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Chapter 8. Creating a Podman site in a restricted environment

In a production environment which has no or limited internet access, you might need to mirror the required images to create a site.

This procedure outlines how to use Podman and tar files for managing container images. If a registry is available in the restricted environment, the same process can be followed. Ensure that the environment variables are set to reference the images in the registry after they have been populated.


If you want to use a Linux machine with a proxy to pull images, you can configure Podman to use a proxy:

$ systemctl --user edit podman

Add the following to the service definition:


To ensure that podman uses the new configuration:

$ systemctl --user daemon-reload
$ systemctl --user restart podman


  • A Linux machine with internet access to download the images.
  • A Linux machine in a restricted environment where you want to create the site.

This can be one machine, where the machine is moved to the restricted environment.


  1. Log in to on the machine with internet access:

    $ podman login -u USERNAME -p PASSWORD
  2. Download the images required for a Podman site by creating a site:

    $ skupper init

    If you require a console, use the following command to ensure the extra images are downloaded

    $ skupper init --enable-console --enable-flow-collector

    After creating the site, the following images are listed using podman image ls -a:

    • (console only)
    • (console only)

    The tags are determined by the version of the skupper CLI.

  3. Create tar files for each image, for example:

    $ podman save -o skupper-controller.tar<tag>

    where <tag> is the tag shown from using the podman image ls -a command.

  4. Copy the tar files to the machine in the restricted environment.
  5. On the machine in the restricted environment, load the image from the tar files, for example:

    podman load -i skupper-controller.tar
  6. Change the image tags to remove reference to

    podman tag<tag> service-interconnect/skupper-router-rhel9:<tag>

    This step is required to avoid the machine attempting to pull images from

  7. Configure the skupper CLI to use the mirrored images by setting the following environment variables:

    $ export SKUPPER_CONTROLLER_PODMAN_IMAGE=service-interconnect/skupper-controller-podman-rhel9:<tag>
    $ export QDROUTERD_IMAGE=service-interconnect/skupper-router-rhel9:<tag>

    If you require a console, you also require the following environment variables:

    $ export SKUPPER_FLOW_COLLECTOR_IMAGE=service-interconnect/skupper-flow-collector-rhel9:<tag>
    $ export PROMETHEUS_SERVER_IMAGE=openshift4/ose-prometheus:<tag>
  8. Create a site, for example:

    $ skupper init
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