
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