

Chapter 4. Desktop

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Multiple mount changes no longer cause performance drop for clients of the GUnixMountMonitor object

Previously, when the autofs program initiated multiple mount changes in a short period of time, services using the GUnixMountMonitor object caused a high CPU load. This update makes it possible to skip accumulated file change events of the /proc/mounts file that cannot be handled in real-time. As a result, the CPU load for the clients of GUnixMountMonitor is lower. (BZ#1154183)

xfreerdp client now works correctly on systems with enabled FIPS mode

Previously, when the xfreerdp client was used on systems with enabled FIPS mode, it exited unexpectedly due to usage of FIPS non-compliant encryption algorithms. This update ensures that xfreerdp does not exit unexpectedly when it is used with FIPS mode enabled and that FIPS security encryption method is negotiated. As a result, xfreerdp now works correctly with the RDP and TLS security protocols on systems with enabled FIPS mode.
However, an error now occurs if the Network Level Authentication (NLA) protocol is required, because its implementation requires FIPS non-compliant algorithms. (BZ#1347920)
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