

5.219. openldap

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Updated openldap packages that fix one security issue and one bug are now available for Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6.
The Red Hat Security Response Team has rated this update as having low security impact. A Common Vulnerability Scoring System (CVSS) base score, which gives a detailed severity rating, is available for each vulnerability from the CVE link(s) associated with each description below.
OpenLDAP is an open source suite of LDAP (Lightweight Directory Access Protocol) applications and development tools.

Security Fix

It was found that the OpenLDAP server daemon ignored olcTLSCipherSuite settings. This resulted in the default cipher suite always being used, which could lead to weaker than expected ciphers being accepted during Transport Layer Security (TLS) negotiation with OpenLDAP clients.

Bug Fix

When the smbk5pwd overlay was enabled in an OpenLDAP server, and a user changed their password, the Microsoft NT LAN Manager (NTLM) and Microsoft LAN Manager (LM) hashes were not computed correctly. This led to the sambaLMPassword and sambaNTPassword attributes being updated with incorrect values, preventing the user logging in using a Windows-based client or a Samba client.
With this update, the smbk5pwd overlay is linked against OpenSSL. As such, the NTLM and LM hashes are computed correctly, and password changes work as expected when using smbk5pwd.
Users of OpenLDAP are advised to upgrade to these updated packages, which contain backported patches to correct these issues. After installing this update, the OpenLDAP daemons will be restarted automatically.
Updated openldap packages that fix a security issue and several bugs are now available for Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6.
The Red Hat Security Response Team has rated this update as having low security impact. Common Vulnerability Scoring System (CVSS) base scores, which give detailed severity ratings, are available for each vulnerability from the CVE links associated with each description below.
OpenLDAP is an open-source suite of LDAP (Lightweight Directory Access Protocol) applications and development tools. LDAP is a set of protocols for accessing directory services (usually phone-book style information, but other information is possible) over the Internet, similar to the way DNS (Domain Name System) information is propagated over the Internet. The openldap package contains configuration files, libraries, and documentation for OpenLDAP.

Security Fix

A denial of service flaw was found in the way the OpenLDAP server daemon (slapd) processed certain search queries requesting only attributes and no values. In certain configurations, a remote attacker could issue a specially-crafted LDAP search query that, when processed by slapd, would cause slapd to crash due to an assertion failure.

Bug Fixes

When OpenLDAP was set with master-master replication and with the "unique" overlay configured on the back-end database, a server failed to synchronize after getting online. An upstream patch has been applied and the overlay no longer causes breaches in synchronization.
When the OpenLDAP server was enabled on the ldaps port (636), this port could already be taken by another process using the bindresvport() call. Consequently, the slapd daemon could not bind to the ldaps port. This update adds a configuration file for the portreserve service to reserve the ldaps port and this port is now always available for slapd.
When the OpenLDAP server was running with the "constraint" overlay enabled and the "count" restrictions configured, specific modify operations could cause "count" restriction violation without the overlay detecting it. Now, the count overlay has been fixed to detect such situations and the server returns the "constraint violation" error as expected.
If the slapd daemon was set up with master-master replication over TLS, when started, it terminated unexpectedly with a segmentation fault due to accessing unallocated memory. This update applies a patch that copies and stores the TLS initialization parameters, until the deferred TLS initialization takes place and the crashes no longer occur in the described scenario.
When an OpenLDAP server used TLS and a problem with loading the server key occurred, the server terminated unexpectedly with a segmentation fault due to accessing uninitialized memory. With this update, variables holding TLS certificate and keys are properly initialized, the server no longer crashes in the described scenario, and information about the failure is logged instead.
Due to a bug in the libldap library, when a remote LDAP server responded with a referral to a client query and the referral chasing was enabled in the library on the client, a memory leak occurred in libldap. An upstream patch has been provided to address this issue and memory leaks no longer occur in the described scenario.
If a client established a TLS connection to a remote server, which had a certificate issued by a commonly trusted certificate authority (CA), the server certificate was rejected because the CA certificate could not be found. Now, during the package installation, certificate database is created and a module with a trusted root CA is loaded. Trusted CAs shipped with the Mozilla NSS package are used and TLS connections to a remote server now work as expected.
Under certain conditions, when the unbind operation was called and the ldap handle was destroyed, the library attempted to close the connection socket, which was already closed. Consequently, warning messages from the valgrind utility were returned. An upstream patch has been applied, additional checks before closing a connection socket have been added, and the socket in the described scenario is now closed only once with no warnings returned.
Previously, description of the SASL_NOCANON option was missing under the "SASL OPTIONS" section in the ldap.conf man page. This update amends the man page.
When mutually exclusive options "-w" and "-W" were passed to any OpenLDAP client tool, the tool terminated with an assertion error. Upstream patch has been applied and client tools now do not start if these options are passed on the command line together, thus preventing this bug.
Previously, description of the "-o" and "-N" options was missing in man pages for OpenLDAP client tools. This update amends the man pages.
When the "memberof" overlay was set up on top of the front end database, the server terminated unexpectedly with a segmentation fault if an entry was modified of deleted. With this update, the "memberof" overlay can no longer be set up on top of the front end database. Instead, it is required to be set up on top the back end database or databases. Now, the crash no longer occurs in the described scenario.
When a utility from the openldap-clients package was called without a specified URL, a memory leak occurred. An upstream patch has been applied to address this issue and the bug no longer occurs in the described scenario.
When connecting to a remote LDAP server with TLS enabled, while the TLS_CACERTDIR parameter was set to Mozilla NSS certificate database and the TLS_CACERT parameter was set to PEM bundle with CA certificates, certificates from the PEM bundle were not loaded. If the signing CA certificate was present only in the PEM CA bundle specified by TLS_CACERT, validation of the remote certificate failed. This update allows loading of CA certificates from the PEM bundle file if the Mozilla NSS certificate database is set up as well. As a result, the validation succeeds in the described scenario.
Users of openldap are advised to upgrade to these updated packages, which fix this issue and these bugs.
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