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Chapter 1. Protect your signing data

As a systems administrator, protecting the signing data of your software supply chain is critical when there is data loss due to hardware failure or accidental data deletion. The OpenShift API Data Protection (OADP) product provides data protection to applications running on Red Hat OpenShift. By using the OADP product, this can help us get the software developers back to signing and verifying code as quickly as possible. After installing and configuring the OADP operator you can start backing up and restoring your Red Hat Trusted Artifact Signer (RHTAS) data.

1.1. Installing and configuring the OADP operator

The OpenShift API Data Protection (OADP) operator gives you the ability to backup OpenShift application resources and internal container images. You can use the OADP operator to backup and restore your Trusted Artifact Signer data.


This procedure uses Amazon Web Services (AWS) Simple Storage Service (S3) to create a bucket for illustrating how to configure the OADP operator. You can choose to use a different supported S3-compatible object storage platform instead of AWS, such as Red Hat OpenShift Data Foundation.


  • Red Hat OpenShift Container Platform version 4.13 or later.
  • Access to the OpenShift web console with the cluster-admin role.
  • The ability to create an S3-compatible bucket.
  • A workstation with the oc, and aws binaries installed.


  1. Open a terminal on your workstation, and log in to OpenShift:


    oc login --token=TOKEN --server=SERVER_URL_AND_PORT


    $ oc login --token=sha256~ZvFDBvoIYAbVECixS4-WmkN4RfnNd8Neh3y1WuiFPXC --server=https://example.com:6443


    You can find your login token and URL for use on the command line from the OpenShift web console. Log in to the OpenShift web console. Click your user name, and click Copy login command. Offer your user name and password again, if asked, and click Display Token to view the command.

  2. Create a new bucket:


    aws s3api create-bucket \
    --bucket $BUCKET \
    --region $REGION \
    --create-bucket-configuration LocationConstraint=$REGION


    $ export BUCKET=example-bucket-name
    $ export REGION=us-east-1
    $ export USER=velero
    $ aws s3api create-bucket \
    --bucket $BUCKET \
    --region $REGION \
    --create-bucket-configuration LocationConstraint=$REGION

  3. Create a new user:


    $ aws iam create-user --user-name $USER

  4. Create a new policy:


    $ cat > velero-policy.json <<EOF
        "Version": "2012-10-17",
        "Statement": [
                "Effect": "Allow",
                "Action": [
                "Resource": "*"
                "Effect": "Allow",
                "Action": [
                "Resource": [
                "Effect": "Allow",
                "Action": [
                "Resource": [

  5. Associate this policy to the new user:


    $ aws iam put-user-policy \
    --user-name $USER \
    --policy-name velero \
    --policy-document file://velero-policy.json

  6. Create an access key:


    $ aws iam create-access-key --user-name $USER --output=json | jq -r '.AccessKey | [ "export AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID=" + .AccessKeyId, "export AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY=" + .SecretAccessKey ] | join("\n")'

  7. Create a credentials file with your AWS secret key information:


    cat << EOF > ./credentials-velero

  8. Log in to the OpenShift web console with a user that has the cluster-admin role.
  9. From the Administrator perspective, expand the Operators navigation menu, and click OperatorHub.
  10. In the search field, type oadp, and click the OADP Operator tile provided by Red Hat.
  11. Click the Install button to show the operator details.
  12. Accept the default values, click Install on the Install Operator page, and wait for the installation to finish.
  13. After the operator installation finishes, from your workstation terminal, create a secret resource for OpenShift with your AWS credentials:


    $ oc create secret generic cloud-credentials -n openshift-adp --from-file cloud=credentials-velero

  14. From the OpenShift web console, click the View Operator button.
  15. Click Create instance on the DataProtectionApplication (DPA) tile.
  16. On the Create DataProtectionApplication page, select YAML view.
  17. Edit the following values in the resource file:

    1. Under the metadata section, replace velero-sample with velero.
    2. Under the spec.configuration.nodeAgent section, replace restic with kopia.
    3. Under the spec.configuration.velero section, add resourceTimeout: 10m.
    4. Under the spec.configuration.velero.defaultPlugins section, add - csi.
    5. Under the spec.snapshotLocations section, replace the us-west-2 value with your AWS regional value.
    6. Under the spec.backupLocations section, replace the us-east-1 value with your AWS regional value.
    7. Under the spec.backupLocations.objectStorage section, replace my-bucket-name with your bucket name. Replace velero with your bucket prefix name, if you use a different prefix.
  18. Click the Create button.

