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Appendix D. Proficiency levels

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Each available example teaches concepts that require certain minimum knowledge. This requirement varies by example. The minimum requirements and concepts are organized in several levels of proficiency. In addition to the levels described here, you might need additional information specific to each example.


The examples rated at Foundational proficiency generally require no prior knowledge of the subject matter; they provide general awareness and demonstration of key elements, concepts, and terminology. There are no special requirements except those directly mentioned in the description of the example.


When using Advanced examples, the assumption is that you are familiar with the common concepts and terminology of the subject area of the example in addition to Kubernetes and OpenShift. You must also be able to perform basic tasks on your own, for example, configuring services and applications, or administering networks. If a service is needed by the example, but configuring it is not in the scope of the example, the assumption is that you have the knowledge to properly configure it, and only the resulting state of the service is described in the documentation.


Expert examples require the highest level of knowledge of the subject matter. You are expected to perform many tasks based on feature-based documentation and manuals, and the documentation is aimed at most complex scenarios.

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