Questo contenuto non è disponibile nella lingua selezionata.

Chapter 2. Application life cycle management

2.1. Creating applications using the Developer perspective

The Developer perspective in the web console provides you the following options from the Add view to create applications and associated services and deploy them on OpenShift Container Platform:

Add View
  • From Git: Use this option to import an existing codebase in a Git repository to create, build, and deploy an application on OpenShift Container Platform.
  • Container Image: Use existing images from an image stream or registry to deploy it on to OpenShift Container Platform.
  • From Catalog: Explore the Developer Catalog to select the required applications, services, or source to image builders and add it to your project.
  • From Dockerfile: Import a dockerfile from your Git repository to build and deploy an application.
  • YAML: Use the editor to add YAML or JSON definitions to create and modify resources.
  • Add Database: See the Developer Catalog to select the required database service and add it to your application.

The serverless sections in the above options are displayed only if the Serverless Operator is installed in your cluster. OpenShift Serverless is a Technology Preview feature.


To create applications using the Developer perspective ensure that:

2.1.1. Importing a codebase from Git to create an application

The following procedure walks you through the Import from Git option in the Developer perspective to create an application.

Create, build, and deploy an application on OpenShift Container Platform using an existing codebase in GitHub as follows:


  1. In the Add view, click From Git to see the Import from git form.

    Import from Git
  2. In the Git section, enter the Git repository URL for the codebase you want to use to create an application. For example, enter the URL of this sample nodejs application
  3. Optional: You can click Show Advanced Git Options to add details such as:

    • Git Reference to point to code in a specific branch, tag, or commit to be used to build the application.
    • Context Dir to specify the subdirectory for the application source code you want to use to build the application.
    • Source Secret to create a Secret Name with credentials for pulling your source code from a private repository.
  4. In the Builder section, select the required builder image to see the details of the builder image. If required, you can change the version using the Builder Image Version drop-down list. For example, select the Node.js builder image.
  5. In the General section:

    1. In the Application Name field, enter a unique name for the application grouping, for example, myapp. Ensure that the application name is unique in a namespace.
    2. The Name field to identify the resources created for this application is automatically populated.


      The resource name must be unique in a namespace. Modify the resource name if you get an error.

  6. In the Serverless section, select Enable scaling to zero when idle to create a serverless application that automatically scales your Pods to zero to prevent consumption of resources when idle.


    The Serverless section is displayed in the Import from git form only if the Serverless Operator is installed in your cluster. For further details refer to documentation on installing OpenShift Serverless.

  7. In the Advanced Options section, the Create a route to the application is selected by default so that you can access your application using a publicly available URL. You can clear the check box if you do not want to expose your application on a public route.
  8. Optional: You can use the following advanced options to further customize your application:


    Click the Routing link to:

    • Customize the hostname for the route.
    • Specify the path the router watches.
    • Select the target port for the traffic from the drop-down list.
    • Secure your route by selecting the Secure Route check box. Select the required TLS termination type and set a policy for insecure traffic from the respective drop-down lists.

      For serverless applications, the Knative Service manages all the routing options above. However, you can customize the target port for traffic, if required. If the target port is not specified, the default port of 8080 is used.

    Build and Deployment Configuration
    Click the Build Configuration and Deployment Configuration links to see the respective configuration options. Some of the options are selected by default; you can customize them further by adding the necessary triggers and environment variables. For serverless applications, the Deployment Configuration option is not displayed as the Knative configuration resource maintains the desired state for your deployment instead of a DeploymentConfig.

    Click the Scaling link to define the number of Pods or instances of the application you want to deploy initially.

    For serverless applications, you can:

    • Set the upper and lower limit for the number of pods that can be set by the autoscaler. If the lower limit is not specified, it defaults to zero.
    • Define the soft limit for the required number of concurrent requests per instance of the application at a given time. It is the recommended configuration for autoscaling. If not specified, it takes the value specified in the cluster configuration.
    • Define the hard limit for the number of concurrent requests allowed per instance of the application at a given time. This is configured in the revision template. If not specified, it defaults to the value specified in the cluster configuration.
    Resource Limit
    Click the Resource Limit link to set the amount of CPU and Memory resources a container is guaranteed or allowed to use when running.
    Click the Labels link to add custom labels to your application.
  9. Click Create to create the application and see its build status in the Topology view.

2.2. Creating applications from installed Operators

Operators are a method of packaging, deploying, and managing a Kubernetes application. You can create applications on OpenShift Container Platform using Operators that have been installed by a cluster administrator.

This guide walks developers through an example of creating applications from an installed Operator using the OpenShift Container Platform web console.

