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Chapter 5. Deploying Red Hat Quay on public cloud

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Red Hat Quay can run on public clouds, either in standalone mode or where OpenShift Container Platform itself has been deployed on public cloud. A full list of tested and supported configurations can be found in the Red Hat Quay Tested Integrations Matrix at

Recommendation: If Red Hat Quay is running on public cloud, then you should use the public cloud services for Red Hat Quay backend services to ensure proper high availability and scalability.

5.1. Running Red Hat Quay on Amazon Web Services

If Red Hat Quay is running on Amazon Web Services (AWS), you can use the following features:

  • AWS Elastic Load Balancer
  • AWS S3 (hot) blob storage
  • AWS RDS database
  • AWS ElastiCache Redis
  • EC2 virtual machine recommendation: M3.Large or M4.XLarge

The following image provides a high level overview of Red Hat Quay running on AWS:

Red Hat Quay on AWS

Red Hat Quay on AWS

5.2. Running Red Hat Quay on Microsoft Azure

If Red Hat Quay is running on Microsoft Azure, you can use the following features:

  • Azure managed services such as highly available PostgreSQL
  • Azure Blob Storage must be hot storage

    • Azure cool storage is not available for Red Hat Quay
  • Azure Cache for Redis

The following image provides a high level overview of Red Hat Quay running on Microsoft Azure:

Red Hat Quay on Microsoft Azure

Red Hat Quay on Microsoft Azure

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