1.2. Backing up your Trusted Artifact Signer data

With the OpenShift API Data Protection (OADP) operator installed and an instance deployed, you can create a volume snapshot resource, and a backup resource to backup your Red Hat Trusted Artifact Signer data.


  • Red Hat OpenShift Container Platform version 4.13 or later.
  • Access to the OpenShift web console with the cluster-admin role.
  • Installation of the OADP operator.
  • A workstation with the oc binary installed.


  1. Open a terminal on your workstation, and log in to OpenShift:


    oc login --token=TOKEN --server=SERVER_URL_AND_PORT


    $ oc login --token=sha256~ZvFDBvoIYAbVECixS4-WmkN4RfnNd8Neh3y1WuiFPXC --server=https://example.com:6443


    You can find your login token and URL for use on the command line from the OpenShift web console. Log in to the OpenShift web console. Click your user name, and click Copy login command. Offer your user name and password again, if asked, and click Display Token to view the command.

  2. Find and edit the VolumeSnapshotClass resource:


    $ oc get VolumeSnapshotClass -n openshift-adp
    $ oc edit VolumeSnapshotClass csi-aws-vsc -n openshift-adp

  3. Update the following values in the resource file:

    1. Under the metadata.labels section, add the velero.io/csi-volumesnapshot-class: "true" label.
    2. Save your changes, and quit the editor.
  4. Create a Backup resource:


    $ cat <<EOF | oc apply -f -
    apiVersion: velero.io/v1
    kind: Backup
      name: rhtas-backup
        velero.io/storage-location: velero-1
      namespace: openshift-adp
      schedule: 0 7 * * *
      hooks: {}
      - trusted-artifact-signer
      includedResources: []
      excludedResources: []
      snapshotMoveData: true
      storageLocation: velero-1
      ttl: 720h0m0s

    Add the schedule property to enable Cron scheduling for running this backup. In the example, this backup resource runs everyday at 7:00 a.m.

    By default, all resources are backed up within the trusted-artifact-signer namespace. You can specify what resources you want to include or exclude by using the includeResources or excludedResources properties respectively.


    Depending on the storage class of the backup target, persistent volumes cannot be actively in-use for the backup to be successful.

1.3. Restoring your Trusted Artifact Signer data

With the Red Hat Trusted Artifact Signer (RHTAS) and OpenShift API Data Protection (OADP) operators installed, and a backup resource for RHTAS namespace, you can restore your data to an OpenShift cluster.



  1. Disable the RHTAS operator:


    $ oc scale deploy rhtas-operator-controller-manager --replicas=0 -n openshift-operators

  2. Create the Restore resource:


    $ cat <<EOF | oc apply -f -
    apiVersion: velero.io/v1
    kind: Restore
      name: rhtas-restore
      namespace: openshift-adp
      backupName: rhtas-backup
      includedResources: []
          - securesign.rhtas.redhat.com
          - trillian.rhtas.redhat.com
          - ctlog.rhtas.redhat.com
          - fulcio.rhtas.redhat.com
          - rekor.rhtas.redhat.com
          - tuf.rhtas.redhat.com
          - timestampauthority.rhtas.redhat.com
      - pod
      - deployment
      - nodes
      - route
      - service
      - replicaset
      - events
      - cronjob
      - events.events.k8s.io
      - backups.velero.io
      - restores.velero.io
      - resticrepositories.velero.io
      - pods
      - deployments
      restorePVs: true
      existingResourcePolicy: update

  3. If restoring your RHTAS data to a different OpenShift cluster, do the following steps.

    1. Delete the secret for the Trillian database:


      $ oc delete secret securesign-sample-trillian-db-tls
      $ oc delete pod trillian-db-xxx


      The RHTAS operator recreates the secret and restarts the pod.

