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Chapter 1. Installing the CLI

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The Skupper CLI provides a method to create both Kubernetes and Podman sites.

There are two methods to install the CLI:

1.1. Downloading binaries

Downloading the Skupper CLI binaries is a quick way to get started with Red Hat Service Interconnect. However, consider using Red Hat packages on Linux to receive the latest updates.


  1. Download binary files for Linux, macOS or Windows, choose the latest Version for 1.5 at Software Downloads.

    For a Mac with Apple silicon, use Rosetta 2 and the Skupper CLI for Mac on x86-64 download.

  2. Unzip the downloaded file and place the Skupper executable on your PATH.
  3. Verify installation:

    $ skupper version
    client version                 1.5.3-rh-5

1.2. Using Red Hat packages

Installing Red Hat packages on Linux makes sure you receive the latest updates to the Skupper CLI.


  • Make sure your subscription is activated and your system is registered. For more information about using the Customer Portal to activate your Red Hat subscription and register your system for packages, see Chapter 6, Using your subscription.


  1. Use the subscription-manager command to subscribe to the required package repositories. Replace <version> with 1 for the main release stream or 1.4 for the long term support release stream.


    Replacing <version> with 1 installs 1.5, while 1.5 is the main release stream and changes after further releases.

    Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8
    $ sudo subscription-manager repos --enable=service-interconnect-_<version>_-for-rhel-8-x86_64-rpms
    Red Hat Enterprise Linux 9
    $ sudo subscription-manager repos --enable=service-interconnect-_<version>_-for-rhel-9-x86_64-rpms
    1. Use the yum or dnf command to install the skupper command:

      $ sudo dnf install skupper-cli

Additional information

  • See Examples for the 'Hello world' tutorial.
  • Use man containers.conf to view more information about podman configuration.
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