Additional resources

  • See the Operators guide for more on how Operators work and how the Operator Lifecycle Manager is integrated in OpenShift Container Platform.

2.2.1. Creating an etcd cluster using an Operator

This procedure walks through creating a new etcd cluster using the etcd Operator, managed by the Operator Lifecycle Manager (OLM).


  • Access to an OpenShift Container Platform 4.2 cluster.
  • The etcd Operator already installed cluster-wide by an administrator.


  1. Create a new project in the OpenShift Container Platform web console for this procedure. This example uses a project called my-etcd.
  2. Navigate to the Operators Installed Operators page. The Operators that have been installed to the cluster by the cluster administrator and are available for use are shown here as a list of ClusterServiceVersions (CSVs). CSVs are used to launch and manage the software provided by the Operator.


    You can get this list from the CLI using:

    $ oc get csv
  3. On the Installed Operators page, click Copied, and then click the etcd Operator to view more details and available actions:

    Figure 2.1. etcd Operator overview

    etcd operator overview

    As shown under Provided APIs, this Operator makes available three new resource types, including one for an etcd Cluster (the EtcdCluster resource). These objects work similar to the built-in native Kubernetes ones, such as Deployments or ReplicaSets, but contain logic specific to managing etcd.

  4. Create a new etcd cluster:

    1. In the etcd Cluster API box, click Create New.
    2. The next screen allows you to make any modifications to the minimal starting template of an EtcdCluster object, such as the size of the cluster. For now, click Create to finalize. This triggers the Operator to start up the Pods, Services, and other components of the new etcd cluster.
  5. Click the Resources tab to see that your project now contains a number of resources created and configured automatically by the Operator.

    Figure 2.2. etcd Operator resources

    etcd operator resources

    Verify that a Kubernetes service has been created that allows you to access the database from other Pods in your project.

  6. All users with the edit role in a given project can create, manage, and delete application instances (an etcd cluster, in this example) managed by Operators that have already been created in the project, in a self-service manner, just like a cloud service. If you want to enable additional users with this ability, project administrators can add the role using the following command:

    $ oc policy add-role-to-user edit <user> -n <target_project>

You now have an etcd cluster that will react to failures and rebalance data as Pods become unhealthy or are migrated between nodes in the cluster. Most importantly, cluster administrators or developers with proper access can now easily use the database with their applications.

2.3. Creating applications using the CLI

You can create an OpenShift Container Platform application from components that include source or binary code, images, and templates by using the OpenShift Container Platform CLI.

The set of objects created by new-app depends on the artifacts passed as input: source repositories, images, or templates.

2.3.1. Creating an application from source code

With the new-app command you can create applications from source code in a local or remote Git repository.

The new-app command creates a build configuration, which itself creates a new application image from your source code. The new-app command typically also creates a deployment configuration to deploy the new image, and a service to provide load-balanced access to the deployment running your image.

OpenShift Container Platform automatically detects whether the Pipeline or Source build strategy should be used, and in the case of Source builds, detects an appropriate language builder image. Local

To create an application from a Git repository in a local directory:

$ oc new-app /<path to source code>

If you use a local Git repository, the repository must have a remote named origin that points to a URL that is accessible by the OpenShift Container Platform cluster. If there is no recognized remote, running the new-app command will create a binary build. Remote

To create an application from a remote Git repository:

$ oc new-app

To create an application from a private remote Git repository:

$ oc new-app --source-secret=yoursecret

If you use a private remote Git repository, you can use the --source-secret flag to specify an existing source clone secret that will get injected into your BuildConfig to access the repository.

You can use a subdirectory of your source code repository by specifying a --context-dir flag. To create an application from a remote Git repository and a context subdirectory:

$ oc new-app \

Also, when specifying a remote URL, you can specify a Git branch to use by appending #<branch_name> to the end of the URL:

$ oc new-app Build strategy detection

If a Jenkinsfile exists in the root or specified context directory of the source repository when creating a new application, OpenShift Container Platform generates a Pipeline build strategy.

Otherwise, it generates a Source build strategy.

Override the build strategy by setting the --strategy flag to either pipeline or source.

$ oc new-app /home/user/code/myapp --strategy=docker

The oc command requires that files containing build sources are available in a remote Git repository. For all source builds, you must use git remote -v. Language Detection

If you use the Source build strategy, new-app attempts to determine the language builder to use by the presence of certain files in the root or specified context directory of the repository:

Table 2.1. Languages Detected by new-app


project.json, *.csproj




app.json, package.json




composer.json, index.php




Gemfile, Rakefile,




Godeps, main.go

After a language is detected, new-app searches the OpenShift Container Platform server for imagestreamtags that have a supports annotation matching the detected language, or an imagestream that matches the name of the detected language. If a match is not found, new-app searches the Docker Hub registry for an image that matches the detected language based on name.