    2. Run the restoreOwnerReferences.sh script.
  4. Enable the RHTAS operator:


    $ oc scale deploy rhtas-operator-controller-manager --replicas=1 -n openshift-operators


    Immediately starting the RHTAS operator after starting the restore ensures the claim of the persistent volume.

1.4. Restore owner references script

This Bash script is for restoring the ownerReferences when restoring Red Hat Trusted Artifact Signer (RHTAS) data to a different OpenShift cluster.


# List of resources to check
RESOURCES=("Fulcio" "Rekor" "Trillian" "TimestampAuthority" "CTlog" "Tuf")

function validate_owner() {
    local RESOURCE=$1
    local ITEM=$2
    local OWNER_NAME=$3

    # Check all the labels exist and are the same
    LABELS=("app.kubernetes.io/instance" "app.kubernetes.io/part-of" "velero.io/backup-name" "velero.io/restore-name")
    for LABEL in "${LABELS[@]}"; do
        PARENT_LABEL=$(oc get Securesign "$OWNER_NAME" -o json | jq -r ".metadata.labels[\"$LABEL\"]")
        CHILD_LABEL=$(oc get $RESOURCE "$ITEM" -o json | jq -r ".metadata.labels[\"$LABEL\"]")

        if [[ -z "$CHILD_LABEL" || $CHILD_LABEL == "null" ]]; then
            echo "  $LABEL label missing in $RESOURCE"
            return 1
        elif [[ -z "$PARENT_LABEL" || $PARENT_LABEL == "null" ]]; then
            echo "  $LABEL label missing in Securesign"
            return 1
        elif [[ "$CHILD_LABEL" != "$PARENT_LABEL" ]]; then
            echo "  $LABEL labels not matching: $CHILD_LABEL != $PARENT_LABEL"
            return 1

    return 0

for RESOURCE in "${RESOURCES[@]}"; do
    echo "Checking $RESOURCE ..."

    # Get all resources missing ownerReferences
    MISSING_REFS=$(oc get $RESOURCE -o json | jq -r '.items[] | select(.metadata.ownerReferences == null) | .metadata.name')

    for ITEM in $MISSING_REFS; do
        echo "  Missing ownerReferences in $RESOURCE/$ITEM"

        # Find the expected owner based on labels
        OWNER_NAME=$(oc get $RESOURCE "$ITEM" -o json | jq -r '.metadata.labels["app.kubernetes.io/name"]')

        if [[ -z "$OWNER_NAME" || "$OWNER_NAME" == "null" ]]; then
            echo "  Skipping $RESOURCE/$ITEM: name not found in labels"

        if ! validate_owner $RESOURCE $ITEM $OWNER_NAME; then
          echo "  Skipping ..."

        # Try to get the owner's UID from Securesign
        OWNER_UID=$(oc get Securesign "$OWNER_NAME" -o jsonpath='{.metadata.uid}' 2>/dev/null)

        if [[ -z "$OWNER_UID" || "$OWNER_UID" == "null" ]]; then
            echo "  Failed to find Securesign/$OWNER_NAME UID, skipping ..."

        echo "  Found owner: Securesign/$OWNER_NAME (UID: $OWNER_UID)"

        # Patch the object with the restored ownerReference
        oc patch $RESOURCE "$ITEM" --type='merge' -p "{
          \"metadata\": {
            \"ownerReferences\": [
                \"apiVersion\": \"rhtas.redhat.com/v1alpha1\",
                \"kind\": \"Securesign\",
                \"name\": \"$OWNER_NAME\",
                \"uid\": \"$OWNER_UID\",
                \"controller\": true,
                \"blockOwnerDeletion\": true

        echo "Restored ownerReferences for $RESOURCE/$ITEM"

echo "Done"
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