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Chapter 11. Red Hat Single Sign-On Operator

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The Red Hat Single Sign-On Operator automates Red Hat Single Sign-On administration in Openshift. You use this Operator to create custom resources (CRs), which automate administrative tasks. For example, instead of creating a client or a user in the Red Hat Single Sign-On admin console, you can create custom resources to perform those tasks. A custom resource is a YAML file that defines the parameters for the administrative task.

You can create custom resources to perform the following tasks:


After you create custom resources for realms, clients, and users, you can manage them by using the Red Hat Single Sign-On admin console or as custom resources using the oc command. However, you cannot use both methods, because the Operator performs a one way sync for custom resources that you modify. For example, if you modify a realm custom resource, the changes show up in the admin console. However, if you modify the realm using the admin console, those changes have no effect on the custom resource.

Begin using the Operator by Installing the Red Hat Single Sign-On Operator on a cluster.

11.1. Installing the Red Hat Single Sign-On Operator on a cluster

To install the Red Hat Single Sign-On Operator, you can use:

11.1.1. Installing using the Operator Lifecycle Manager


  • You have cluster-admin permission or an equivalent level of permissions granted by an administrator.


Perform this procedure on an OpenShift cluster.

  1. Open the OpenShift Container Platform web console.
  2. In the left column, click Operators, OperatorHub.
  3. Search for Red Hat Single Sign-On Operator.

    OperatorHub tab in OpenShift

    operator openshift operatorhub

  4. Click the Red Hat Single Sign-On Operator icon.

    An Install page opens.

    Operator Install page on OpenShift

    operator olm installation

  5. Click Install.
  6. Select a namespace and click Subscribe.

    Be sure you are on the stable channel.

    Namespace selection in OpenShift

    installed namespace

    The Operator starts installing.

Additional resources

11.1.2. Installing from the command line

You can install the Red Hat Single Sign-On Operator from the command line.


  • You have cluster-admin permission or an equivalent level of permissions granted by an administrator.


  1. Create a project.

    $ oc new-project <namespace>
  2. Create a file named rhsso-operator-olm.yaml to define a YAML group and a subscription operator.

    Update the targetNamespaces to the namespace for RH-SSO.

    kind: OperatorGroup
      name: rhsso-operator-group
      -  <namespace> # change this to the namespace you will use for RH-SSO
    kind: Subscription
      name: rhsso-operator
      channel: stable
      installPlanApproval: Manual
      name: rhsso-operator
      source: redhat-operators
      sourceNamespace: openshift-marketplace
      # Here you can specify a specific Operator version, otherwise it will use the latest
      # startingCSV: rhsso-operator.7.6.0-opr-001
  3. Install the operator group and subscription.

    $ oc apply -f rhsso-operator-olm.yaml
  4. Approve the install plan and fill in the appropriate namespace.

    oc patch installplan $(oc get ip -n <namespace>  -o=jsonpath='{.items[?(@.spec.approved==false)]}') -n <namespace> --type merge --patch '{"spec":{"approved":true}}'
  5. Verify the operator is running.

    $ oc get pods
    NAME                              READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
    rhsso-operator-558876f75c-m25mt   1/1     Running   0          28s

Additional resources

11.2. Using the Red Hat Single Sign-On Operator in production environment

  • The usage of embedded DB is not supported in a production environment.
  • Backup CRD is deprecated and not supported in a production environment.
  • The podDisruptionBudget field in the Keycloak CR is deprecated and will be ignored when the Operator is deployed on Kubernetes version 1.25 and higher.
  • We fully support using the rest of the CRDs in production, despite the v1alpha1 version. We do not plan to make any breaking changes in this CRDs version.

11.3. Installing Red Hat Single Sign-On using a custom resource

You can use the Operator to automate the installation of Red Hat Single Sign-On by creating a Keycloak custom resource. When you use a custom resource to install Red Hat Single Sign-On, you create the components and services that are described here and illustrated in the graphic that follows.

