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Chapter 1. Overview of hosts in Satellite

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A host is any Linux client that Red Hat Satellite manages. Hosts can be physical or virtual.

You can deploy virtual hosts on any platform supported by Red Hat Satellite, such as Amazon EC2, Google Compute Engine, KVM, libvirt, Microsoft Azure, OpenStack, Red Hat Virtualization, Rackspace Cloud Services, or VMware vSphere.

With Satellite, you can manage hosts at scale, including monitoring, provisioning, remote execution, configuration management, software management, and subscription management.

1.1. Browsing Hosts in Satellite web UI

In the Satellite web UI, you can browse all hosts recognized by Satellite, grouped by type:

  • All Hosts – a list of all hosts recognized by Satellite.
  • Discovered Hosts – a list of bare-metal hosts detected on the provisioning network by the Discovery plugin.
  • Content Hosts – a list of hosts that manage tasks related to content and subscriptions.
  • Host Collections – a list of user-defined collections of hosts used for bulk actions such as errata installation.

To search for a host, type in the Search field, and use an asterisk (*) to perform a partial string search. For example, if searching for a content host named, click the Content Hosts page and type server* in the Search field. Alternatively, *ver* will also find the content host


Satellite Server is listed as a host itself even if it is not self-registered. Do not delete Satellite Server from the list of hosts.

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