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Chapter 7. Finalizing your GitHub application

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After installing RHTAP, you must replace the placeholder values you previously entered in your GitHub application with values specific to your cluster. This allows anyone who installs the GitHub application to authenticate to Red Hat Developer Hub, and use Red Hat Trusted Application Pipeline.


  • ClusterAdmin access to an OpenShift cluster via the web console


  1. By opening the link generated at the end of the last procedure, you should be in the OpenShift console, using the Administrator view. If not, navigate to view in the OpenShift Console for your cluster.

    1. Use the left navigation bar to go to Pipelines > Pipelines.
    2. In the Project field, below the banner of the page, select rhtap.
    3. Select the PipelineRun tab. Select the PipelineRun with a name that starts with rhtap-pe-info-.
    4. Navigate to the Logs tab.
  2. In a separate browser tab, return to the GitHub Apps page (Settings > Developer settings > GitHub Apps).
  3. Next to your new custom application, click Edit.
  4. Replace the placeholder values for the following fields with the new values found in the logs of the PipelineRun you executed in the OpenShift console:

    1. Homepage URL
    2. Callback URL
    3. Webhook URL
  5. Scroll to the bottom of the page and click Save.
  6. In a separate tab, navigate to the address you entered as the new homepage URL for your GitHub application.
  7. Choose GitHub as the sign-in method by clicking the SIGN IN button.
  8. In the popup window, authorize your custom GitHub application as requested.

You should be immediately redirected to Red Hat Developer Hub (RHDH). Any developer who downloads your GitHub application can also authenticate by using that application, and by running the second PipelineRun generated in the third procedure. In RHDH, developers can then leverage the automated, customizable, and secure CI/CD functionality of Red Hat Trusted Application Pipeline.

Revised on 2024-06-17 13:04:18 UTC

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