You can override the image the builder uses for a particular source repository by specifying the image, either an imagestream or container specification, and the repository with a ~ as a separator. Note that if this is done, build strategy detection and language detection are not carried out.

For example, to use the myproject/my-ruby imagestream with the source in a remote repository:

$ oc new-app myproject/my-ruby~

To use the openshift/ruby-20-centos7:latest container imagestream with the source in a local repository:

$ oc new-app openshift/ruby-20-centos7:latest~/home/user/code/my-ruby-app

Language detection requires the Git client to be locally installed so that your repository can be cloned and inspected. If Git is not available, you can avoid the language detection step by specifying the builder image to use with your repository with the <image>~<repository> syntax.

The -i <image> <repository> invocation requires that new-app attempt to clone repository in order to determine what type of artifact it is, so this will fail if Git is not available.

The -i <image> --code <repository> invocation requires new-app clone repository in order to determine whether image should be used as a builder for the source code, or deployed separately, as in the case of a database image.

2.3.2. Creating an application from an image

You can deploy an application from an existing image. Images can come from imagestreams in the OpenShift Container Platform server, images in a specific registry, or images in the local Docker server.

The new-app command attempts to determine the type of image specified in the arguments passed to it. However, you can explicitly tell new-app whether the image is a container image using the --docker-image argument or an imagestream using the -i|--image argument.


If you specify an image from your local Docker repository, you must ensure that the same image is available to the OpenShift Container Platform cluster nodes. DockerHub MySQL image

Create an application from the DockerHub MySQL image, for example:

$ oc new-app mysql Image in a private registry

Create an application using an image in a private registry, specify the full container image specification:

$ oc new-app myregistry:5000/example/myimage Existing imagestream and optional imagestreamtag

Create an application from an existing imagestream and optional imagestreamtag:

$ oc new-app my-stream:v1

2.3.3. Creating an application from a template

You can create an application from a previously stored template or from a template file, by specifying the name of the template as an argument. For example, you can store a sample application template and use it to create an application.

Create an application from a stored template, for example:

$ oc create -f examples/sample-app/application-template-stibuild.json
$ oc new-app ruby-helloworld-sample

To directly use a template in your local file system, without first storing it in OpenShift Container Platform, use the -f|--file argument. For example:

$ oc new-app -f examples/sample-app/application-template-stibuild.json Template Parameters

When creating an application based on a template, use the -p|--param argument to set parameter values that are defined by the template:

$ oc new-app ruby-helloworld-sample \
    -p ADMIN_USERNAME=admin -p ADMIN_PASSWORD=mypassword

You can store your parameters in a file, then use that file with --param-file when instantiating a template. If you want to read the parameters from standard input, use --param-file=-:

$ cat helloworld.params
$ oc new-app ruby-helloworld-sample --param-file=helloworld.params
$ cat helloworld.params | oc new-app ruby-helloworld-sample --param-file=-

2.3.4. Modifying application creation

The new-app command generates OpenShift Container Platform objects that build, deploy, and run the application that is created. Normally, these objects are created in the current project and assigned names that are derived from the input source repositories or the input images. However, with new-app you can modify this behavior.

Table 2.2. new-app output objects


A BuildConfig is created for each source repository that is specified in the command line. The BuildConfig specifies the strategy to use, the source location, and the build output location.


For BuildConfig, two ImageStreams are usually created. One represents the input image. With Source builds, this is the builder image. With Docker builds, this is the FROM image. The second one represents the output image. If a container image was specified as input to new-app, then an imagestream is created for that image as well.


A DeploymentConfig is created either to deploy the output of a build, or a specified image. The new-app command creates emptyDir volumes for all Docker volumes that are specified in containers included in the resulting DeploymentConfig.


The new-app command attempts to detect exposed ports in input images. It uses the lowest numeric exposed port to generate a service that exposes that port. In order to expose a different port, after new-app has completed, simply use the oc expose command to generate additional services.