  • keycloak-db-secret - Stores properties such as the database username, password, and external address (if you connect to an external database)
  • credentials-<CR-Name> - Admin username and password to log into the Red Hat Single Sign-On admin console (the <CR-Name> is based on the Keycloak custom resource name)
  • keycloak - Keycloak deployment specification that is implemented as a StatefulSet with high availability support
  • keycloak-postgresql - Starts a PostgreSQL database installation
  • keycloak-discovery Service - Performs JDBC_PING discovery
  • keycloak Service - Connects to Red Hat Single Sign-On through HTTPS (HTTP is not supported)
  • keycloak-postgresql Service - Connects an internal and external, if used, database instance
  • keycloak Route - The URL for accessing the Red Hat Single Sign-On admin console from OpenShift

How Operator components and services interact

operator components

11.3.1. The Keycloak custom resource

The Keycloak custom resource is a YAML file that defines the parameters for installation. This file contains three properties.

  • instances - controls the number of instances running in high availability mode.
  • externalAccess - if the enabled is True, the Operator creates a route for OpenShift for the Red Hat Single Sign-On cluster. You can set host to override the automatically chosen host name for Route
  • externalDatabase - in order to connect to an externally hosted database. That topic is covered in the external database section of this guide. Setting it to false should be used only for testing purposes and will install an embedded PostgreSQL database. Be aware that externalDatabase:false is NOT supported in production environments.

Example YAML file for a Keycloak custom resource

kind: Keycloak
  name: example-sso
    app: sso
  instances: 1
    enabled: True


You can update the YAML file and the changes appear in the Red Hat Single Sign-On admin console, however changes to the admin console do not update the custom resource.

11.3.2. Creating a Keycloak custom resource on OpenShift

On OpenShift, you use the custom resource to create a route, which is the URL of the admin console, and find the secret, which holds the username and password for the admin console.


  • You have a YAML file for this custom resource.
  • You have cluster-admin permission or an equivalent level of permissions granted by an administrator.


  1. Create a route using your YAML file: oc create -f <filename>.yaml -n <namespace>. For example:

    $ oc create -f sso.yaml -n sso created

    A route is created in OpenShift.

  2. Log into the OpenShift web console.
  3. Select Networking, Routes and search for Keycloak.

    Routes screen in OpenShift web console

    route ocp

  4. On the screen with the Keycloak route, click the URL under Location.

    The Red Hat Single Sign-On admin console login screen appears.

    Admin console login screen

    login empty

  5. Locate the username and password for the admin console in the OpenShift web console; under Workloads, click Secrets and search for Keycloak.

    Secrets screen in OpenShift web console

    secrets ocp

  6. Enter the username and password into the admin console login screen.

    Admin console login screen

    login complete

    You are now logged into an instance of Red Hat Single Sign-On that was installed by a Keycloak custom resource. You are ready to create custom resources for realms, clients, and users.

    Red Hat Single Sign-On master realm

    new install cr

  7. Check the status of the custom resource:

    $ oc describe keycloak <CR-name>


After the Operator processes the custom resource, view the status with this command:

$ oc describe keycloak <CR-name>

Keycloak custom resource Status

Name:         example-keycloak
Namespace:    keycloak
Labels:       app=sso
Annotations:  <none>
API Version:
Kind:         Keycloak
  External Access:
    Enabled:  true
  Instances:  1
  Credential Secret:  credential-example-keycloak
  Internal URL:       https://<External URL to the deployed instance>
  Phase:              reconciling
  Ready:              true
  Secondary Resources:
    Persistent Volume Claim:
    Prometheus Rule:
    Service Monitor:
    Stateful Set:

Additional resources

  • Once the installation of Red Hat Single Sign-On completes, you are ready to create a realm custom resource.
  • An external database is the supported option and needs to be enabled in the Keycloak custom resource. You can disable this option only for testing and enable it when you switch to a production environment. See Connecting to an external database.

11.4. Creating a realm custom resource

You can use the Operator to create realms in Red Hat Single Sign-On as defined by a custom resource. You define the properties of the realm custom resource in a YAML file.


