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Chapter 12. Trusted Container test

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The Trusted Container test checks if Red Hat recognizes the Red Hat OpenStack Platform (RHOSP) plugin/driver container. The test also verifies whether the container is provided by Red Hat or you. The certified container image reduces the number of sources a customer must utilize for deployment, and it also ensures all the component included in solution stack are from a trusted source.

Working of RHOSP certification testing

During RHOSP certification testing, the Trusted Container Test captures information about the installed and running containers. After the information is captured, the test queries the Red Hat certification services to determine if the containers are recognized and certified.

Requirements for Partners

If your driver is shipped as part of RHOSP (In Tree) then they are expected to only run the Trusted Container Test because container image is already certified. However, if you ship their own container image (Out of Tree), as a prerequisite, the Partner must certify the container images with Red Hat Connect. For more information on container image certification, see Partner Integration guide.

In Red Hat connect when a Partner creates a new product request for RHOSP 13, they can only select the Release Category as Tech-Preview. You can execute the Trusted Container Test after the container image is certified on Red Hat Connect. After the Trusted Container Test is completed successfully, the Partner can choose the General Availability(GA) option.

Success criteria

You have received a container report that shows running and non-running containers on the overcloud controller node. The report shows that the RHOSP services like cinder, manila, and neutron are installed and running. Based on an RHOSP certification testing, the running container can either be an RHOSP certified or Red Hat Certified container.

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