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Chapter 1. Summary of changes

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The 6.15 release of Red Hat Satellite features the following changes:

Removed katello-agent subsystem

  • katello-agent, qpid messaging system, and related Content settings have been removed from Satellite.
  • You have to migrate your hosts from katello-agent to remote execution before the upgrade. Remote execution is now the only way to perform remote package actions.
  • Red Hat recommends you to disable katello-agent on your Satellite Server and Capsule Servers before the upgrade.
  • Optionally, you can remove the katello-agent package from hosts. Red Hat recommends you to do so and verify that you can perform remote package actions by using remote execution.
  • See also katello-agent.

Security hardening support

Improved user experience

Improved documentation

See the following chapters for detailed changes in Red Hat Satellite 6.15.

1.1. Changes in satellite-installer parameters

The following parameters have been removed in this release:

  • --foreman-proxy-content-enable-katello-agent: Enables Katello Agent on Capsule Server.
  • --foreman-proxy-content-qpid-router-agent-addr: Listener address for the goferd agents.
  • --foreman-proxy-content-qpid-router-agent-port: Listener port for the goferd agents.
  • --foreman-proxy-content-qpid-router-broker-addr: Address of the qpidd broker to connect to.
  • --foreman-proxy-content-qpid-router-broker-port: Port of the qpidd broker to connect to.
  • --foreman-proxy-content-qpid-router-hub-addr: Address for dispatching router hub.
  • --foreman-proxy-content-qpid-router-hub-port: Port for dispatching router hub.
  • --foreman-proxy-content-qpid-router-logging: Whether to log to a file or syslog.
  • --foreman-proxy-content-qpid-router-logging-level: Logging level of the dispatch router (for eg., info+ or debug+).
  • --foreman-proxy-content-qpid-router-logging-path: Directory for the dispatch router logs, if using a file logging.
  • --foreman-proxy-content-qpid-router-ssl-ciphers: SSL Ciphers to support the dispatch router.
  • --foreman-proxy-content-qpid-router-ssl-protocols: Protocols to support the dispatch router (e.g. TLSv1.2).
  • --katello-qpid-hostname: Configure the hostname to connect to the qpidd.
  • --katello-qpid-interface: Specify the network interface for the qpidd other than loopback.
  • --katello-qpid-wcache-page-size: qpidd sets the page size in the cache for Katello.

The following parameters have been added in this release:

  • --[no-]enable-apache-mod-status: Enable 'apache_mod_status' puppet module.
  • --apache-mod-status-extended-status: Determines whether to track the extended status information for each request by using the ExtendedStatus directive.
  • --apache-mod-status-requires: Monitor web server load and the current HTTP connections.
  • --apache-mod-status-status-path: Path assigned to the Location directive that defines the URL to access the server status.
  • --foreman-plugin-remote-execution-cockpit-ensure: Ensures that the Foreman Remote Execution plugin integrates with Cockpit.
  • --foreman-provisioning-ct-location: The location of the binary to call when transpiling CoreOS templates.
  • --foreman-provisioning-fcct-location: The location of the binary to call when transpiling Fedora CoreOS templates.
  • --foreman-proxy-content-pulpcore-import-workers-percent: What percentage of available workers pulpcore uses for import tasks at a time.
  • --foreman-proxy-content-reverse-proxy-backend-protocol: Configure the protocol used by the reverse proxy to connect to Foreman.
  • --foreman-proxy-manage-service: Control the management of the Foreman Proxy services.
  • --katello-candlepin-loggers: Configure the Candlepin loggers.
  • --puppet-certificate-revocation: Manage the list of revoked certificates.
  • --puppet-server-git-repo-umask: Umask used during git operations.
  • --puppet-server-jolokia-metrics-allowlist: Configure the allowlist of Jolokia endpoints that Puppet Server exposes.

The following parameters have been replaced in this release:

  • --puppet-server-admin-api-whitelist has been replaced with --puppet-server-admin-api-allowlist : Configure the allowlist of clients that can query the puppet-admin-api endpoint
  • --puppet-server-ca-client-whitelist has been replaced with --puppet-server-ca-client-allowlist: Configure the allowlist of client certificates
  • --puppet-server-git-repo-mode has been replaced with --puppet-server-git-repo-hook-mode: Git repository hook mode.
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