You can only create or delete realms by creating or deleting the YAML file, and changes appear in the Red Hat Single Sign-On admin console. However changes to the admin console are not reflected back and updates of the CR after the realm is created are not supported.

Example YAML file for a Realm custom resource

kind: KeycloakRealm
  name: test
    app: sso
    id: "basic"
    realm: "basic"
    enabled: True
    displayName: "Basic Realm"
      app: sso


  • You have a YAML file for this custom resource.
  • In the YAML file, the app under instanceSelector matches the label of a Keycloak custom resource. Matching these values ensures that you create the realm in the right instance of Red Hat Single Sign-On.
  • You have cluster-admin permission or an equivalent level of permissions granted by an administrator.


  1. Use this command on the YAML file that you created: oc create -f <realm-name>.yaml. For example:

    $ oc create -f initial_realm.yaml created
  2. Log into the admin console for the related instance of Red Hat Single Sign-On.
  3. Click Select Realm and locate the realm that you created.

    The new realm opens.

    Admin console master realm

    test realm cr


After the Operator processes the custom resource, view the status with this command:

$ oc describe keycloak <CR-name>

Realm custom resource status

Name:         example-keycloakrealm
Namespace:    keycloak
Labels:       app=sso
Annotations:  <none>
API Version:
Kind:         KeycloakRealm
  Creation Timestamp:  2019-12-03T09:46:02Z
  Generation:        1
  Resource Version:  804596
  Self Link:         /apis/
  UID:               b7b2f883-15b1-11ea-91e6-02cb885627a6
  Instance Selector:
    Match Labels:
      App: sso
    Display Name:  Basic Realm
    Enabled:       true
    Id:            basic
    Realm:         basic
  Login URL:
  Phase:      reconciling
  Ready:      true
Events:       <none>

Additional resources

11.5. Creating a client custom resource

You can use the Operator to create clients in Red Hat Single Sign-On as defined by a custom resource. You define the properties of the realm in a YAML file.


You can update the YAML file and changes appear in the Red Hat Single Sign-On admin console, however changes to the admin console do not update the custom resource.

Example YAML file for a Client custom resource

kind: KeycloakClient
  name: example-client
    app: sso
      app: <matching labels for KeycloakRealm custom resource>
    # auto-generated if not supplied
    #id: 123
    clientId: client-secret
    secret: client-secret
    # ...
    # other properties of Keycloak Client


  • You have a YAML file for this custom resource.
  • You have cluster-admin permission or an equivalent level of permissions granted by an administrator.


  1. Use this command on the YAML file that you created: oc create -f <client-name>.yaml. For example:

    $ oc create -f initial_client.yaml created
  2. Log into the Red Hat Single Sign-On admin console for the related instance of Red Hat Single Sign-On.
  3. Click Clients.

    The new client appears in the list of clients.



After a client is created, the Operator creates a Secret containing the Client ID and the client’s secret using the following naming pattern: keycloak-client-secret-<custom resource name>. For example:

Client’s Secret

apiVersion: v1
  CLIENT_ID: <base64 encoded Client ID>
  CLIENT_SECRET: <base64 encoded Client Secret>
kind: Secret

After the Operator processes the custom resource, view the status with this command:

$ oc describe keycloak <CR-name>

Client custom resource Status

Name:         client-secret
Namespace:    keycloak
Labels:       app=sso
API Version:
Kind:         KeycloakClient
    Client Authenticator Type:     client-secret
    Client Id:                     client-secret
    Id:                            keycloak-client-secret
  Realm Selector:
    Match Labels:
      App:  sso
  Phase:    reconciling
  Ready:    true
  Secondary Resources:
Events:  <none>

Additional resources

11.6. Creating a user custom resource

You can use the Operator to create users in Red Hat Single Sign-On as defined by a custom resource. You define the properties of the user custom resource in a YAML file.


You can update properties in the YAML file and changes appear in the Red Hat Single Sign-On admin console, however changes to the admin console do not update the custom resource.

Be aware that the same applies for the credentials. If the credentials field is defined, a user’s credentials will always match the value set in the CR. In other words, if a user changes password via the Account Console, the Operator will reset it in order to match the value set in the CR.

