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11.7.14. Hot Rod Stats Operation
This operation returns a summary of all available statistics. For each returned statistic, a name and value is returned in both string and UTF-8 formats.
The following are supported statistics for this operation:
Name | Details |
timeSinceStart | Contains the number of seconds since Hot Rod started. |
currentNumberOfEntries | Contains the number of entries that currently exist in the Hot Rod server. |
totalNumberOfEntries | Contains the total number of entries stored in the Hot Rod server. |
stores | Contains the number of put operations attempted. |
retrievals | Contains the number of get operations attempted. |
hits | Contains the number of get hits. |
misses | Contains the number of get misses. |
removeHits | Contains the number of remove hits. |
removeMisses | Contains the number of removal misses. |
The response header for this operation contains the following:
Name | Data Type | Details |
Header | - | - |
Number of Stats | vInt | Contains the number of individual statistics returned. |
Name Length | vInt | Contains the length of the named statistic. |
Name | string | Contains the name of the statistic. |
Value Length | vInt | Contains the length of the value. |
Value | string | Contains the statistic value. |
The values
Name Length
, Name
, Value Length
and Value
recur for each statistic requested.