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Chapter 3. Test environment

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The test environment is the platform where you run both the product undergoing certification and the certification tests. It must comply with the following requirements:


Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) must be installed on a certified platform (hardware, hypervisor, or cloud instance).

Ensures that the underlying physical or virtual platform does not introduce issues that might impact testing.

The test environment must not make any modifications to RHEL kernel and user packages beyond those identified as acceptable configuration changes in the RHEL documentation.

Any non-Red Hat kernel modules are subject to further inspection.

Changes to Red Hat components might impact supportability for our customers.

RHEL must not contain components with critical or important vulnerabilities.

Ensures that the product undergoing certification is compatible with the security updates that customers are expected to install in their environments.

SELinux must be enabled and running in enforcing mode.

Ensures that the product undergoing certification is compatible with the recommended security settings.

Red Hat Insights must be installed and running.

Ensures compatibility with the platform’s solution for proactive risk management.

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