Example YAML file for a user custom resource

kind: KeycloakUser
  name: example-user
    username: "realm_user"
    firstName: "John"
    lastName: "Doe"
    email: ""
    enabled: True
    emailVerified: False
      - type: "password"
        value: "12345"
      - "offline_access"
        - "manage-account"
        - "manage-users"
      app: sso


  • You have a YAML file for this custom resource.
  • The realmSelector matches the labels of an existing realm custom resource.
  • You have cluster-admin permission or an equivalent level of permissions granted by an administrator.


  1. Use this command on the YAML file that you created: oc create -f <user_cr>.yaml. For example:

    $ oc create -f initial_user.yaml created
  2. Log into the admin console for the related instance of Red Hat Single Sign-On.
  3. Click Users.
  4. Search for the user that you defined in the YAML file.

    You may need to switch to a different realm to find the user.

    realm user


After a user is created, the Operator creates a Secret using the following naming pattern: credential-<realm name>-<username>-<namespace>, containing the username and, if it has been specified in the CR credentials attribute, the password.

Here’s an example:

KeycloakUser Secret

kind: Secret
apiVersion: v1
  password: <base64 encoded password>
  username: <base64 encoded username>
type: Opaque

Once the Operator processes the custom resource, view the status with this command:

$ oc describe keycloak <CR-name>

User custom resource Status

Name:         example-realm-user
Namespace:    keycloak
Labels:       app=sso
API Version:
Kind:         KeycloakUser
  Realm Selector:
    Match Labels:
      App: sso
      Type:          password
      Value:         <user password>
    Email Verified:  false
    Enabled:         true
    First Name:      John
    Last Name:       Doe
    Username:        realm_user
  Phase:    reconciled
Events:     <none>

Additional resources

11.7. Connecting to an external database

You can use the Operator to connect to an external PostgreSQL database by creating a keycloak-db-secret YAML file and setting Keycloak CR externalDatabase property to enabled. Note that values are Base64 encoded.

Example YAML file for keycloak-db-secret

apiVersion: v1
kind: Secret
    name: keycloak-db-secret
    namespace: keycloak
    POSTGRES_DATABASE: <Database Name>
    POSTGRES_EXTERNAL_ADDRESS: <External Database URL (resolvable by K8s)>
    POSTGRES_EXTERNAL_PORT: <External Database Port>
    POSTGRES_PASSWORD: <Database Password>
    # Required for AWS Backup functionality
    POSTGRES_USERNAME: <Database Username>
    SSLMODE: <TLS configuration for the Database connection>
type: Opaque

The following properties set the hostname or IP address and port of the database.

  • POSTGRES_EXTERNAL_ADDRESS - hostname of the external database. If you only have an IP for your database instead of a hostname, then create a Service and corresponding EndpointSlice or Endpoint to provide a hostname.
  • POSTGRES_EXTERNAL_PORT - (Optional) A database port.

The other properties work in the same way for a hosted or external database. Set them as follows:

  • POSTGRES_DATABASE - Database name to be used.
  • POSTGRES_USERNAME - Database username
  • POSTGRES_PASSWORD - Database password
  • POSTGRES_SUPERUSER - Indicates whether backups should run as super user. Typically true.
  • SSLMODE - Indicates whether to use TLS on the connection to the external PostgreSQL database. Check the possible values

When SSLMODE is enabled, the operator searches for a secret called keycloak-db-ssl-cert-secret containing the root.crt that has been used by the PostgreSQL database. Creating the secret is optional and the secret is used only when you want to verify the Database’s certificate (for example SSLMODE: verify-ca). Here is an example :

Example YAML file for TLS Secret to be used by the operator.

apiVersion: v1
kind: Secret
  name: keycloak-db-ssl-cert-secret
  namespace: keycloak
type: Opaque
  root.crt: {root.crt base64}

The Operator will create a Service named keycloak-postgresql. This Service is configured by the Operator to expose the external database based on the content of POSTGRES_EXTERNAL_ADDRESS. Red Hat Single Sign-On uses this Service to connect to the Database, which means it does not connect to the Database directly but rather through this Service.