Other objects can be generated when instantiating templates, according to the template. Specifying environment variables

When generating applications from a template, source, or an image, you can use the -e|--env argument to pass environment variables to the application container at run time:

$ oc new-app openshift/postgresql-92-centos7 \
    -e POSTGRESQL_USER=user \

The variables can also be read from file using the --env-file argument:

$ cat postgresql.env
$ oc new-app openshift/postgresql-92-centos7 --env-file=postgresql.env

Additionally, environment variables can be given on standard input by using --env-file=-:

$ cat postgresql.env | oc new-app openshift/postgresql-92-centos7 --env-file=-

Any BuildConfig objects created as part of new-app processing are not updated with environment variables passed with the -e|--env or --env-file argument. Specifying build environment variables

When generating applications from a template, source, or an image, you can use the --build-env argument to pass environment variables to the build container at run time:

$ oc new-app openshift/ruby-23-centos7 \
    --build-env HTTP_PROXY= \
    --build-env GEM_HOME=~/.gem

The variables can also be read from a file using the --build-env-file argument:

$ cat ruby.env
$ oc new-app openshift/ruby-23-centos7 --build-env-file=ruby.env

Additionally, environment variables can be given on standard input by using --build-env-file=-:

$ cat ruby.env | oc new-app openshift/ruby-23-centos7 --build-env-file=- Specifying labels

When generating applications from source, images, or templates, you can use the -l|--label argument to add labels to the created objects. Labels make it easy to collectively select, configure, and delete objects associated with the application.

$ oc new-app -l name=hello-world Viewing the output without creation

To see a dry-run of running the new-app command, you can use the -o|--output argument with a yaml or json value. You can then use the output to preview the objects that are created or redirect it to a file that you can edit. After you are satisfied, you can use oc create to create the OpenShift Container Platform objects.

To output new-app artifacts to a file, edit them, then create them:

$ oc new-app \
    -o yaml > myapp.yaml
$ vi myapp.yaml
$ oc create -f myapp.yaml Creating objects with different names

Objects created by new-app are normally named after the source repository, or the image used to generate them. You can set the name of the objects produced by adding a --name flag to the command:

$ oc new-app --name=myapp Creating objects in a different project

Normally, new-app creates objects in the current project. However, you can create objects in a different project by using the -n|--namespace argument:

$ oc new-app -n myproject Creating multiple objects

The new-app command allows creating multiple applications specifying multiple parameters to new-app. Labels specified in the command line apply to all objects created by the single command. Environment variables apply to all components created from source or images.

To create an application from a source repository and a Docker Hub image:

$ oc new-app mysql

If a source code repository and a builder image are specified as separate arguments, new-app uses the builder image as the builder for the source code repository. If this is not the intent, specify the required builder image for the source using the ~ separator. Grouping images and source in a single Pod

The new-app command allows deploying multiple images together in a single Pod. In order to specify which images to group together, use the + separator. The --group command line argument can also be used to specify the images that should be grouped together. To group the image built from a source repository with other images, specify its builder image in the group:

$ oc new-app ruby+mysql

To deploy an image built from source and an external image together:

$ oc new-app \
    ruby~ \
    mysql \
    --group=ruby+mysql Searching for images, templates, and other inputs

To search for images, templates, and other inputs for the oc new-app command, add the --search and --list flags. For example, to find all of the images or templates that include PHP:

$ oc new-app --search php

2.4. Viewing application composition using the Topology view

The Topology view in the Developer perspective of the web console provides a visual representation of all the applications within a project, their build status, and the components and services associated with them.


To view your applications in the Topology view and interact with them, ensure that:

2.4.1. Viewing the topology of your application

You can navigate to the Topology view using the left navigation panel in the Developer perspective. After you create an application, you are directed automatically to the Topology view where you can see the status of the application Pods, quickly access the application on a public URL, access the source code to modify it, and see the status of your last build. You can zoom in and out to see more details for a particular application.

A serverless application is visually indicated with the Knative symbol ( odc serverless app ).


Serverless applications take some time to load and display on the Topology view. When you create a serverless application, it first creates a service resource and then a revision. After that it is deployed and displayed on the Topology view. If it is the only workload, you might be redirected to the Add page. Once the revision is deployed, the serverless application is displayed on the Topology view.

The status or phase of the Pod is indicated by different colors and tooltips as Running ( odc pod running ), Not Ready ( odc pod not ready ), Warning( odc pod warning ), Failed( odc pod failed ), Pending( odc pod pending ), Succeeded( odc pod succeeded ), Terminating( odc pod terminating ), or Unknown( odc pod unknown ). For more information about pod status, see the Kubernetes documentation.

After you create an application and an image is deployed, the status is shown as Pending. After the application is built, it is displayed as Running.

