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Chapter 3. Running an Ansible playbook from Satellite

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You can run an Ansible playbook on a host or host group by executing a remote job in Satellite.

Limitation of host parameters in Ansible playbook job templates

When you execute an Ansible playbook on multiple hosts, Satellite renders the playbook for all hosts in the batch, but only uses the rendered playbook of the first host to execute it on all hosts in the batch. Therefore, you cannot modify the behavior of the playbook per host by using a host parameter in the template control flow constructs. Host parameters are translated into Ansible variables, so you can use them to control the behavior in native Ansible constructs. For more information, see BZ#2282275.



  1. In the Satellite web UI, navigate to Monitor > Jobs.
  2. Click Run Job.
  3. In Job category, select Ansible Playbook.
  4. In Job template, select Ansible - Run playbook.
  5. Click Next.
  6. Select the hosts on which you want to run the playbook.
  7. In the playbook field, paste the content of your Ansible playbook.
  8. Follow the wizard to complete setting the remote job. For more information, see Section 4.21, “Executing a remote job”.
  9. Click Submit to run the Ansible playbook on your hosts.

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