The Keycloak custom resource requires updates to enable external database support.

Example YAML file for Keycloak custom resource that supports an external database

kind: Keycloak
      app: sso
  name: example-keycloak
  namespace: keycloak
    enabled: true
  instances: 1


  • You have a YAML file for keycloak-db-secret.
  • You have modified the Keycloak custom resource to set externalDatabase to true.
  • You have cluster-admin permission or an equivalent level of permissions granted by an administrator.


  1. Locate the secret for your PostgreSQL database: oc get secret <secret_for_db> -o yaml. For example:

    $ oc get secret keycloak-db-secret -o yaml
    apiVersion: v1

    The POSTGRES_EXTERNAL_ADDRESS is in Base64 format.

  2. Decode the value for the secret: echo "<encoded_secret>" | base64 -decode. For example:

    $ echo "MTcyLjE3LjAuMw==" | base64 -decode
  3. Confirm that the decoded value matches the IP address for your database:

    $ oc get pods -o wide
    NAME                        READY  STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE   IP
    keycloak-0                  1/1    Running   0          13m
    keycloak-postgresql-c8vv27m 1/1    Running   0          24m
  4. Confirm that keycloak-postgresql appears in a list of running services:

    $ oc get svc
    NAME                 TYPE       CLUSTER-IP     EXTERNAL-IP  PORT(S)   AGE
    keycloak             ClusterIP    <none>       8443/TCP  27m
    keycloak-discovery   ClusterIP  None           <none>       8080/TCP  27m
    keycloak-postgresql  ClusterIP    <none>       5432/TCP  27m

    The keycloak-postgresql service sends requests to a set of IP addresses in the backend. These IP addresses are called endpoints.

  5. View the endpoints used by the keycloak-postgresql service to confirm that they use the IP addresses for your database:

    $ oc get endpoints keycloak-postgresql
    NAME                  ENDPOINTS         AGE
    keycloak-postgresql    27m
  6. Confirm that Red Hat Single Sign-On is running with the external database. This example shows that everything is running:

    $ oc get pods
    NAME                        READY  STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE   IP
    keycloak-0                  1/1    Running   0          26m
    keycloak-postgresql-c8vv27m 1/1    Running   0          36m

11.8. Connecting to an external Red Hat Single Sign-On

This operator can also be used to partially manage an external Red Hat Single Sign-On instance. In it’s current state, it will only be able to create clients.

To do this, you’ll need to create unmanaged versions of the Keycloak and KeycloakRealm CRDs to use for targeting and configuration.

Example YAML file for external-keycloak

kind: Keycloak
  name: external-ref
    app: external-sso
  unmanaged: true
    enabled: true
    url: https://some.external.url

In order to authenticate against this keycloak, the operator infers the secret name from the CRD by prefixing the CRD name with credential-.

Example YAML file for credential-external-ref

apiVersion: v1
kind: Secret
  name: credential-external-ref
type: Opaque

Example YAML file for external-realm

kind: KeycloakRealm
  name: external-realm
    app: external-sso
  unmanaged: true
    id: "basic"
    realm: "basic"
      app: external-sso

You can now use the realm reference in your client as usual, and it will create the client on the external Red Hat Single Sign-On instance.

11.9. Scheduling database backups


Backup CR is deprecated and could be removed in future releases.

You can use the Operator to schedule automatic backups of the database as defined by custom resources. The custom resource triggers a backup job and reports back its status.

You can use Operator to create a backup job that performs a one-time backup to a local Persistent Volume.

Example YAML file for a Backup custom resource

kind: KeycloakBackup
  name: test-backup


  • You have a YAML file for this custom resource.
  • You have a PersistentVolume with a claimRef to reserve it only for a PersistentVolumeClaim created by the Red Hat Single Sign-On Operator.


  1. Create a backup job: oc create -f <backup_crname>. For example:

    $ oc create -f one-time-backup.yaml

    The Operator creates a PersistentVolumeClaim with the following naming scheme: Keycloak-backup-<CR-name>.

