

11.2. Known Issues

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  • cURL is a tool for getting files from FTP, HTTP, Gopher, Telnet, and Dict servers, using any of the supported protocols. The cURL API, and consequently, the python bindings for cURL, do not provide textual messages for errors. Therefore, all applications that use the python bindings for cURL will return errors in formats such as:
     Pycurl Error 6 - ""
    instead of more useful messages such as:
     Pycurl Error 6 - "Could not resolve hostname: blah.example.com"
    cURL error codes can be manually interpreted by reading the /usr/include/curl/curl.h file.
  • Due to a deficiency in java-1.6.0-ibm-plugin for AMD64 and Intel 64, IBM Java 6 Web Start cannot open JNLP files. This affects file management tools and WWW browsers. To work around this open JNLP files using the command:
    /usr/lib/jvm/jre-1.6.0-ibm.x86_64/bin/javaws file.jnpl
    Note that 32-bit packages are not affected by this issue.
  • Under some circumstances on the PPC64 architecture, Ruby does not save the context correctly when switching threads. Consequently, when a thread is restored it has a stale value which might return a architecture fault.
  • Under some circumstances, libdfp encounters an issue converting some values from string to DFP with the conversion command strtod32. The strtod64 and strtod128 commands do work correctly.
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