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Chapter 5. Installing the Discovery command line interface

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After you have finished the procedure to install the Discovery server and database containers, you can install the Discovery command line interface (CLI) as an optional step.

The Discovery command line interface is available within the server container. Therefore, the code needed to install the command line interface is already available on the system where you installed the server and database containers, regardless of whether you used the connected or disconnected procedure for the installation.


  • You must install the Discovery command line interface on the same system where you installed the Discovery server and database containers.

5.1. Installing the Discovery command line interface

The installation process for the Discovery command line interface includes subscribing to the discovery content delivery network (CDN) repository and installing the discovery RPM package on your system.


  • You must have root privileges or their equivalent to run some of the commands in the following procedure.


To install the Discovery command line interface, use the following steps:

  1. To subscribe to the Discovery CDN repositories for your operating system version, enter the following command:

    # subscription-manager repos --enable <repository>

    In the preceding command, replace <repository> with the following values:

    • In Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8, replace <repository> with discovery-1-for-rhel-8-x86_64-rpms
    • In Red Hat Enterprise Linux 9, replace <repository> with discovery-1-for-rhel-9-x86_64-rpms
  2. To install the RPM package, enter the following command as the root user:

    # dnf install discovery-cli
  3. Configure the hostname by using the hostname command and port that the Discovery command line interface uses to communicate with the Discovery server. For the server_port value, enter the port that is being used for HTTPS communication.


    In the procedure to install the Discovery server and database containers, the value for the server_port was set by the following option in the podman run command: --publish 9443:443. If you did not use 9443 as the server port, enter the value that you used.

    $ dsc server config --host hostname --port server_port

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