  2. View a list of volumes:

    $ oc get pvc
    NAME                          STATUS   VOLUME
    keycloak-backup-test-backup   Bound    pvc-e242-ew022d5-093q-3134n-41-adff
    keycloak-postresql-claim      Bound    pvc-e242-vs29202-9bcd7-093q-31-zadj
  3. View a list of backup jobs:

    $ oc get jobs
    test-backup    0/1             6s           6s
  4. View the list of executed backup jobs:

    $ oc get pods
    NAME                               READY    STATUS       RESTARTS    AGE
    test-backup-5b4rf                  0/1      Completed    0           24s
    keycloak-0                         1/1      Running      0           52m
    keycloak-postgresql-c824c6-vv27m   1/1      Running      0           71m
  5. View the log of your completed backup job:

    $ oc logs test-backup-5b4rf
    ==> Component data dump completed

Additional resources

11.10. Installing extensions and themes

You can use the operator to install extensions and themes that you need for your company or organization. The extension or theme can be anything that Red Hat Single Sign-On can consume. For example, you can add a metrics extension. You add the extension or theme to the Keycloak custom resource.

Example YAML file for a Keycloak custom resource

kind: Keycloak
  name: example-keycloak
   app: sso
  instances: 1
   - <url_for_extension_or_theme>
    enabled: True

You can package and deploy themes in the same way as any other extensions. See Deploying Themes manual entry for more information.


  • You have a YAML file for the Keycloak custom resource.
  • You have cluster-admin permission or an equivalent level of permissions granted by an administrator.


  1. Edit the YAML file for the Keycloak custom resource: oc edit <CR-name>
  2. Add a line called extensions: after the instances line.
  3. Add a URL to a JAR file for your custom extension or theme.
  4. Save the file.

The Operator downloads the extension or theme and installs it.

11.11. Command options for managing custom resources

After you create a custom request, you can edit it or delete using the oc command.

  • To edit a custom request, use this command: oc edit <CR-name>
  • To delete a custom request, use this command: oc delete <CR-name>

For example, to edit a realm custom request named test-realm, use this command:

$ oc edit test-realm

A window opens where you can make changes.


You can update the Keycloak CR YAML file and changes will be applied to the deployment.

Updates to the other resources are limited:

Keycloak Realm CR only supports basic creation and deletion without sync options. Keycloak User and Client CRs support unidirectional updates (changes to the CR are reflected in Keycloak but changes done in Keycloak are not updated in the CR).

11.12. Upgrade strategy

You can configure how the operator performs Red Hat Single Sign-On upgrades. You can choose from the following upgrade strategies.

  • recreate: This is the default strategy. The operator removes all Red Hat Single Sign-On replicas, optionally creates a backup and then creates the replicas based on a newer Red Hat Single Sign-On image. This strategy is suitable for major upgrades as a single Red Hat Single Sign-On version is accessing the underlying database. The downside is Red Hat Single Sign-On needs to be shut down during the upgrade.
  • rolling: The operator removes one replica at a time and creates it again based on a newer Red Hat Single Sign-On image. This ensures a zero-downtime upgrade but is more suitable for minor version upgrades that do not require database migration since the database is accessed by multiple Red Hat Single Sign-On versions concurrently. Automatic backups are not supported with this strategy.

Example YAML file for a Keycloak custom resource

kind: Keycloak
  name: example-keycloak
   app: sso
  instances: 2
    strategy: recreate
      enabled: True
    enabled: True


Due to a bug introduced in a previous version of the Operator, Selector field on the Red Hat Single Sign-On StatefulSet might be misconfigured depending on your configuration. If such state is detected by the Operator and you are using the recreate strategy, it will delete and recreate the StatefulSet with the correct Selector field. This is required as the Selector field is immutable.

As a "delete" operation can have potentially dangerous side effects in very rare cases, for example when you have added custom functionality unknown to the Operator to the StatefulSet definition, you can instead delete the StatefulSet manually.

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