Application Topology

The application resource name is appended with indicators for the different types of resource objects as follows:

  • DC: DeploymentConfigs
  • D: Deployment
  • SS: StatefulSet
  • DS: Daemonset

2.4.2. Interacting with the application

The Topology view in the Developer perspective of the web console provides the following options to interact with the application:

  • Click Open URL ( odc open url ) to see your application exposed by the route on a public URL.
  • Click Edit Source code to access your source code and modify it.


    This feature is available only when you create applications using the From Git, From Catalog, and the From Dockerfile options.

    If the Eclipse Che Operator is installed in your cluster, a Che workspace ( odc che workspace ) is created and you are directed to the workspace to edit your source code. If it is not installed, you will be directed to the Git repository ( odc git repository ) your source code is hosted in.

  • Hover your cursor over the lower left icon on the Pod to see the name of the latest build and its status. The status of the application build is indicated as New ( odc build new ), Pending ( odc build pending ), Running ( odc build running ), Completed ( odc build completed ), Failed ( odc build failed ), and Canceled ( odc build canceled ).

2.4.3. Scaling application pods and checking builds and routes

The Topology view provides the details of the deployed components in the Overview panel. You can use the Overview and Resources tabs to scale the application Pods, check build status, services, and routes as follows:

  • Click on the component node to see the Overview panel to the right. Use the Overview tab to:

    • Scale your Pods using the up and down arrows to increase or decrease the number of instances of the application manually. For serverless applications, the Pods are automatically scaled down to zero when idle and scaled up depending on the channel traffic.
    • Check the Labels, Annotations, and Status of the application.
  • Click the Resources tab to:

    • See the list of all the Pods, view their status, access logs, and click on the Pod to see the Pod details.
    • See the builds, their status, access logs, and start a new build if needed.
    • See the services and routes used by the component.

    For serverless applications, the Resources tab provides information on the revision, routes, and the configurations used for that component.

2.4.4. Grouping multiple components within an application

You can use the Add page to add multiple components or services to your project and use the Topology page to group applications and resources within an application group. The following procedure adds a MongoDB database service to an existing application with a Node.js component.


  • Ensure that you have created and deployed a Node.js application on OpenShift Container Platform using the Developer perspective.


  1. Create and deploy the MongoDB service to your project as follows:

    1. In the Developer perspective, navigate to the Add view and select the Database option to see the Developer Catalog, which has multiple options that you can add as components or services to your application.
    2. Click on the MongoDB option to see the details for the service.
    3. Click Instantiate Template to see an automatically populated template with details for the MongoDB service, and click Create to create the service.
  2. On the left navigation panel, click Topology to see the MongoDB service deployed in your project.
  3. To add the MongoDB service to the existing application group, select the mongodb Pod and drag it to the application; the MongoDB service is added to the existing application group.
  4. Dragging a component and adding it to an application group automatically adds the required labels to the component. Click on the MongoDB service node to see the label added to the Labels section in the Overview Panel.

    Application Grouping

Alternatively, you can also add the component to an application as follows:

  1. To add the MongoDB service to your application, click on the mongodb Pod to see the Overview panel to the right.
  2. Click the Actions drop-down menu on the upper right of the panel and select Edit Application Grouping.
  3. In the Edit Application Grouping dialog box, click the Select an Application drop-down list, and select the appropriate application group.
  4. Click Save to see the MongoDB service added to the application group.

2.4.5. Connecting components within an application and across applications

In addition to grouping multiple components within an application, you can also use the Topology view to connect components with each other. You can connect a MongoDB service with a Node.js application as follows:


  • Ensure that you have created and deployed a Node.js application on OpenShift Container Platform using the Developer perspective.
  • Ensure that you have created and deployed a MongoDB service on OpenShift Container Platform using the Developer perspective.


  1. Hover over the MongoDB service to see a dangling arrow on the node.

  2. Click and drag the arrow towards the Node.js component to connect the MongoDB service with it.
  3. Click on the MongoDB service to see the Overview Panel. In the Annotations section, click the edit icon to see the Key = and Value = nodejs-ex annotation added to the service.


    Similarly you can create other applications and components and establish connections between them.

    Connecting Multiple Applications

2.4.6. Labels and annotations used for the Topology view

The Topology view uses the following labels and annotations:

Icon displayed in the node
Icons in the node are defined by looking for matching icons using the label, followed by the label. This matching is done using a predefined set of icons.
Link to the source code editor or the source
The annotation is used to create links to the source code editor.
Node Connector
The annotation is used to connect the nodes.
App grouping
The<appname> label is used to group the applications, services, and components.

For detailed information on the labels and annotations OpenShift Container Platform applications must use, see Guidelines for labels and annotations for OpenShift applications.

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